Loved your piece this morning, and I couldn't agree with you more on the whole Biden thing. The NYT managed to piss me off with their headlines about Biden's announcement, describing the Dems in disarray. Facing work and decisions, yes. Disarray, no.

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Headline writers do all of us a disservice. Seeing this from The Washington Post,

"The president’s decision plunges the Democratic Party into an unprecedented scramble to anoint a new nominee at the 11th hour."

I wrote to tell them:


How about “Launches”?

Your poor choice of words paints a negative narrative (yet again).

Do better."

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And... Neither The NY Times nor the WaPo bothered to quote the president's full statement, choosing to skip over the very same accomplishments that both papers have ignored for 3-1/2 years:

"Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We've made historic investments in rebuilding our nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We've provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today."

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Yet another reason why I no longer subscribe to the NYT or WaPo.

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Exactly! Why pay to be negatively influenced?

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Hahaha. Exactly.

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Same. I’m done with both of them too!

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I, too, have cancelled my NYT and WaPo subscriptions.

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Does the NYT really think that the crossword puzzle will retain subscribers regardless of what else they print? Guess that tells us exactly what they think of their subscribers.

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You can subscribe just to the puzzles (or recipes) and not the whole paper.

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Same here. And it was over a year ago. Since then, they've gotten even worse.

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The NYT, WaPo and too many columnists awash in their own hubris manufactured this "crisis"; now they've tripping over themselves to extend the damage they created. I think their headline writers aptly reflect the papers' wish to sensationalize; it sells; it gets comments, and they don't care that those editorializing headlines inflict damage a so long as it creates profit.

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Funny, because what actually keeps the NYTs afloat I thought was its games app and their paywall for all Food/Melissa Clark content - basically, they can give the “news” away for free. It would be a welcome change to see these two behemoths (WaPo) balance their reporting.

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That's funny, you're right; the NYT "news" is merely fringe to the games app, Food/Melissa Clarke and what home a million bucks can buy you somewhere. Fourth Estate? What's that?

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....nothing like fanning the flames. I refuse to dump negative energy into any situation.

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Excellent! I've avoided reading that, but my comments will be much the same!😤🤑

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Bravo. Good work !!

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Right? I just read a NYT article that made it sound like Biden has now caused disarray in the party with his leaving the race and not one reference to the strong arming that’s gone on over the last few weeks.

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They are hideous

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SMH They can’t have it both ways.

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They obviously wrote that headline before they checked ActBlue.

When Kamala wins the White House, I hope she continues to ignore both the NYT and the WaPo.

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Yes, I feel much better today about the race. I am still angry about the way Biden has been treated, but as the party coalesces around Kamala, who is really the only workable alternative to Joe, I think we can win. I’m not the one anyone needs to convince anyway. I haven’t missed a presidential election since 1980, and I always vote for the Democrat.

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It was quite obvious that they wrote their stories (NOT reports) on TFG’s Thursday acceptance speech before the speech occurred. And not one editor chose a rewrite after the actual 90 minute rambling deviated from the pre-released script. Did anyone even watch the speech??

Checking ActBlue or ANY resource? 😂 Not a chance.

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Yes, they relied on a written script that Trump was supposed to read at the RNC, but of course he didn't.

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Amen, sister! As another rural voter, I am also pissed!

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My sentiments exactly, from rural Florida.

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Right! We're talking and making decisions. The other side is in disarray!

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Keep Calm

Vote Blue


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Thank you Jess. I feel similarly. But I also started to notice that every time Joe Biden was on the news, my face and body would go into a defensive crouch like “OMG Joe! Don’t make a mistake that the pundits will pounce on!” I don’t want to feel that way. I want to be excited about our candidate. Now I am. And the Dems better get behind it. I think this is the right call. He made it with integrity and grace.

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Imagine the stress on Joe… knowing that every time he speaks we’re looking for him to blow it. As a supporter I hated feeling defensive about him instead of energized and enthusiastic. I’m excited to work for Kamala. Very!

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I agree. The impartial press has been missing for years. How is only focusing on the negative aspects of President Biden’s public speaking/walking/health considered fair reporting. Things happen, T goes wild over any small mistake, next thing we know negative Biden stories and jokes are every where. If Dems lose this time, it will be on them when T closes them down. Negative press comes with a price.

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The meda doesn't say a word about how senile Trump is, of course. Trump is actually incoherent as well as delusional, but he's a f***ing god so the press stays silent.

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No, he didn’t make it. Now they’re (republicans) are going for the juggler vein by pushing him out and not wanting him to finish his term. What nerve. What senseless idiocy are they spouting? Do their d—cks get hard when they do these disrespectful things while they bank their stock market gains that President Biden made possible???

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Most Republicans haven’t had an erection in years and even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to see it because of their fat guts.

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Yes, and yes again.

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And now Kamala is going to face the same scrutiny.

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She will receive MORE. She committed the unpardonable sin of being born both a woman and Black. They've been at her since day 1 for not being some sort of super-hero as veep ... unlike every single other veep in history, excepting Shrub's puppet master and friend-shooter, who Did Things, all right, if you like those sorts of things. Anybody remember all the amazing things that Bush senior's vice president did? Does anybody remember who Bush senior's vice president WAS? How bout Carter's? How about Gore as vice president? You remember anything about him except what he's done since his veep term ended? And Biden...what was his veep highlight again? But by all means let's pile it on for Kamala Harris. And although I personally am relieved that Biden left, much as I admired him, I do agree with our wonderful Rural Missouri writer Jess about who's really running the show that allegedly we voters have a say in. Signed, your neighbor in Kansas.

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Quayle? Yes. Quayle headed up a committee inside the WH to get corporations’ advice on what regulations to rewrite. Quayle’s only positive contribution was in helping to convince Pence to follow the law rather than Trump’s wishes.

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Quayle was one of the dumbest people in politics. He even made Spiro Agnew look smart. Carter's veep was Walter Mondale, by the way.

Vice presdents are not traditionally meant to do a lot of things other than be prepared to take over if the president can't perform their duties. Dick Cheney was the exception to this and was instrumental in getting the administration to torture people.

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Not actually convinced that Quayle was as ignorant as he seemed, anymore, though I do remember his many flubs.

Then there was Mondale and Ferraro’s run against Reagan in 1984 - I was only 14/15 (depending on when!) and couldn’t vote yet, but it was still memorable.

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Arggghhhhh! Thanks for another horrible thing ti he reminded of, Eric. 😉

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Kamala is up for it!

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I can’t wait to actually see her in combat! Looking forward to see how she handles the job!

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The biggest problem is the party is no longer answering to the people, but to the mega donors. The same is true for the Repugnant ones.

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Correct. There won’t be a real democracy until we enact meaningful campaign financing laws, including, but not limited to, overriding the “Citizens United” decision.

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Preach. And whatever happened to the interest in getting rid of the electoral college?

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It's still alive and well. In fact I signed 2 petitions this week calling for abolishing it.

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Just about impossible. CU can be overridden by legislation. The Electoral College can't be changed or eliminated without a Constitutional amendment, and those smaller population states are never going to give up power willingly. It would be like trying to change how Senators are apportioned.

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Which we did change.

The Constitution was amended to allow popular election of senators in 1912 with the passage of the 17th amendment.

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...or trying to convince members of the house and senate to vote themselves a cut in salary....

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Or to stop playing the stock market.

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Yes, this needs to go to the Supreme Court again and challenged on the basis of disenfranchising voters. Donors buying influence by big corporations. It is hidden voter intimidation and buying offices since Citizens United. There needs to be a strict cap on spending in elections.

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There is nothing to take to the Supreme Court. You elected delegates for Biden. If he isn’t in the race or doesn’t win on the first ballot, they’re free to vote for anyone they want. In the presidential primary, you elect delegates- not the candidate. Biden declined the nomination, meaning the delegates are free to vote as they please.

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I was talking about Citizens United in the thread. There needs to be a new challenge case or every election will eventually be bought by billionaires. It won't matter who any of us vote for.

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You’re looking for rulings or laws to reverse the damage done by the Citizens United decision, correct? Not a suit in objection to Biden declining the nomination, releasing delegates to vote as they choose, correct?

Dems taking any aspect of candidate selection to the Supreme Court would be suicide. The court would rule in whatever way benefited TFG’s party.

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True. I'm looking at the long game here. Not Biden dropping out. That is a definitive deal already. Any way to show that voters are disenfranchised at EVERY election in both parties by the outrageous flow of money into campaigns by corporations? It seems to have morphed into a voter rights issue with minority rule buying the elections.

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Not so. They voted for the Biden Harris ticket which means Harris gets to keep those delegates.

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Technically, no. Realistically, yes. The bottom line is that this is what the primary voters voted for, whether they knew this or not.

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What would you argue in court?

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Talk about Biden's achievements and his PLANS, saw Sanders talk about them 2 days ago and now I'm wondering whether that's not what cooked Joe's goose. Too wonderful! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWhIQ4SnsxY&ab_channel=TheLateShowwithStephenColbert

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Gotta love Bernie! How I wish I'd been able to live in a country that he designed!

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I do love Bernie. Campaigned for him both times. 'Cause I'm lucky enough to live in Europe and know that every word he says is true. And 'cause I'd love for you and all my friends and family - the whole US, in fact - to have free health care and very inexpensive universities too!

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EXACTLY! It's why I'm ALL CAPS PISSED STILL, as someone who has canvassed, phonebanked, donated over 5k since 2020 (and I ain't rich) paid for stamps for Postcard Parties to Swing States, and gave $500 TO MY PRIMARY VOTE OF BIDEN HARRIS just the last 3 weeks to support Joe Biden directly. Of course we are still gonna vote blue, fully support Joe’s endorsement of Kamala Harris that's what these Silicon Valley & Hollywood Dem$ are taking advantage of in a way - and now watch as the BOUGHT & PAID FOR M$M WITH TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN HEADS FORGET ABOUT THE AGE ISSUE AND ATTACK KAMALA FOR MUCH MORE JUST WATCH!

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Kenneth, without a doubt! But WE will talk up a storm about Project 2025 and grandpa Felon falling asleep at his own Convention. I’m ready for a word fight! 😄

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Of course, I just am sooooo angry the "Citizens United" of our Dem Coalition are literally Disenfranchising voters via money...and another thing!

If these Feckless Dem candidates from House (22?) and Senate (3?) cannot RUN, ON BIDEN HARRIS' AWESOME 1ST TERM RECORD, yet still need ALL THAT RICH DEM ELITE$ & HOLLYWOOD DONOR MONEY, BUT CANNOT WIN CAMPAIGNS VS. SHITTY MAGA FASCIST CANDIDATES! WHICH WE DEMS HAVE BEAT EVERY DAMN ELECTION SINCE 2018 TO 2024!?! Then they friggin’ suck at their jobs as Campaigning Public Servants!

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Hell! I'm ready for a fist fight!!😡😡

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Oh, and attack her they will. They’ll be dishonest about it, though. They won’t overtly mention that she’s a woman and a black woman.

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We all know why the R’s will attack her, but what about D’s that quietly dismiss her? I challenge every one of them to tell me why they are looking for someone else. I know what it is. It is the racism and misogyny this country is built on. And I demand they own it!

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Over 65% of Democrats wanted Joe to retire! It would have been elderly abuse to have him run because he has done a great job and perhaps the rural population will remember who brought the internet to them so they too can work at home!

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Bullshit...the same post debate poll also asked "What Matters More? Age or Telling the Truth" and TRUTH was ovee 74%...this was fucking forced, 14 million Biden Harris Ticket voters have every right to be pissed about The Dem Elite$ WITH M$M coordinating this ousting of Joe.

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Where did you get that number? I don't agree with that.

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Associated Press poll. It is immaterial now because Joe is retiring now!

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Why would you trust an AP poll? Why would you trust any poll?

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That poll was discredited by its design and execution. Among other things, it polled Republican voters as well as Dems and only counted a little over 1200 responses.

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You threw out the number but "it's immaterial"?


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They didn’t talk to me. They didn’t talk to anybody I know I don’t know where you got the 65% bullshit.

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No, that’s a disingenuous number. If it came from a poll, you picked the wrong one to quote. Among the people I have spoken with, except for my 25 yo son, the consensus has been STAY WITH THE GUY WHO IS DOING THE JOB. No one with a grip on reality expects a perfect president. I heard plenty of people quoted in the media as ‘having doubts’, but a huge number of voters valued Biden’s performance rather than -feared his age. I’m still mightily pissed, and I’d love to see some discussion about the value of institutional memory.

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Do you have a source for that number?

Because it sure as hell wasn't from the primaries.

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That’s very true. Main difference: the mega donors to the GOP is Russia (Putin).

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Uh, most Dems wanted Joe to step down.

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Nah, this was 70% 30% at best...this was not a 50/50 or more dealio to oust Joe....but the 3 fucking weeks of M$M did help and they are NOT GONNA FAVOR KAMALA! THESE PRICKS (EVEN DEM DONOR$ LEADER$L STILL WANT TRUMPS BILLIONAIRE TAX CUTS!

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Exactly. And nothing makes it clearer than this - from the man who said in March he wouldn't contribute to either party: https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/elon-musk-has-said-he-is-committing-around-45-million-a-month-to-a-new-pro-trump-super-pac-dda53823?link_id=4&can_id

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Um. No they did NOT

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I’m floored at the many arguing here that Biden had 70% support. I do not know a single Dem my town that didn’t wish Biden would step aside. His accomplishments even in the face of Republican stonewalling and human decency are loved, but it’s become clear another four years would be a mighty struggle. The presidency is a draining job for anyone. Biden no longer showed her could effectively counter Trumps pile of lies anymore. Defeating Trump is Biden’s goal and ours.

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Says who?

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The poll on which you are relying was pathetically inaccurate.

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Evidence for that?

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There were many polls. Anecdotally, every Dem I spoke with wanted someone besides Biden. https://www.vox.com/2023/9/12/23868230/biden-democratic-primary-challenge-polls

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You are seriously posting an article FROM LAST YEAR?


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Wow, such anger. No need for such language. There is a lot of other evidence that most Dems didn't want Biden (beyond the fact that every Dem I spoke to wanted Biden to step down). But whenever presented with the most recent evidence, a very good poll done by a very respected firm, that says two out of three Dems didn't want Biden those who were in disbelief that most of us didn't want Biden (like you, I'm assuming) say, "It was just one poll," or they say you can't believe polls and blah, blah, blah. So I am presenting evidence of multiple polls showing most Dems didn't want Biden. The primaries had very little meaning since most of us had no option to Biden so of course we're going to vote for him, to show support for the Democrat (most of us voted in the primary because of local elections, where we had choices, but why leave the top of the ticket, where we had no choice, unmarked?). I hope you can channel that anger into action for whoever the Democratic nominee is, unless you like trump.

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Let me understand this.

You want me to understand that you have great polling showing most Democrats want Biden to drop out.

And your proof of this great polling is an article from September 2023 stating that most Democrats want Biden to drop out -- with links to polls showing the majority of Democrats want Biden not to run in 2023.

Except we have actual primary data which show DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR BIDEN.

And they voted for him by a higher margin than Trump got. And he won New Hampshire as a write in. And at no point was he 37%.

So you think I should believe this year's polling because you have an article showing last year's polling was complete garbage?

Do you understand what evidence is?

And you keep bringing up "every Democrat you know" -- and unless those Democrats are statistically spread across the 50 states, that's also meaningless.

Do you want to explain to me how polling which was disproved by primaries prove polling is reliable?

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Every Democrat *I* talked to supported Biden, so I assume we must run in very different circles.

Or maybe other factors affect our differing POV: Urban/rural difference? Gender difference? Progressive/Centrist? Age? Education?

Dr. Litman ("13 Keys") said we'd be nuts to toss Joe aside (I'm paraphrasing, obviously), based on his analysis.

Professor Heather Cox Richardson, another academic I respect, ("Letters from an American") also supported Joe.

I have to say that one of my big concerns was that Dems would muff the hand-off since they appear to be nearly incapable of agreeing on anything, but the hand-off was masterful, and *everyone* has rallied around. (I think Obama and Pelosi must have ridden herd on them.)

In any event, Kamala and Tim clearly have a great message, and have generated a lot of enthusiasm that may well carry us to win the WH.

And I think Trump's "American Carnage" BS has just worn thin. Let's hope he and Vance remain wedded to their vile personas, and maybe we'll have a chance at that Big Blue Wave that we need to really make a difference.

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No. That has not been substantiated.

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"We have to beat Trump, but after that, we need a reckoning in the party. I’m kind of sick of this shit."

AMEN to that! This has been a nightmare from the get-go.

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Once again you speak my exact thoughts. And I guess that makes sense, as we are both rural blue dots in seas of red. I’m sickened that a bunch of white male billionaire bros pushed this on Joe, the best president in my 49 years of voting, but Kamala had BETTER be the nominee going forward!

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She will be. In addition, she will continue giving us reasons to be proud we voted for her!

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I’m right behind you. We have to get this done. 💜

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Thanks, Jess. I’m sick of it too. I’ve canceled my subscription to The NY Times, and am canceling the Washington Post now - and I am telling them why!

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I cancelled my subscription to the Atlantic after they ignored his speech and wrote a piece musing about the abilities of 81 year olds with COVID.

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I have disagreements with both papers at times, but they are the two best national papers we’ve got, with experienced journalists who are dedicated to getting to the bottom of their stories. We need a free press so I support them gladly and gratefully.

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I subscribed to both after the 2016 election, wanting to support a free press in the work of sustaining democracy. I realize that there are good journalists doing important work for both, and I certainly haven’t closed the door to re-subscribing in the future, but they have made a lot of questionable editorial decisions recently, and I do not wish to support those choices with my money. I will support news sources that value the facts rather than “objectivity.” Some issues don’t (or shouldn’t) have two sides.

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Joy, you really need watch Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent". It's an eye-opener. And Amazon's Jeff Bezos bought the WashPo 10 years ago. It's been a billionaire's mouthpiece ever since. It is by no means a "free press". I know a journalist who worked there.

That said, there are truly independent news sites that have taken up the slack. Try The Intercept, Truth Out, or Common Dreams among others.

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Pro publica.

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Thank you, I will check them out!🙂

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There's the book but also a documentary based on it, free on utube, last I looked. It's 2h47 long, so I watched in 2 or 3 sessions. Very worth it though, 'cause the film includes footage of things he talks about.

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If that were true, we would have known about Clarence Thomas's massive corruption years ago.

If that were true we would have known about Donnie's ties to Epstein and the mob in 2016.

If that were true, we would have known about Alito's insurrection loving wife in 2020.

What else are they not reporting for fear of losing "access"?

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There are some wonderful journalists at the NYT but damn few of them are involved in political coverage. This was entirely about nepo-baby Sulzberger's personal pique that Biden refused to kiss his ring and way too many of his employees willing signed on to his petty vendetta.

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I’m an NPR junkie, although I also read the NYT, WaPo, and the New Yorker. (I know what’s on right-wing media, too, by looking on social media accounts of Trump supporters - but I don’t subscribe, for obvious reasons.) Someone mentioned ProPublica, which does great work, and their reporters are also on NPR often.

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I read a story in WaPo from 2018 that was thoughtful, well-researched, even-handed - and was as different as day to night re: today's WaPo. They have fallen so far that it's devastating to this former journalism major.

Try the Tampa Bay Times, LA Times or The Dallas Morning Newspaper. Their national political coverage isn't as comprehensive, obviously, but it's competent enough that you won't be in despair from trying to read it.

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I did the same a couple of weeks ago. I do miss Jennifer Rubin though…

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She's on YouTube.

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Right on, Jess!

It’s gotta be Kamala.

Don’t feel unlistened to. There were also lots of us Joe Biden lovers who pleaded for him to step down. Father Time can’t be ignored.

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For many of us it wasn't his age but his public performances. Many were cringe-worthy. And most of us really like him. There are some 81-year-olds who can move and speak better than some much younger people. Joe is not one of them.

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I can cringe at public speaking when the proof of his fitness is right out in the open as the sun of his accomplishments. I have heard nothing nor anyone demonstrating real cognitive impairment. This singular focus on telegenic factors instead of accomplishments and continuing a proven winning course will be the death of our American democracy.

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Hear, hear! We are such shallow people, not to mention criminally ignorant about the world and how it works.

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So well put. You said it for me.

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Everyone needs to channel their energy, whether it be anger or joy, to defeating the orange menace. United we defeat this thug. Divided we lose. Simple as that.


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I’m angry, pissed too. What is corporate media’s Plan B?

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This has NOTHING to do with the corporate media. It has EVERYTHING to do with regular Democratic voters. Polls showed that 2/3 of us wanted him to drop out. So just stop the disinformation. It’s ugly & factually incorrect.

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It has everything to do with corporate media, and billionaire donors. That is not true that 2/3 of us wanted him to drop out. Americans like me, wanted President Biden to stay the course. Are you a Russian troll?

The latest @fivethirtyeight Forecast was:

Chance of winning:

Biden 53%

Trump 46%

Electoral votes:

Biden 276

Trump 262

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We agree on that. Anybody who said regular Democrats wanted him out his lying, and my experience. It was only the media and the wealthy who wanted him out because they don't wanna pay taxes. It's all just greed and of course they love chaos so they created some

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I can only speak anecdotally of course, but literally every friend and family member I spoke with post the debate started hoping he would drop out.

So maybe don't just assume people that disagree with your take are liars.

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Yeah, you're right, my bad. I didn't mean to lie I was just misinformed or uninformed

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So your friends and relatives are all low information voters who believe what the media tells them?

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I didn't realize it was "low information" to watch a person's debate performance , acknowledge reality, and draw opinions from that.

More importantly, maybe dial it down bud. No need for ad hominems.

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Not at all low information. But they are realists.

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I’m a regular Democrat, and I wanted him out. My parents (and my father in law) died after long battles with dementia. If you’ve had the experience of watching a loved one succumb to that, Biden’s trajectory was clear and that made his candidacy untenable. It’s messy, yes. But I am energized and hopeful in a way I haven’t been since 2008. Go Kamala!

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If they don’t want to pay taxes, they’d just support Trump.

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I don't see this poll on 538 and cant recall ever seeing a poll that had Biden ahead, and certainly not be 7 points. Please share your source more specifically.

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It wasn't a poll, it was the election odds from last week. If you went on 538 and viewed the election odds based on all their polling and simulations, it had Biden winning both the popular vote and the Electoral College.

Not surprised you didn't hear about that over the screams from the megadonor class and the party insiders calling for Biden to step down, but it's the truth.

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It was on Insta posted by cherijacobus1 on Threads on 7/19.

I have seen Biden ahead on some polls. Personally, this far out, polls don’t mean squat to me.

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I don't agree with you for a second. Big money wanted him out because big money doesn't want to pay taxes. It's a simple as that, I think. I trusted him and his administration. he didn't have to be there every day because he had a good administration to do it for him. And he also showed up at work before noon unlike the other guy.

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Let's stop this arguing with one another about big money vs. small money, city vs. rural, powerful vs. not so strong. I wanted Joe stay in, but he has decided not to. The President of the United States has made his decision and I don't want to second guess his decision. I think he dropped out NOT because he thought he couldn't beat Trump. He dropped out because he didn't want to have every day be about whether he should stay in or get out or whether he is too old. Unlike Donald Trump, Joe Biden is a man who does not think everything is about him. He is a hero and a patriot and a very, very smart and experienced politician. He understands the stakes and he has made his decision, not on the basis of fantasy, or dreams, but on the political reality he saw before him and he made the courageous act to put his party and his nation before his own ego. God Bless, Joe Biden. I would have been with him, as many of you have said, until he said he was out. Well, now he's out; and I will not second guess him. I will do what he has asked me to do: work hard to get Kamala Harris elected President of the United States. That's the best for Joe Biden, the people of the United States from San Diego to Joplin, Missouri to New York City and every town and village and farm and ranch in between. We know that. Let's get to work. Stop tearing one another apart and unite behind the candidate Joe Biden wants us to back. Go Kamala Harris.

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It was a very courageous and honorable decision that he made and I'm grateful to him for it.

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Thank you!

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By this logic, we should expect big money to try to drive out literally every Dem candidate ever.

Believe whatever you conspiracy you want though. As long as you vote Harris in November so Trump loses, we're good.

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Ken, I still remember how the Dems threw out 6.2 million for Sanders so Hillary could "win" the 2016 primary. Despite him beating Trump by a far greater margin than she did in the polls. That's not big money talking?

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I don’t care if you agree with me. You’re still wrong. Biden dropped out because most of us wanted him to, period.

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Sorry, but you’re full of crap and you don’t speak for the rest of us.

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You're right, she doesn't speak for the rest of us.

Also, folks saying that no voters wanted him out also don't speak for the rest of us.

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Debby, just go over to TruthSocial, you're lying just as much as he orange one.

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That's not how they voted in the Democratic Primary though, is it.

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Obviously. Because although he promised not to run for a second term, he went back on that promise. And as the incumbent, he wouldn’t have had any real opposition. So of course most of us voted for him in the primary. I’m pissed that he reneged on his promise, and that those closest to him - who surely knew about his decline - let him run.

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He didn't promise to be a one-term President. But, you're right, we had no other choice in the primary besides Biden. And it's obvious Biden has gone downhill and was going to cost us the election. Perhaps much was hidden before the primary? Regardless, he made his decision, for the good of the county. Now it's on to beating trump.

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He did say he was going to be a one term president. And he said he would be a bridge to a new generation.

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Find the quote and its source or stop this. I know there was pundit chatter about their perceived need for him to do this but I can't recall him promising to be a one term President at any time. No sane person in his position would make themselves a lame duck right off the start.

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Just like he did!

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More people (in this comments section) need to let some things go and refocus on beating Trump.

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Oh, you mean "Let's look to the future?" I'll support Harris with my effort and my money but neither I nor a lot of other Democrats are going to forget or forgive how this went down. Nor should we.

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Debby the troll weighs in, again.

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I’m a troll because I disagree with you? And here I thought all the dumb people were Republicans…

I live in DC. I used to work for Chuck Schumer, when he was still a congressman. I know a thing or two about politics. I subscribe to Jess because I think her efforts to turn rural areas blue are heroic. But I’m kind of shocked at the level of ignorance I’m seeing in these comments. The most recent poll showed 2/3 of us wanted him out. You just don’t like being wrong. Nonetheless, you ARE wrong. Deal with it.

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Jeebus, did you LOOK at the analyses of that poll and its methodology? It's like they wrote a conclusion and then designed a poll to support it. It was NOT done in a professional fashion.

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Do look at the previous comments re the corporate-owned media. You seriously still trust them?

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You trust some poll and you're arguing about something that's irrelevant now?

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You can write all you want, what proof do you have you say the things you are saying? You are the one that didn't like that most Democrats are happy with President Biden.

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He didn't promise not to run for a 2nd term. He would have been a lame duck from the start and been unable to accomplish any legislation. Facts?!

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He said he would run once and be a step to a new generation. Why did he say that? Because four years ago he knew young voters were growing frustrated and that human bodies, his included, age.

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Answering my own question...12/11/2019.

But said he would probably not run, but aides said there was not a promise due to lame duck status being possible.

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When? Date and time?

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You can have a weird situation where most of the party wants him replaced but he also won an overwhelming majority in the primary. It’s bc most ppl don’t vote in the primary. Even still, in the primary you vote on delegates, not candidates. And if Biden isn’t in the race, the delegates are free to vote however they want.

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Don't shoot the messenger (Debby Rubin) because you don't like the message. Four days ago, AP reported this poll showing 2/3 of Dems wanted Biden to withdraw: https://apnews.com/article/biden-trump-poll-drop-out-debate-democrats-59eebaca6989985c2bfbf4f72bdfa112

Biden has been a terrific president. He's been an inadequate candidate.

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Agree with you, Paul. I had not seen this specific poll but, sadly, it reflects what I've heard from fellow Democrats that I know. I believe the MAGAt strategy was to wait until after the Democratic Convention and then start releasing political ads featuring scary video clips of Biden's weakest moments. Some of these would be edited/manipulated but some are real. That would be devastating right before the election. That said, I also agree with Jess' statement about the outsized role played by the media and wealthy donors. The important thing right now is to get behind Kamala and defeat tRump.

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Couldn’t agree more!

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Again where are you getting the numbers?

And would be the same pollsters who said Alsobrooks was neck and neck with David Trone or the ones who consistently predict Donnie will get 90% when the primaries have him at 81%-86%?

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He posted a link to the poll. Read before you reply!

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Oh, there will be a reckoning all right. After we win and save democracy. But there will be a reckoning.

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Amen. Kamala! I DO believe she can win. Am keen on Kelly for running mate.

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Mark Kelly would make a great VP and he would destroy little fat boy Vance in a debate!

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Nope, we need him in the Senate.

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AZ has a Democratic governor, so he’d be replaced with a Dem.

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Kelly is the best choice! A hero, a fighter pilot, an astronaut, a moderate, the son of cops, and a man who helped his wife Gabby Giffords overcome a near death attempted-assassination. Who could not like this candidate?

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I am both sad and relieved.

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Yes, holding my breath every time Biden took the podium or sat for an interview. Think he'll go down in history as a great President. But oh, exhausted

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I’m so sick of this shit too! I’m a rural county southern Iowan. I am so sick of being told how essential we are to every election, how much our voices matter, how the Party is a big tent for all. Well, I’m having more and more trouble believing that. I’m essential when someone needs some work done or a check to be written. Otherwise not so much. My voice? I think I must be talking to myself. And since I’m 73 I recognize the conception that I’m in the checkout lane and no longer considered to be relevant. (Funny, I’ve never had a check returned because I was too old) Out here where I live there were concerns but there was a commitment to do everything possible to re-elect Joe. Evidently our voices weren’t loud enough and our checks weren’t big enough.

I’ll get past the anger and I will join with others to keep this world from exploding around us. BUT when the dust settles there needs to be some bottom line talking because MAGA Republicans aren’t the only people who feel like they have been left behind.

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Every survey I received from the Party for the last 15-20 years, I've said, "Dems have abandoned ordinary working class Americans. We need to stop being GOP-lite and go back to our FDR roots."

Kamala and Tim appear to have come to the same conclusion. I hope.

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