The Bible is against murder, which abortion is..God said he knew you while you were in your mother's womb. Doctors take oaths to first do no harm... Whole entire cities were destroyed and it's mentioned throughout the Bible how God is against anything but male and female. God isn't for guns, no one ever said that...not ever. It's against…
The Bible is against murder, which abortion is..God said he knew you while you were in your mother's womb. Doctors take oaths to first do no harm... Whole entire cities were destroyed and it's mentioned throughout the Bible how God is against anything but male and female. God isn't for guns, no one ever said that...not ever. It's against the United States Constitution, the second amendment... Has nothing to do with religion.And yes your religion, if you believe in God, that the Bible is the completely accurate, inspired word if the creator of the universe who sent his son to die for all of your sins.. was resurrected and who is coming against abortion, lgbtq...and if you are Person who loves your country and what is stands for and what it took to get to what our country means and the men and women who died for US citizens to have second amendment rights ...provided the blanket of freedom you and your family sleeps under.. well, there's that too.not to mention the economy is the worst it's ever been and there are no jobs and the value of the dollar is much worse. This country was found for freedom of religion and Harvard and Yale and all the ivy League schools started to train preachers and in God we trust meant something...This country is sooo far away from Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Persia, England...the greatest, biggest, powerful countries in thing in common, they all fell..the US is next. We turned our backs on God, so did they. Democrat or Republican... You better start praying and put Godly values first
The Bible is against murder, which abortion is..God said he knew you while you were in your mother's womb. Doctors take oaths to first do no harm... Whole entire cities were destroyed and it's mentioned throughout the Bible how God is against anything but male and female. God isn't for guns, no one ever said that...not ever. It's against the United States Constitution, the second amendment... Has nothing to do with religion.And yes your religion, if you believe in God, that the Bible is the completely accurate, inspired word if the creator of the universe who sent his son to die for all of your sins.. was resurrected and who is coming against abortion, lgbtq...and if you are Person who loves your country and what is stands for and what it took to get to what our country means and the men and women who died for US citizens to have second amendment rights ...provided the blanket of freedom you and your family sleeps under.. well, there's that too.not to mention the economy is the worst it's ever been and there are no jobs and the value of the dollar is much worse. This country was found for freedom of religion and Harvard and Yale and all the ivy League schools started to train preachers and in God we trust meant something...This country is sooo far away from Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Persia, England...the greatest, biggest, powerful countries in thing in common, they all fell..the US is next. We turned our backs on God, so did they. Democrat or Republican... You better start praying and put Godly values first