Thank you Jess!

I grew up in a small town in Maryland where dirt roads were everywhere and no one left 10th grade without knowing why the separation of church from state was the backbone of America. Our Civics teacher, Mr Diefenderfer made sure of that. We didn’t need a college degree to understand it.

But Andrew Seidel says it quite well too. I think Mr Diefenderfer would be very pleased.

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Thank you for your service to us David. Also, kudos for calling out your teacher, Mr. Diefenderfer. Lucky you to have had good teachers. I am grateful for my mentors as well!

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Jess, thank you so much for replaying this interview! While I was listening, I signed up & donated to Americans United. I also purchased Andrew's books. I can't wait to start reading them! I am so inspired by what he said! This is what I've been railing against for years - morality vs religion. How many times have I encountered unchristian Christians? Remember the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) years? The desks at work with those stickers all over occupied by people who gossiped and worked as little as possible! Don't get me started. Andrew said so much of what I have believed. Thank you! So much of what has happened over the years now makes sense to me - I see where it's been coming from.

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You will love his books. It’s one of those that you fill up the margins. He’s a great author, great speaker, and he is working for such a good cause.

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I joined Americans United a while ago. I did that for a number of reasons, one of which is that as an atheist I would feel a target should these Christian nationalists achieve the power they seek. I firmly believe that morality and religious belief do not necessarily go together.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

W😳W! I just love your Stack…thank you for your tenacity, boldness, and dedication!🖐🏼

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16 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Thank you for having this guest. I had heard of this group and was considering leaving a part of my estate to it. This confirms that this is just the group for me to benefit.

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Thank you, friend.

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Excellent move Deborah. Thank you from us all!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Senator Ted Kennedy gave a brilliant speech, Truth and Tolerance in America, to students at Liberty Baptist College when he was inadvertently sent a membership to the Moral Majority owing to a computer error. He talks about the value of a pluralistic society in which no one individual has a monopoly on the truth and no religious faith deserves more respect than any other. It was in 1985, I believe. I used to show it to my public speaking students as an example of how to address a “hostile audience.”

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Thank You,Jess, for sharing your podcast interview with us this morning ☕ was terrific and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊

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17 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

I plan to listen to the interview with Andrew Seidel on Christian nationalism and the separation of church and state but I'm already on board.


Freedom From Religion Foundation

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I love that organization as well

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Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

To me, that verse speaks to the separation of church and state.

On the subject of Christian “public” schools, I’m not sure how that fits in with what is a decidedly fascist movement in the country. Perhaps, the fascists are use American symbols to promote religion because it then becomes easier to indoctrinate children to a fascist society by discarding both national symbols and Christian symbols. There is only one person to be worshipped in an authoritarian government and that is the Leader.

James Clavell saw this, and he wrote “The Children’s Story.” It’s been adapted as a short film. Have a look at the dystopian world that could happen. It starts in an elementary school.


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This was a great interview. I took a course in college about world religions and loved it. The different religions are so interesting. I’m definitely going to get my hands on one of Andrew’s books. I just don’t understand why Christian’s want to force their religion on everyone.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

If you look at the history of Christianity in its entirety it's been rare that Christians haven't done that. The current Christian nationalist movement is just an extension of things like forced conversions of native Americans that took place here throughout much of our history. And the people who want that now have always wanted a Christian neofascist theocracy. They just didn't have much power until their 'prophet' came along and made a deal with them for votes.

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Yes, this is true. The conversion of the native Americans stands out in my mind.

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Thank you both!

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Thank you both for this enlightening discussion. I was raised a Catholic and still am one but I’m also a retired teacher. I can see the value of seeing both sides and the value of believing in “and” instead of “or”. Holding opposing ideas in our heads and hearts with and not using or.

The founders of our country knew what they were doing when they put separation of church and state in our constitution.

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Jess, my version of Mr. Seidel's statement:

Neither a state that believes it's a religion nor a religion that believes it's a state is either.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

I didn't know of this site! Thank you, Jess

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Yes. Exactly this.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Thank you Jess,

You continue to introduce me to people like Andrew that help my understanding of what is happening in America. My list of books to read gets longer!!

PS I have forwarded this podcast to friends I know would want to hear it!

Jess you are my Hero!

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