Exactly. Reich also has some great vids on HOW the system's rigged. His cartoons are wonderful. But yeah, getting anyone to venture out of their echo chamber these days is well nigh impossible. Talk about The Great Brainwash. I've never seen anything on this scale in all my 60 years.
But of course, that's all part of the rigging. A handfu…
Exactly. Reich also has some great vids on HOW the system's rigged. His cartoons are wonderful. But yeah, getting anyone to venture out of their echo chamber these days is well nigh impossible. Talk about The Great Brainwash. I've never seen anything on this scale in all my 60 years.
But of course, that's all part of the rigging. A handful of billionaires own 90% of the media now, so they simply keep fomenting hatred and divisions over piddly-poo, "wokeism" and fake issues to keep most people from seeing the Big Picture.
Exactly. Reich also has some great vids on HOW the system's rigged. His cartoons are wonderful. But yeah, getting anyone to venture out of their echo chamber these days is well nigh impossible. Talk about The Great Brainwash. I've never seen anything on this scale in all my 60 years.
But of course, that's all part of the rigging. A handful of billionaires own 90% of the media now, so they simply keep fomenting hatred and divisions over piddly-poo, "wokeism" and fake issues to keep most people from seeing the Big Picture.