Thank you for sharing this. I consider myself to be a Christian, but I will certainly vote Democrat in all upcoming elections. I don't understand the hate these so called Christians have for others. My religion tells me to love everyone, even Republicans. (I will admit that is the hardest part for me to do.)

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Southern Baptist Convention worked hard to brainwash those Christians, overtook the radio airwaves. It worked too. Got Reagan elected💔

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My Mom was an atheist and hated church. She voted for Reagan and she was a Democrat.

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A lot of people then were blinded by a the GOP lies back then. I voted for Reagan and 18 and never voted Republican again after I realized what they were all about.

My hubby is Jewish and still registered republican (he didn't vote for trump).

But he still spouts the "fiscally conservative" and "both sides" crap.

My marriage has been tumultuous since tRump. FML😫

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My husband is Christian and I am Jewish and thank gd our politics and music are mutual! 💙💙💙🪘🪕🎷🎺🎸🎹🎯

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Oh bless you both. You are truly lucky. It's so hard otherwise.

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Our eating habits are vastly different however. He’s a meat and potatoes and pasta guy and I love seafood and veggies… but we make it work.

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I've actually never voted. I just don't have a horse in that race where most political figures are liars regardless of parties. I just can’t support hypocrisy. But that’s just me and my individual choice.

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Oh brother.

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To love someone doesn’t mean to allow them to harm or destroy you. Jesus did that FOR us. It’s not our jobs to be martyrs. wise folks, learn to listen well, believe, evil ones, who tell us their intent is to harm and destroy us, and NOT support, vote for them, as politicians, to govern us! Be come wise as serpents, innocents as doves. As Jesus taught his disciples. Believe the liars. And don’t give them authority. For like vipers they Will bite with poison and kill you!

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Several years ago Trump read the poem The Snake. It is as if he told everyone up front, "If you vote for me you are going to deserve what you get because I have warned you in advance that I am The Snake."

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Joe Biden told an entire race of Black Americans if you don’t vote for him you’re not Black. There hv been several articles published including NYT that Black males are supporting Trump. I can hear the replies already “Theyre Uncle Tom’s, Plantation Servants, Oreo’s”. In other words, if you don’t believe me you’re worthless

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I think that you made that quote up. Maybe you can post a link to where he made that comment. Despite that misdirection on your part, it has nothing at all to do with churches telling their members that they can't be Christian if they are Democrats. That is politicizing religion and the churches who are promoting that "false doctrine" should willing give up their 501(c)(3) tax exemptions so that they can continue to shill for Trump and the GOP. Non-profits cannot promote political positions.

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With all due respect, truth is indeed objective - there’s a recording of it and it’s not AI - it provides the insight into where Democrats want to take the Country for the purpose of remaining in power. He Said It

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The Bible is against murder, which abortion is..God said he knew you while you were in your mother's womb. Doctors take oaths to first do no harm... Whole entire cities were destroyed and it's mentioned throughout the Bible how God is against anything but male and female. God isn't for guns, no one ever said that...not ever. It's against the United States Constitution, the second amendment... Has nothing to do with religion.And yes your religion, if you believe in God, that the Bible is the completely accurate, inspired word if the creator of the universe who sent his son to die for all of your sins.. was resurrected and who is coming back..is against abortion, lgbtq...and if you are Person who loves your country and what is stands for and what it took to get to what our country means and the men and women who died for US citizens to have second amendment rights ...provided the blanket of freedom you and your family sleeps under.. well, there's that too.not to mention the economy is the worst it's ever been and there are no jobs and the value of the dollar is much worse. This country was found for freedom of religion and Harvard and Yale and all the ivy League schools started to train preachers and in God we trust meant something...This country is sooo far away from God..like Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Persia, England...the greatest, biggest, powerful countries in history...one thing in common, they all fell..the US is next. We turned our backs on God, so did they. Democrat or Republican... You better start praying and put Godly values first

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Me too!

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Organised religion all preach tolerance. Few practice it. Tolerance of those we don't take to is hard but it is what Christ demanded of us. An intolerant Christian is an oxymoron. And there are a lot of oxymorons around it seems.

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You sound like you’re one of the rich kids on campus protesting in favor of the genocide of Israel. You have no problem setting up your little tents and spewing your hate towards Jews.

Where were / are all the bleeding heart Democrats when the genocide in Darfur and Rwanda was taking place? Where was their protest and violence against Jewish students and faculty.

Hitler used religion as an excuse to kill 6 million Jews - now we have Democrats who want to continue with the work Hitler didn’t finish - we can see the Hatred of the holier than thou Democrats calling for the elimination of Israel

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I’m with you until you say democrats… the left progressive wing of the party are too extreme, however so is the right. Please don’t support the maga cult.

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I’m not a rich college student; I’m a 61 yo grandmother who is appalled by the wholesale slaughter of innocent women and children in Palestine by the Israeli government and military. I am against the forced removal of Palestinians to make homes for others. (And I’m pretty sure you’d be upset by a group forcing you from your home)

The vast majority of these students are not pro- Hamas. I imagine most are against violence. I ask you to put yourself in the shoes of a Palestinian forced to flee from their home only to be fired upon in the place they were told to flee to. That’s what these students are protesting

There are many many Jews who are opposed to what the Israeli government is doing.

I hope I’ve given you something to consider.

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Please read your history! Palestinians are frightened or paid by terrorists to kill Israelis. Qatar and Iran and UNRWA have paid them and trained them to build high tech tunnels under schools, residences and hospitals and filled them with missiles and bombs. Why haven’t Palestinian refugees left for other Arab countries as Ukraine left for Europe and were welcomed? Those countries don’t want them and Hamas won’t let them leave!!! Are you aware of how many hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced to leave Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Egypt , Jordan and Spain? Are you aware of real genocide in Sudan, Yemen, the Congo, Somalia, of their own people? Do you know that many Arabs live and pray freely and peacefully in Israel? Do you know how many innocent Israelis were raped, burned, and decapitated in front of their children and parents while others were taken hostage on october7th? Bullets and metal bars found in genitals by “innocent” Palestinians? Does Russia or any country try to save innocents? Do you know that there would be no dead IDF soldiers if the Israeli military didn’t take pains to only bomb military holdings? Read interviews with Palestinians… they know Israel is defensively fighting this war that they know Hamas began….please stop spreading misinformation. If your family or community were raped, burned and kidnapped, think of what you would do…

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Glad you’re posting this on Easter Sunday, Jess. The more insider information we have the better we can fight for our democratic republic. Evangelicals may have to evangelize but don’t let them politicize!

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I'm glad you saw the need for my publishing date! Solidarity, friend.

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Their pastors are telling them that they won't go to heaven if they vote for Democrats. It's infuriating - any church that does this should be taxed as a political organization.

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Exactly! Why have religious zealots lost their critical thinking skills?

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What critical thinking skills? Religious zealotry has never been known for independent thinking.

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The allegiance to money and control over their faith has set the witness back for 3 generations. Another good book for your readers to check is Tim Alberta's The Kindom, The Power, and The Glory.

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I'll add it to my list!

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I've heard Tim Alberta speak on his book and it sounds amazing! I'll put it on my list too. Thanks!

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Tim is one who has actually been persecuted for being a progressive Christian.

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I’m reading it now. Excellent, compelling book.

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Outstanding book. A must-read.

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I’ve been voting for democrats my whole life, 1980 was my first election and I haven’t missed one since. I am a a life long Christian also, although many of the evangelical bent may not consider an Episcopalian a Christian. 😎

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Agreed. I am a cradle Methodist, as they say, but far more than that label, my personal faith in snd relationship with Jesus Christ defines my “religion.” I am a native northerner but when I lived in the deep south I was teased about belonging to the “Heathen Denomination.” So what. I am a committed Christian and a committed Democrat. Those two things align perfectly, imho.

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The recent split in the United Methodist Church over mainly LGBTQ+ and female ministers was the last straw got me. I don’t want anything to do with organized religion in my life.

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I agree- especially since I have a trans child. But organized religion does nothing to diminish my personal faith. The real United Methodists who remain seem to understand Christ’s true message. Those who shucked off in their narrow-mindedness can go on their way to irrelevance.

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From personal experience, I’ve learned most Episcopalians are far more Loving and accepting in the way Jesus taught, than any of the “evangelistic, legalistic, fervid, religiosity, Bible thumpers, who are crazed supporters of hypocritical Trump, who is the anthesis of any qualities Jesus lived and taught. They are so blind to truth that Trump is the embodiment of the anti-Christ, if there ever has been. “Sly, slick, speaking with a forked tongue” to use biblical language, they’re taken in as Jesus warned.

My heart aches with compassion, and sadness they are so deceived, also angry and deep concerned as everyone in our country and beyond will pay for their misguided naïveté if enough of them don’t wake up.

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Senator Tuberville, the junior senator for Alabama who has his primary residence in Florida, in reference to a NY Post headline that religious-themed designs were banned from White House Easter egg art contest, tweeted "Because @TheDemocrats are a Satanic cult." https://twitter.com/TTuberville/status/1773909234725380145?lctg=192646934

Update: It turns out the CEO of the Egg Board is actually the one insisting on the “no religious art” rule. Not President Biden. https://statuskuo.substack.com/p/a-very-gop-easter?utm_source=substack&publication_id=283462&post_id=143124211&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=false&r=2m3di&triedRedirect=true

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One comment about Democrats I’ve heard was “they could not be Christians because they compromised”. My rebuttal was “then Republicans could not be Americans because they won’t”.

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Spot on.

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Thanks again for your post. I and my West coast liberal friends are aware of the issues you mention, but still I am stymied by the reasoning "Why do poor folks vote for Republican politicians who do not support them or their communities? " Why do they fall for Libertarian or extreme right rhetoric about stuff that really doesn't affect them much. Even the gun issue could be solved if they realized that they could still protect their chickens if the country banned automatic weapons. And prayer, the most personal and private speech there is, in my opinion, can't really be banned, because it can be done silently. It is just not institutionalized in school. I'm sure plenty of students in my high school English classes prayed that the period would be over soon. Private issues, private lives, privacy. I wonder how to reconcile the 'live and let live' attitude that I've met in the countryside. The 'help your neighbor' idea. Do they really think that they are going to be polluted by Democratic ideals of liberty and freedom if they help a sick Democrat? I recently heard a great conversation between Jeffrey Rosenberg, Heather Cox Richardson, and Ken Burns about the "pursuit of happiness". Apparently, according to deep reading about what our 18th century founders thought, Mr. Rosenberg concluded that "happiness" meant 'virtue' in those days.

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The following recent and pertinent book helped me understand, "Why poor folks vote for Republican politicians who do not support them or their communities?"

Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right by Anne Nelson


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It's hard and oh so sad to believe that people can be manipulated so boldly and easily, but I guess it can be done. Every vigilant to teach critical thinking based on empirical evidence. Thanks for the book reference.

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Gleb Kane, to take all that even further back, read The Family by Jeff Sharlet. It's hair-raising! (The Netflix adaptation was very lame & cowardly compared to the book.)


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Oh, interesting. Thank you very much. I’m happy to add it to my list. I watched a limited time doc on amazon prime a few years ago, I thought was called The Family, but I can't find it. The book sounds fantastic!

I'm nearly done with How the South Won the Civil War by Heather Cox Richardson, which I’d love to read again. Then it's off to Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History by Kurt Anderson.

Then I will finaIly understand how Trump ruined years of our lives and my therapy will be complete.

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Lol. That title (How the South Won the Civil War) gave me a start. Met a 20 year old from TN in a bookshop a few years back who told me he'd been taught that we won the war in Vietnam. But I looked yours up, and it sounds interesting too. Although the synopsis gives the impression she may be buying into the male-generated "helpless women" myth a bit too much? Let me know.

Haven't read this yet but it sounds way overdue, just from what I know of history: The Women's History of the Modern World: How Radicals, Rebels and Everywomen Revolutionized the Last 200 years by Rosalind Miles. (And you could sure go back further than 200 years!)

Did Richardson mention that Reagan, as Gov of California, was the first to adopt Roe v Wade? (Just as Trump was a Democrat for years till friends persuaded him that playing up to Christian right-winger would win him a huge and devoted voting block, Reagan did the same. All charlatans.)

There was an excellent documentary on Netflix called "Reversing Roe" I highly recommend, if it's still on.

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Oh, no. I've been following Professor Richardson's excellent Substack for nearly half a decade and even went to a lecture in 2022 where she talked about How the South Won the Civil War. Richardson is too much of an intellectual who, I imagine, grew up in circumstances that led her to continue the battle against the subjection of women by weak, ignorant, and narcissistic men.

This is her Substack post after the corrupt SCOTUS conservatives overturned Roe v. Wade: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-24-2022

No, I'm at a part where Richardson is transitioning from the Reconstruction Era, but I understand how Reagan and others radicalized some Christians against women's reproductive healthcare to garner votes for the GOP. However, I didn't know that in 1967, six years before Roe v. Wade, former California governor Reagan "signed a bill giving any doctor the power to approve an abortion."


Republicans deserver every bit of what's coming for them at the ballot box this year and for years to come.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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Thank you for yours, too, Gleb Kane! Interesting subjects!

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Religion used to be practiced privately. Now everyone has to wear a giant cross necklace, even the men. Church is a cacophony of who can pray the loudest. Many social gatherings have to be started with prayer. The last baby shower I attended, the hostess started off with a prayer. The assumption is everyone wants to pray publicly. Unfortunately, faithful privacy is a thing of the past.

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They seem to have forgotten (or never read) all the passages where Jesus bawls out people who put on shows like this and calls them despicable hypocrites. Which reminds me of another excellent book: "What Jesus Meant" by Garry Wills

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I hear you, public hypocrisy of religiosity is merely a fad, a dangerous one, in areas where gullible superstitious, fundamentalist have made strong inroads. Sadly that’s caught on in your area. Condolences! Because it is So hypocritical. Something Jesus himself confronted Himself, when He was with us. That was Not what His Father in Heaven wanted, and what a dramatic impression Jesus made when he stopped the locals doing it! He sent them scattering, and embarrassed them. I’m don’t have the passage memorized to quote chapter & verse: for you to look up. I just remember Jesus lesson on Showing off Faith, to look better than others, snooty, an elite, not about spirituality. For power and control.

Many millions of us believe in Separation of church and state, as Did the founders of our nation. They knew, Forcing Religion into and onto Public Life, endangers the

everyone. Conformity comes next. Theocracy of government is soon pushed by those pious folks like those pushing their show-off fake religiosity. They’re busy body control freaks, autocrats, who want to control everything & everyone. Support strong-man, authoritarian politicians, next thing you know-yo gotta be their religion.

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People vote Republican as the Democrats and the Radical left ignore the rural and stereotype all as ignorant & racist. All the while living in their Ivory Tower contemplating whether calling for the Genocide of all Jews on Campus should be considered harassment? The President’s of Yale, Harvard & MIT couldn’t decide if calling for the extermination of an entire race is harassment. Seems like the Democratic Party has more in common with the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930’s

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I hope you can agree that stereotyping goes both ways in American politics. You’ve alluded to democrats in their ivory tower. This stereotype paints democrats as elites, entitled and self-serving perusers of higher education.

I agree with you that the congressional hearings where three leaders of elite schools had prepared horribly to answer to what they were called to address. Basically, when is bulling, bulling vs. plain first amendment speech? Those leaders did not call for any genocide, but they did huge damage to themselves and their elite institutions. And for two of them, their actions had consequences.

The National Socialist Party you compare the Democratic Party to, was established over years by a demagogue who preached hatred for those who were different, who used anger and fear to build up a party that had not existed. Who, via his private police, could punish or hurt his enemies, who held rallies where his demonstrations and vitriol whipped his audience into a frenzy. To wrap it up, he used propaganda to reinforce his “us vs them- if we don’t fight now we will lose our heritage” fear mongering. Oh, he also yearned for the past….the good old days when the country was less diverse.

Who does this leader more accurately reflect in action, personality, divisiveness, cruelty? The leader of the modern Republican Party, Trump.

Trump uses fear and anger

Trump uses threats and bullying

Trump holds rallies were he reinforces his message of us vs them. He gets a lot of laughs

Trump uses all sorts of media to spread his propaganda

Trump’s motto is make America great again.

Trump and Trumpism is using Hitler and the National Socialists Party’s playbook, not the other way around.

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Trump is evil. Two ideas can be true at the same time. NY Police officer Jonathan Diller (31) was killed by Career Criminal Guy Rivera. Where was Joe Biden during his Funeral? He was with his Swells at a NY Fundraising event a few miles away. Democrats silently cheer when Police are killed and / or refuse to acknowledge evil. I wouldn’t be surprised if the DNC doesn’t hire an Attorney for the Career Criminal who killed a young Police an officer who had not pulled his gun. If you’re so enthusiastic about disbanding Law Enforcement; let’s start with the FBI who submitted false information to the FISA Court in order to spy on innocent Americans . Carter Page was charged with espionage by the FBI - he was found Not Guilty by a Blue Judge. The Party who supports the eradication of Israel . Imagine if these passionate young Marxists / Nazi’s were calling for the genocide of Blacks? Then it’d be considered unacceptable. Democrats have this innate ability of using Identity Politics and turn on a dime as to what they actually believe it or whether or not that have a moral compass

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I wish these people would sincerely ask ‘what would Jesus do,’ and then sincerely listen.

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If Jesus ever existed, that is. Jesus is a story, that is all. There is no proof he ever actually lived.

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I beg to disagree with you. Most historians agree Jesus existed as an historical person as there are references to him outside scripture. You can debate, of course, theological signifcance and ministry.

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Although Jesus may have existed as a mortal human and not a god, even the evidence of his existence is shaky. Nevertheless, it is debatable. I personally have a bigger problem accepting the bible as an accurate historical record. It's full of great reading but just isn't plausible.

I certainly cannot believe Jesus was "god." He may have existed, but as a man only. And the evidence is not clear.

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That’s what I said.

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I don't know that "most historians" agree that Jesus existed. Jesus was supposed to be the Son of God, for goodness sake. Why isn't his name blazoned all over the place? Why are there so many contradictions in the New Testament about his being crucified as well as being hanged by the Sanhedrin (Acts 5:30)? How do you explain LUCA and the fact that all plants, animals and insects living have the same DNA?

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Have you actually read any scholarly books on the historical Jesus and the extra-biblical sources? If you have interest in the subject, read and make up your own mind. The scholarly consensus is absolutely what I said it was. You're skeptical? That's for you to determine on your own. I don't care.

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I have scrutinized the literature. I have a Ph.D. and a J.D., both from Harvard. The story of Jesus is improbable. But, aside from that, there are numerous other books, etc. One is "The Christ Conspiracy" by Acharya S (Dorothy Murdoch.) Do you believe that Gabriel dictated the contents of the Qur'an to an illiterate desert dweller over a 24-year period, or that the contents of the Book of Mormon were handed down by God? In short, people believe what they want to believe. It's the first fallacy in critical thinking - confirmation bias.

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Oh go piss off. This was about the evidence for the historical person who was Jesus. NOT whether he was the Son of God. That's theology. NOT about partticular beliefs. Geez. Bye.

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Actually, there aren't. I thought so too, because I thought I'd seen Tacitus and Pliny mention him. Then a friend told me to look again, and he was right. They mention 'Christians' but not a word on Jesus. Let me know if you know of any others. For awhile, it was claimed that the Jewish historian Josephus spoke of him, but that was later proved a fraud. Lines added later by Christians.

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Wrong on Josephus. Part of the line is considered a later edition, the other part is not. Not debating this in a comment section. I've read books on the issue and have read on the historical Jesus and the Jesus seminar since the late 1980s. I encourage anyone interested in this subject to do their own reading.

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Not sure which part you mean, but his entire paragraph on Jesus didn't show up till over two centuries later. The suspicion is that it was added by Eusebius, as Marycat's first two links explain above. I've read a few hundred books on Christianity and have had articles in two languages and a book published on the subject, by Penguin Random House. Thanks for the advice.

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Duh! That’s why they call it faith

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No, that isn't true. These days, it's called politics. Faith is personal and private. It is not forced on others. Doing so makes it into something utterly vile. "Faith" should stay at home, not be used as a weapon.

Funny how "faith" in America stops at the bible and "Jesus" when there is much more historical evidence that Mohammed actually lived and founded a religion meant to be the culmination of both Judaism and Christianity.

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Wow! Muslim Religion Mohammed founded to be the culmination of both Judaism & Christianity? Clearly, you support the tenets of Islam and its treatment of women. Honor killings, butchering pregnant women, hatred of LGBTQ, Limiting education of women to 6th grade, compulsory wearing of full body burqa . The Democratic Party and its full throated defense of the harrrassment & violence directed towards Jewish students and faculty is breathtaking. Prof Erika Christakas of Yale University was pressured to resign as a result of an email on Halloween as it generated fear on the campus yet Violent protesters using violence & the genocide of Israel doesn’t violate Safe Spaces doctrine.

Given the antisemitism which is pervasive in the Democratic Party - urging a return to the Holocaust is progress in the Progressive camp.

Wondering when you’ll be calling for wearing the Nazi armbands?

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Duh! That’s why they call it Faith. No need to scoff or be condescending to people who believe. There are 1.8 Billion Muslims who believe Jesus lived & they believe in God. Your note reveals a deep religious bigotry

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I was a Muslim for 10 years. I lived in Egypt. I have the right to be as bigoted as I like about something that is nonsense. I don't care to know why someone's opinions disturb you so much. So just leave it.

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Only in your closed little hateful mind

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Thank you for this! I’m from the uk but live in California…the whole politics/religion thing has me shaking my head, baffled with frustration (and occasionally amusement).

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The thought process of some people is truly amazing, isn’t it? Where do they come up with such irrational thoughts? Christians can’t vote for Democrats, WOW!

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I agree with every stance that you take. I think language matters and lumping all Christians together does not address the issue, and it makes people who don’t hold those views defensive, We ned to know just who is the power behind this new evangelical movement.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Douglas Coe, Christian lay ministerKnown for affiliation with:Fellowship Foundation

National Prayer Breakfast


Associate Director

Douglas Evans Coe (October 20, 1928 – February 21, 2017) was an American evangelist who served as the associate director of the Fellowship Foundation (also known as The Fellowship), a religious and political organization known for hosting the annual National Prayer Breakfast.[1] Coe has been referred to as the "stealth Billy Graham".[2] In 2005, Coe was named one of the 25 most-influential evangelicals in the United States by Time.[3] Coe was an ordained ruling elder and lay minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA).[4]

After watching the 2019 Netflix documentary, “The Family” and the 2023 “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets” I had a much greater appreciation for the damage and threat to this countries dream of a multiracial pluralistic democracy that evangelical theological determinism has been and continues to be. It has gone beyond televangelist duping people out of their money promising great things if they just send in some money. This new threat want us to believe that any man in power is there because it was ordained by God so he can do no wrong and women are made by God to be helpmates of these chosen men, The Heritage Foundation has co-opted religion to gain power and money. Religion has no place in our Constitution or governance. The founders were running from religious tyranny and economic inequality . Unfortunately, over the past 40 years the evangelical church has changed and is a real threat to democracy and supports authoritarian oligarchical rule. Does anyone really believe Trump selling a book that combines the Bible, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence is because he believes in God and feels a calling? The only thing DJT is good at is conning people. I hope good people see through the con before it is too late.

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I'm really glad to read your comment. I know that Christianity (I am not a believe in that faith) has wonderful ideas and ethics to teach and it saddens me that the religion has been hijacked by power and opposing ideas. I learned that Jesus came to reform the religion of the Jews (my family's faith), and yet the same greed, avarice, fear, and tribalism is reborn. I hope the real christians can regain control.

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Preach it! Rewatching the gloriously over the top Ten Commandments last night reminded me

of all the baby murdering in the Bible, or the attempted child murdering (Abraham?).

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Your perspective, insights and stories are invaluable. Many thanks & Happy Easter🌞

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Thank you Jess .

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