Preach it, Jess! I was once married to a man who had been raised in that church but thankfully he admired my independence. But family gatherings were a bit strained. Anyway, women are not possessions to be protected. We are individual human beings who can take care of ourselves—so long as our laws reflect the democratic values we fought so hard to attain.
Preach it, Jess! I was once married to a man who had been raised in that church but thankfully he admired my independence. But family gatherings were a bit strained. Anyway, women are not possessions to be protected. We are individual human beings who can take care of ourselves—so long as our laws reflect the democratic values we fought so hard to attain.
Preach it, Jess! I was once married to a man who had been raised in that church but thankfully he admired my independence. But family gatherings were a bit strained. Anyway, women are not possessions to be protected. We are individual human beings who can take care of ourselves—so long as our laws reflect the democratic values we fought so hard to attain.