I believe it was the late William Greider who stated that the reason why people support the agendas of billionaires is that they're clinging to the largely unrealistic hope the someday, somehow, THEY TOO will become billionaires because that's the promise of America, and that if they support legislation that helps non-billionaires, their…
I believe it was the late William Greider who stated that the reason why people support the agendas of billionaires is that they're clinging to the largely unrealistic hope the someday, somehow, THEY TOO will become billionaires because that's the promise of America, and that if they support legislation that helps non-billionaires, their own aspirations will be be crushed. It's a waste of one's breath to explain to them that "trickle-down" economics" generally doesn't trickle very far down at all.
The Horatio Algers fantasy, as Michael Moore put it. The self-made man - completely snuffed out by all the monopolies and anti-trust violations the already rich have now rigged the system with. Yet dummies like that Repub woman Jess described keep falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Thank you for that! It lays out a brilliant case. Of course, many people on that side refuse to give credence to any figures put forth by Progressives such as Reich, period. I like to view “trickle-down” via this rather crude analogy: A billionaire drinks champagne, then urinates in your mouth and you’re expected to be grateful. Not that I have any objection to an ordinary working stiff starting a business and achieving great success at it—far from it! But it doesn’t mean that the ones already at the top should be rigging the rules completely in their favor, which is what they’re now doing.
Exactly. Reich also has some great vids on HOW the system's rigged. His cartoons are wonderful. But yeah, getting anyone to venture out of their echo chamber these days is well nigh impossible. Talk about The Great Brainwash. I've never seen anything on this scale in all my 60 years.
But of course, that's all part of the rigging. A handful of billionaires own 90% of the media now, so they simply keep fomenting hatred and divisions over piddly-poo, "wokeism" and fake issues to keep most people from seeing the Big Picture.
MAGAmericans betting on the wealthy to allow anything to trickle down that would benefit the majority of Americans is a huge, losing bet! The only trickle down is the higher costs to the consumer! WE have pay for their tax loopholes, WE pay when their tariffs raise the price of consumer goods, WE will pay a very high price when their Project 2025 leads to a void of health services/hospitals, public education, well maintained roads, bridges, dams, etc.! I can only hope that the devastating effects of Proj. 2025’s horrific agenda will finally break the hold that the extreme right has had on MAGAmericans, before its too late!
I believe it was the late William Greider who stated that the reason why people support the agendas of billionaires is that they're clinging to the largely unrealistic hope the someday, somehow, THEY TOO will become billionaires because that's the promise of America, and that if they support legislation that helps non-billionaires, their own aspirations will be be crushed. It's a waste of one's breath to explain to them that "trickle-down" economics" generally doesn't trickle very far down at all.
There is never a trickle. The flood goes into the reservoirs owned by the wealthy and uber wealthy. The dry deserts are vast
The Horatio Algers fantasy, as Michael Moore put it. The self-made man - completely snuffed out by all the monopolies and anti-trust violations the already rich have now rigged the system with. Yet dummies like that Repub woman Jess described keep falling for it hook, line and sinker.
And no, there is never any trickle-down, going all the way back to Reagan. This little 5" vid rolls the facts out clearly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srJZHQHHT8g
Thank you for that! It lays out a brilliant case. Of course, many people on that side refuse to give credence to any figures put forth by Progressives such as Reich, period. I like to view “trickle-down” via this rather crude analogy: A billionaire drinks champagne, then urinates in your mouth and you’re expected to be grateful. Not that I have any objection to an ordinary working stiff starting a business and achieving great success at it—far from it! But it doesn’t mean that the ones already at the top should be rigging the rules completely in their favor, which is what they’re now doing.
Exactly. Reich also has some great vids on HOW the system's rigged. His cartoons are wonderful. But yeah, getting anyone to venture out of their echo chamber these days is well nigh impossible. Talk about The Great Brainwash. I've never seen anything on this scale in all my 60 years.
But of course, that's all part of the rigging. A handful of billionaires own 90% of the media now, so they simply keep fomenting hatred and divisions over piddly-poo, "wokeism" and fake issues to keep most people from seeing the Big Picture.
MAGAmericans betting on the wealthy to allow anything to trickle down that would benefit the majority of Americans is a huge, losing bet! The only trickle down is the higher costs to the consumer! WE have pay for their tax loopholes, WE pay when their tariffs raise the price of consumer goods, WE will pay a very high price when their Project 2025 leads to a void of health services/hospitals, public education, well maintained roads, bridges, dams, etc.! I can only hope that the devastating effects of Proj. 2025’s horrific agenda will finally break the hold that the extreme right has had on MAGAmericans, before its too late!
It might if it doesn’t kill most of us off first.