not all depressing. This is very useful advice: "Register new voters instead of wasting your breath. Organize your neighbors rather than beating a dead horse. Leave the cult behind and link arms with the willing. If we are going to stop another Trump presidency, we have to work with those who have left the cult or never joined in the first place…"

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Diana, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉 WE can do this! Women in both parties do NOT want to be controlled by men!, everyone has a friend or family member belonging to LGBTQIA, sane people aren’t afraid of equity and equality for people of color. As Paul Wellstone (former US senator from Minnesota) used to say, We all do better when we all do better!

There are more of us. We will fight and we will win! We have to!

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This is the way

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Love your handle.😆😆

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It's true that these fanatics cannot be talked into seeing what a liar and a fraud Trump is. They're high on their resentments and their delusions, it feels good to love Trump and share their delusions with the like-minded.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Tough lady you are Jess. Thank you for describing the awful mindlessness of the orangeman cult. Frightening isn't it? Nothing to do with truth or logic.

Keep it up. Take care of yourself and stay safe. The mountains sound beautifully awesome.

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I second all that you beautifully said!

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

The reason trump’s popularity is so high is something the tv talking heads will never say out loud.

He’s so popular because there are SO many breathtakingly stupid people out there who are angry at the world about their perceived problems, fears, inadequacy, and hate of others.

Trump gives them permission to act out on those feelings.

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Jun 25Liked by Jess Piper

Like the lady in Florida who was asked how she'd handle a big trump loss. "Oh, we're gonna get our militias together and we're gonna hurt the Demo-rats. Hurt 'em baaaad."

"That's, um, not very American," the horrified young interviewer said.

The woman laughed. "We quit giving a f*ck about your America.a long time ago."

Well, there you are.

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Wow ❗

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I feel they worship him for being somebody they cannot be: An asshole who can insult and hurt people, commit crimes, and face no consequences. To them, he is strong and clever—an idol.

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When he said, “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote,” they were fine with it, because…they don’t care about people, either. Same as they’re fine with him being a tax cheat who pays less in taxes than they do: they’d also like to pay no taxes, and get away with it, too.

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Scott, I did notice that comment in Las Vegas where he had to pay his MAGAts $75 per idiot to show up in 103 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures and listen to his BS for over an hour! About 15 succumbed to the heat but remember their Orange Fuhrer told them he did not care about them he just wanted their vote! I hope the $75 was worth it to end up in the hospital!

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Just like Hitler did in 1930’s Germany.

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Exactly. His cult would fit right in with the Nazis of the ‘30s and ‘40s.

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Indeed, spot on.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Yes. MAGA is nothing but a CULT. They assign supernatural qualities to Trump

To them, trump is INFALLIBLE, all things that he does - and has ever done - are PERFECT.

MAGA world attacks the military, the police, the FBI, the legal system and our country daily all because the system won’t bend its knee to their cult leader.

It’s got to be a cult. People supporting him now applaud this behavior. Trump could come out and admit "I did it and I'd do it again" and they'd just cheer.

It's a real flaw in the Constitution that a felon can even run 🤦‍♂️

This "vote removes stubborn orange stains" shirt is perfect for these times 👇 🤣


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Did you ever imagine, that in your lifetime, a convicted FELON, Deadly Seditionist Inciter and convicted RAPIST could not only get the support of MAGA type people, who don’t have more than 2 brain cells among the entire cult, but that the former republican party would uphold this psychopath and criminal as their candidate? I agree with commenter H.B. that it is not just a flaw in our system but a massive disgrace to allow this!

A felon can’t run for most state offices, why the hell would it be allowed for the highest office in the country!!?

The media has been a big contributor to this disgusting trump show. They are complicit. All of these news stations are owned by the ultra right..ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, FOX, OAN, etc. Sinclair Bros (trump supporters) own 294 tv stations.

So keep in mind that most of what you hear and all the polls are 100% bullshit!

But this complicity in telling the public lies makes this election the most dangerous ever!

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Jun 25Liked by Jess Piper

Disgusted with mainstream continuous spin & stopped watching, I start my day with Thom Hartmann report podcast, free speech tv . Org / Sirius/live callers..Meidastouch network on you tube, Texas Paul , Tennessee Brando, I’ve had it podcast - they let it rip! Brian Tyler cohen / Mea culpa, Jess here in MS Just trying to understand this deep hatred from religion to rapist in chief felon trump… learn all you can about Project 2025- truly frightening…pass it on

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"But this complicity in telling the public lies makes this election the most dangerous ever!"

Just wait til you see how dangerous they'll become AFTER the election.

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The fundamental premise - however imperfect - of the US is that we are a self-governing people. Therefore what is “allowed” for the highest office is what WE have chosen to allow. There’s no one to blame except ourselves and only our own actions can save us.

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Those of us who are sane and have critical thinking skills are not responsible for the entire party that is brainwashed. That is the media that refused to call it out and those who made money from this atrocious behavior. However, we are the witnesses to all the smelly shadows of our country that must have light shine upon them in order to change and evolve. And propaganda machines must be removed to break the control of people’s minds. Reprogramming can then be allowed to begin and some might awaken from their stupor.

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And I'm too old to move to Canada to join my son.

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Are you a troll? You think we have SELF governance! 😂 Time for a wake up call. And no, WE did not choose to have convicted FELONS and RAPISTS run for office. The founders didn’t spell out what they probably (wrongly) assumed was common sense. States don’t allow felons on the ballot, so there goes that argument.

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The current state of our government is a direct result of the choices we’ve made over time. Some of those were in whom we elected. Many others were the result of the choice to be apathetic & disengaged. The wealthy & powerful are always seeking to exert control. They want to determine what you are “allowed” to do. Our only advantage is our numbers. When we have gotten complacent or comfortable, they gain more control. Simply complaining about what we’re against does little. Figuring out what we are FOR is harder & takes time & work - that is self governance.

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Don'f forget the Supreme Court's role...Citizens United.

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I agree. However, I would argue that failure to self govern set the stage for that power grab also. We didn’t elect enough representatives willing to reign in corporate power & to keep radicals off of SCOTUS.

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Bill, “Figuring out what we are FOR” is NOT self-governace! You seem confused about the phrase you throw around. I have provided numerous chats with lists of Biden’s accomplishments and I know what I want to see. I think most people understand what we want because most developed countries are already doing it. It’s really not that hard to figure out at all. Whenever the Dems caved into Republican demands…that was a mistake, but the takeover of our airwaves and school boards, gerrymandering, was intensional but ignored too long. criminal Presidents like Nixon, W Bush (who was installed, not elected) and again FELON-RAPIST trump should have been sent to prison. Not pardoned.

Encouragement of Fascism takes place with privatization, power in the hands of few and religious intrusion.

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We largely agree. The Democrats “caved” because there weren’t enough of them. Why? We voters didn’t do our job and elect enough people with enough of a majority to enact what we supposedly want. That’s self governance. As you said, we ignored the takeovers. That’s not doing our job - we failed self governance.

When the electorate is both deeply divided and somewhat evenly divided, we’re failing self governance. We’re not working out what can work for all of us. If “most people understand what we want” then either they disagree with it or don’t feel included in the “we” or haven’t moved past grievances to contemplate solutions because they certainly aren’t voting for it.

Historically, Fascism gets elected rather than imposed. Fascists get elected by voters who want someone else to make decisions rather than doing the work to govern themselves.

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Yeah, there was no such legal designation back in those days. Up until we Black people pushed the envelope, nobody even considered amending the Constitution much. This country no longer deserves our help and we couldn’t fix everything. Now lazy people better lean on their lawmakers to close that loophole TIGHT!

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"This country no longer deserves our help?"

If no one else, your children deserve your help so think of their future and imagine much much MUCH better. Lawmakers in red states don't listen to us, they listen to big donors. We need to FEEL a kinship of lovers and friends. They have a kinship of haters. That's what we're up against and it's how we win. Much as we'd like an "easier" path, brotherly/sisterly love and social unity is the only way, and the time is now.

There shall be no coronation. We must have the courage and strength to demand real choices, and then make the best decisions we can muster for the sake of our children's future.

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Where are the lawsuits to take him off the ballot? Have we lost our senses?

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Bill, we should not need a lawsuit to remove a seditionist inciter, who we watched live, a 34 count Felon and rapist from any ballot. States don’t allow felons on the ballot why would campaigns for the president of the United States allow a convicted felon? But most especially a seditionist!

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I’m enormously disappointed with millions of my fellow citizens.

Pissed, and disappointed.

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Whoa. He's not a "convicted rapist." He was found in a civil court to be responsible for sexual abuse. Big difference. Don't spread misinformation.

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But when you tell people that, be sure to add that it was ruled SA instead of rape only because NY law says rape is only penetration of the vagina with a penis. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/rape-1-e-jean-carroll-sexual-assault/

That's a terrible definition and a stupid law. While we're being careful not to spread misinformation, let's also be careful to spread *complete* information.

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Sorry, but I worked as a court clerk in NY Supreme Court for more than 10 years, and there is a huge difference between a criminal conviction and a civil judgment. So let's be clear in statements we make publicly, OK? Trump is not a convicted rapist, so stop saying it. He was found civilly responsible due to a preponderance of the evidence, not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Bullshit. Even the judge noted that sexual assault is the same thing. Only a right wing religious nut would say what you said. Do you know what sexual assault is?

Do you understand he IS a 34 COUNT FELON with more indictments waiting? He incited an insurrection as well.

Take your right wing bullshit elsewhere.

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It's not rightwing bullshit. It's NY law. Take your ignorant bullshit elsewhere, troll.

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The fact that you are more worried about semantics rather than the fact that he raped, is a 34-count felon and a seditionist-inciter (we watched, we witnessed), shows what an asshole you are.

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It isn't semantics. Trump was not "convicted," otherwise he'd be in state prison. Spreading misinformation is wrong. We need to be accurate in what we say. Unlike the GOP, who says whatever persuades the gullible.

I'm an asshole? What are you? Reporting your bile.

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“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” - DJT January 23, 2016

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"To them, trump is INFALLIBLE, all things that he does - and has ever done - are PERFECT."

And yet he claims that IMMIGRANTS are poisoning the blood of America.

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Also, that bumper sticker starting “ Eaton ….” is just gross. I think one of the worst things about Trumpism is the rudeness and public lack of civility that has ensued.

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It was disgusting.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

It is. That shirt and everything else in the store.🤮🤮

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I am ignorant about the Eaton/Busch reference, and afraid of what all I'll see if I search for it (using DuckDuckGo, never Google: I reallllly don't want Google monetizing that search off of me, or attaching it to me: that kind of thing can haunt a person).

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don't, you won't like it.

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It's a reference to oral sex.

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Ahhhhhh. Good ol' 69.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Not surprised at all that there is nothing made in America in a shop selling MAGA wear. It reminds me of Toby Keith after 9/11. Shortly after "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" and "American Soldier." came out. He was out on tour. I was still in the entertainment biz as a production manager & lighting designer. His tour stopped at two of the arenas where I worked. The entire concert was "America....." At the end of the night, the tour manager handed out Toby's "America" baseball caps. We all looked at the inside label, looked at each other, and proceeded to pelt the tour manager with said caps. The label read, "made in China." I hear that it continued to happen across the country.

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You expected something different?

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Jess, That last comment you got was perfection. And you made an issue out of something right wingers always SAY they want…made in the USA! Kudos to you! Love it! That’s the seed of thought I talked about before. 🎉

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My father, a lifelong Republican, WW2 and Korean conflict veteran, refused a flag handed out at a Veterans' Day celebration because it was not made in the USA. He did not vote for Donald Trump either.

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Mossy Oak in the beginning could have made everything right in their home state of MS. Instead, they shipped everything out of the country and hundreds of sewing factories throughout the south were shuttered. My Dad owned a sewing factory in Adamsville TN for a while. They would have sewn in the owners custom designed label at no extra charge, but they couldn’t find enough work to keep the place open. Nothing new here- corporate profits over American workers

EVERY DAMN DAY. I’ve spoken with a member of the electrical union I. The last month- doesn’t even understand that the rethuglikkjans vote against his union every chance they get.

On another note, the state where I was born is blanketing the state with news of federal dollars for infrastructure- and yet- every damn representative in congress with the exception of Benny Thompson voted against every dollar. And those idiots will vote for the R’s because they don’t know the difference. Their local stations and papers are complicit in their misinformation.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Jess, my sister and her partner were driving from Chattanooga to Knoxville to visit us. Closer to Knoxville, they saw signs for the mega trump store. (I thought it was probably where all the fireworks stores are also located.) They were repulsed and did not visit! When we conversed later about it, your description is exactly what we pictured! I'm sharing this with them and I appreciate your doing this so I don't have to!🙄😥😕

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Thank you for all you do. In exposing threats to our democracy showing the vile ideology’s of Christian Nationalism’s Trumpisum aka Domestic terrorism

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

We just got back from a camping trip to Lake of the Ozarks. Here I am excited that I only saw one very small Trump sign. Four years ago, it was heartbreaking to see the Trump/Pence signs everywhere! Well, they can’t re-use those signs since Trump tried to get his cult to hang his then vice president! On a side note, I haven’t seen any Trump signs on 169 on the way to Smithville Lake for camping. Four years ago was a different story and I actually knew one of the people with a huge Trump sign on their property. So will Trump actually debate Biden? I’m betting no!

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I’m seeing fewer signs and flags too!

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YES! Here in MN, too! This is SO ENCOURAGING!

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Same here in North Dakota.

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Could that be bc there are these stores now? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I just did the drive from NW MO down to Lake of the Ozarks, and other one Rump store, I was surprised to see only one or two signs. I’m hoping that is a good sign!

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Was in the area recently. Saw that store on the main drag. Think it was the same one. There's also one in Branson Landing with a full size Trump standing outside to take photos with.

They don't follow the party any longer. Or the rules or beliefs of the party. They follow a man. And that man has them all figured out. Get into their hearts and nothing else matters. Just like religion.

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The Republican Party has no rules other than follow trump. No platform, no policies. There is no party anymore.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

They have Project 2025 😩

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper


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And the Wholly God Fraudster

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Right, and I don’t doubt that once they could get Trump back in power, the rest of these Project2025 Fascists will try to get rid of trump (25th Amendment? ) and take over themselves which would be even more scary.

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More like go to their wallet..

That's his bottom line.

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Get into their wallets is his primary goal.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

“ March 29, 1875: The United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that American women are “persons” and “citizens,” but not persons or citizens entitled to vote as a result of passage of the 14th Amendment. The ruling in Minor v. Happersett (88 U.S. 162), written by Chief Justice Morrison Waite, could have successfully ended the struggle for woman suffrage had it been decided differently. But though disappointed, supporters of equal suffrage are not discouraged or defeated.“

“ Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.”. And we still don’t have equal protection, opportunity, drug trials, pay for equal work, representation as CEO’s or on Boards. Female doctors now out number male, but still on average make 29% less. Some who claim to be originalists claim they know who was meant to be included in the word citizen creating a caste system in the United States. Anyone who tries to make another group inferior does so for the sole purposes of using them for their own power and wealth, Watching Jordan Klepper interview people at Trump rallies ot is hard to believe the lack of rationale thinking and the cruelty in these peoples heart. Horrid violations of human rights usually said with a smile or a laugh. We made a grave error in not outlawing any Confederate show of support or pride after the civil war. These people fought for the right to own slaves, keep women second class citizens, deny rights to workers and immigrants, and not even acknowledge two spirited people. I have no more tolerance for them. They are vile cruel bullies who use discrimination to their power and wealth. I also don’t understand the people who see both Biden and Trump as equally bad choices and don’t want to vote. I have to hold onto hope that their are still enough people who want freedom, equal rights, and financial programs for safety nets for the common good.

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Thank you for so many facts and I completely agree with you in hoping that enough of us want freedom, equal rights, and collective support for the common good.

Can I also mention how the history you so clearly showed is linked to the continuation of enslavement? In the early 1990s there were studies referenced in Equal Employment Opportunity seminars and classes that showed how human trafficking and pornography were part of the behaviors directly liked to the enslavement of women and children. From that work, they linked a huge number of other behaviors and legislation to acts of enslavement, not just harmful to one person or another. From that, it becomes easy to see that all the people who smile and laugh while designating groups of people by physical characteristics and religious affiliations are supporting the enslavement of those groups by them. Those people choose to believe that the group that they are in is the group that will have power over all the others. So, women have been enslaved not discriminated against. Even when given the right to vote, the enslavers found other ways to make sure that a women’s vote was inconsequential. Just as they have done over and over again during Jim Crow and beyond. Human Rights? When someone supports behavior that, even like bullying, subjugates another person, it is just another form of slavery.

Well that is my simple truth.

Freedom means all people everywhere get to do what they choose to do as long as what they do does not infringe upon or harm anyone else’s freedom.

That means that we are all free to do everything we can to help, empower, and support everyone around us: All of us, not just some of us.

No one is allowed to harm another, and especially not harm their rights to vote or participate freely in our society.

The term “Harm” is a very broad term. It is meant to be.

All the best,


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I fully agree with all you have said. Many monied people who are running our corporations believe they are superior. Their actions tells us this otherwise they could never do what they are doing, CEO’s making 1000+ more than their workers, using stock buybacks to increase CEO pay while not using the money to increase product or service quality, or worker pay, benefits, or safety. They lobby to reduce regulations in their favor damaging workers rights. They bring lawsuits to decrease the ability of workers to unionize, They often pay no taxes at all, or if they do it is less than the average sectarian. They use the services our taxes pay but don’t feel they need to contribute, They use fear, othering, gaslighting, and out and out decrepit to get people emotionally jacked up so they don’t pay attention to how they are robbing them blind. I fully agree, no one should have the right to get their needs met at the expense of another or our environment, If you like to follow what big corporations are doing to labor, I think you would like Robert Reich’s substack, https://robertreich.substack.com/. He is another of my favorite people speaking truth to power like Jess Piper.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Interestingly, most people in cults don’t realize they’re in a cult. Indeed these are EXTREMELY dangerous times as the very essence of democracy is in serious jeopardy should Trump win (Read the book ‘How Democracies Die’). Unfortunately, this phenomenon goes well beyond Trump as it’s en entire movement (cult) now and has made most of the GOP unrecognizable and without conscience and shamelessly enabling. I live in Springfield (just North of Branson) and am sickened by the Trump pop-ups/stores and all the many MAGA vehicles I see in traffic. As you suggest Jess, getting out the vote and encouraging new voters in is part of the key to victory in November. My Spiritual faith is deep and I pray every day we are protected from him ever, EVER being in power again. I also pray more generally for our country and our world that is hurting in so many ways. Thank you Jess and also Heather Cox Richardson for your wonderful and much needed work. May we have peace. That is my prayer.

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I well remember the horror stories out of Springfield during COVID, the huge hospital tent, the thousands of dead, the guy who went like Nicodemus in the night to get vaccinated at a church after his best friend and two family members succumbed. And the ICU nurse who said that many of her patients (who were going to die) were proud of how they'd "owned the libs."

I grew up in MO too. To say that this story made me both sad and furious is a vast understatement.

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Jun 24Liked by Jess Piper

Yes,half of my family is part of the cult enablers. They are too well educated to be in the cult, but are happy to see tax cuts and more poison flushed into the commons.

The misogyny, cruelty, racism and despotism is brushed off, just as it was in 1933 Germany.

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These type of people honestly bothers me more than the cultists. I know it's bad, but I just want more money, is so selfish and cruel

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

I agree. I wish we could get it through to these people that the majority of economists predict that the economy of the country (and the globe) would be severely damaged by another Trump presidency. His proposed tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, combined with his ridiculous tariff idea, would seriously eat into their precious retirement nest eggs, and inflation would be on the rise again.

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Thank you again, so much. I always wanted to go into one of those shops just to look but have never trusted myself to not do something stupid. Thank you so very much.

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Yep...I couldn't hold my mouth...or keep from sneering at them. And I don't sneer.

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I try to write sane comments on Fox once a month. I literally get physically uncomfortable in my body after being in that internet environment—cannot imagine being inside a domestic terrorist store. Jess and others have stronger s

can’t constitutions that I have!

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