I am no one to give you advice, since I left Kansas City to go to college back in the fall of 1961 and haven't lived there since. And, as an 81 year-old retiree, my financial contributions will continue to be small amounts. But: You have previously mentioned that people support your positions but then tell you they can't vote for you because they are Christian. If I were in your shoes, I sure would be looking around for a left-wing Baptist minister who would accompany you and give people "permission" to vote for what they really need.

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Good thinking!

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Team up with John Pavlovitz? He's in NC. On Substack also.

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Katie, thanks for the tip. Just read a couple of his articles, and posted one of them.

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Like special dispensation!

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Great idea. The biggest question in my mind always is, How did the Magas get the churches? The Magas don't do anything Jesus said -- feed the hungry, look after the less fortunate, etc., etc.

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From what I have been able to determine - and I'm looking at this from the Catholic point of view - Catholic leadership was alarmed because after Vatican II (along with societal changes) they could no longer control parishioners. Prior to that members were basically shunned for questioning the authority of the Church, getting divorced, pregnant without marriage, etc. After Roe the USCCB (bishops) immediately took up the anti-abortion banner. Cynically I think because it meant less Catholic babies, they are also against birth control. I have read that Reagan and the GOP made the decision to embrace anti-abortion to get the Catholics and Evangelicals to vote for them rather than the Debs who typically support policy that actually supports true Christian teachings. The Catholic leaders say it is all for the dead babies (literally), but I honestly believe it is more to make women comply with all Church teachings and become the subservient servants that they should be. (listen to the Pope and other leaders when they discuss why women can't be priests - their role is to be servants to the Church. So my theory is that the thirst for control (and money) led much of the US Catholic Hierarchy to support any anti-abortion candidate. Over the decades I have heard from the pulpit that "No good Catholic would vote for anyone who supported abortion."

I know Michigan bishops (Michigan Catholic Conference) has spent $$$ lobbying for Catholic friendly policy, especially anti-abortion laws & votes for decades. I imagine most of the states have an organization that does this. On top of those $Millions over the years, the USCCB has spent more $millions over the years to do the same on a national level.

Now, imagine if that $$$ were instead spent to lobby the government to implement policies that Jesus would approve of - quality affordable housing, job protection for pregnant women, affordable quality childcare, quality public education for all students regardless of where they live, job training, free college tuition, medicare for all, etc. (many of these programs already exist in other "wealthy" countries).

Alternatively, the Church could have used those $$$millions to provide consistent programs to help anyone - food, housing, etc., instead of the patchwork charity system that exists today.

The Church could have accomplished ALL that, and still kept their wealth.

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BRAVO!! 👏🏻👏🏿👏🏽👏Eloquently written and RIGHT ON!

The more I got to know “organized religion,” from the Roman Catholic perspective I was raised within, the harder and faster I ran from its misogynistic, subversively white, European supremicist ideology.

We women lost it big at the Nicene Conference in 325 AD or so, millennia would pass before we even realized it.

Evidence of the powerful impact of eons of matriarchal societies, the writings of any female were ridiculed. burned or suppressed.

Mary Magdalene was branded a prostitute, subtly layering shame over powerful female biology, personality, power, voice and intellect.

Strictly regimented submissive rôles narrowed the possibilities for females under patriarchal control: men totally self-directed in public life; women in the kitchen and pregnant became the party line and still exists to a large extent in these regressive times. It is exhausting.

Male dominated tracts were written and woven into the “good book,” which became and still is thumped as the immutable party line.

I am exhausted, furious and bitter. 🍃☮️🍂

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Testify, sister.

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Swan, there's nothing particularly "European" about it since, as Anne Wright pointed out, most of Europe has long had affordable public housing, free or inexpensive colleges, quality public education, affordable quality childcare, 'medicare for all' and all the rest. You can find JFK saying we need to do the same in the '60s. Probably why he got assassinated.

That's one of the more ridiculous 'woke' stances I often hear.

We also have freedom of religion thanks to "slave-owner" Thomas Jefferson, who worked hard and long at it, and wrote the first bill for it that got passed. Slave-owners Hamilton and Patrick Henry fought it. TJ couldn't afford to free the slaves he inherited after the war and years in Europe on shit pay trying to find allies and trade treaties so we could survive. But he railed against it in his original Declaration of Independence (3/4 s of them wouldn't sign because of that) and halted further importation of slaves when he became our 3rd president.

You're right about earlier matriarchies, church "fathers" and Mary Magdalene though. Several rejected Gospels said she was JC's "beloved disciple", not John, and some said she was his wife.

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Why do these replies turn up out of order? It's confusing!

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A number of years ago I was teaching 5th grade religious education at my Catholic Church. I was taking required Catechist training classes at the same time. That is where I came to understand exactly how books were selected for the Bible - especially the Gospels. Each was selected to appeal to a specific audience, and though several were written by women, those were not included. The men who compiled the Bible did it to teach certain lessons, certainly not to be an inclusive document, a full history of Jesus and Christianity.

I also learned that in the early Christian Church, women were the hosts for Eucharistic celebrations, even playing a leadership role in the early Church. I know at some point the Church decided to remove women from role or mention in the Church, except for servitude. That goes along with what you are explaining happened at the Nicene conference, which definitely makes sense. I'm not a Church history scholar by any means, and I do wonder how the men justified their decision to limit women's involvement in the Church. Possibly that "women are needed in the home" smh.

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Anne Wright, "What Paul Meant" by Garry Wills is a good and highly readable exploration of which texts got added later vs which ones Paul actually wrote. He also explains the fact that Paul's real letters are the oldest part of the New Testament (though tons of other Biblical scholars agree with this). The rest was invented and tacked on half a century later, or more.

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Thank-you for sharing the wise ponderings in your posting!!

In feminist studies type courses of the late 1960s & 1970s, a concept was introduced that the male psyche was (subconsciously? preternaturally? intentionally and not too sub-consciously at all?) was enraged and jealous

of the one biological function/miracle of having a uterus and growing a child they could never have.

That despairing rage was expressed in the marginalization, disempowerment or erasure of any and all of non-biological female power.

How otherwise could the oral and inscribed histories of millennia of female empowerment, reigns of queens and empresses, successful matriarchal societies have been largely eliminated?

How else did we get Eve as the original sinner?

Woman as provocative, dangerous temptress obviously overwhelming the biologically weak self-control over the powerful natural urges of the male?

I could have added that I feel the Nicean old boys’ workshop was the first political convention. Its work products set a fateful, near eternal, rock-bound power consolidation agenda. 🍃☮️🍂

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Swan that's funny. A Muslim I dated a few times in my college days said pretty much just that: women exclusively have the most envious power of all - the ability to create life. So why do they need more?

The more I read of ancient writings though, the more I think it was a highly organized effort too though. Plato's Timeaus may argue 'the gods' created the world, but there's a helluva lot more praying to the (unnamed) Goddess in it. (Who the translator claims is Athena.) Reading Heredotus now, the oldest full history still extant, and got 191 pgs in before any gods were mentioned, though plenty of goddesses were - as well as priestesses & their "oracles", consulted for every important decision.

Even the Old Testament is full of Jehovah railing against the worship of Asherah (called Astarte by the Phoenicians and Ishtar by the Syrians), and tens of thousands of the oldest prayer votives found by archaeologists were either ascribed to her alone - or to her and "her consort, Jehovah" - in total reversal of claims that she was once worshiped as HIS consort (like here, useful for some of the biblical references to her: https://www.gotquestions.org/who-Asherah.html)

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They “don’t need no justification.”

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And note that the Los Angeles diocese was able to pony up nearly 1.5 BILLION to settle their child abuse cases.

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It still angers me that the Church has actively worked to reduce the statute of limitations for sexual assault to limit damages the Church would owe if children abused by clergy can continue to sue well into adulthood. If the Church took actual responsibility for the abuse it allowed to happen, the Church should be advocating for NO statute of limitations.

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Men do have their games involving fine vestments and lavish structures of their self sanctifying religions, luxurious athletic venues and astronomically paid teams for their entertainment and most important destructive weaponry for their armies.

They also manage to keep women in the back row, burdened with financial dependence, frequent impoverishment and, coupled with their children, the majority of war casualties.

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I remember reading that many in the Vatican were quite upset that when Francis became Pope he tried to dress simply and live in his humbler apartment. Gasp - how could they justify their own pomp and luxury if the Pope lived simply?

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If only we could enlist politicians who have the "pulpit" and the ear of the public - celebrities? - to spread the word and inform the larger public.

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I agree that the Dems need to find an effective way to get their message across. I think the Dems have had a messaging problem for quite a while. My observations are that the GOP (even pre-MAGA) started controlling the narrative, and the Dems were not getting their message across - possibly because they were trying to play by the rules/traditional rules & be respectful, and also because they seemed to think their accomplishments would speak for themselves because the press should have covered politics fairly (theoretically). The GOP began attacking Hilary back when Clinton was POTUS, and no one had her back. {even Dem leadership were probably not comfortable with her role which was brilliant) Then the Dems allowed the GOP to repeatedly harp on Hillary for anything, especially Benghazi and her emails. Dems need to repeatedly, loudly, widely, speak out against the GOP/MAGA lies that are raised to attack GOP opponents. Yes, well-respected politicians, and non-politicians need to repeatedly fact check, and speak the truth. So many progressive/Dem voters were not as aware as I was of everything Biden did accomplish (I'm a bit of a news nerd, NPR fan, and I don't watch any TV/cable news). smh

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I'm with you, and I think you have it exactly right. There are those trying to - belatedly - build a progressive information machine to counter the relentless propaganda from the right. This is probably where we need to focus a lot of energy. I was even frustrated with NPR on occasion this campaign season.

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ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON!! The relative silence on the HUNDREDS of rapidly shovel-ready and quickly in construction projects offered EQUALLY to all 50 states 🇺🇸🗽was/is deafening, inexplicable, bewildering, über frustrating and angering!!

More Republican-“led” states actually benefitted most as there (NE, AL, LA, AK, KE, SC, NC, WVA,(be real: Joe M. is really an🐘& always has been! MO, MS etc) lie unaddressed infrastructure needs.

The state of institutional rot and infrastructure crumble existing in THESE 🇺🇸 states are most critical due to decades of Repub’s deliberate suppression of, avoidance & delay of improvement for their populace and corrupted inaction. (DUH! Looking at Y😡U Mitch!!)

It was sardonic dark comedy when sly Repubs touted the funds pouring into their neglected states EVEN AFTER THEY VOTED AGAINST POTUS BIDEN’S BILLS & THEIR OWN CONSTITUENTS’ NEGLECTED, CRITICAL NEEDS!! They are beyond shame.

It seemed only Sec’y of Transportation Pete Buttigieg

spoke eloquently and appeared often in a variety of media outlets on these outstandingly beneficial accomplishments of POTUS Biden’s-VPOTUS Harris’ Inflation Reduction act among other legislation.🍃☮️🍂

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Two words: Opus Dei.

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Read Tim Alberta's book The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory to understand the coming together of the Repubs, Catholic Church, and Southern Baptist/Evangelicals. Started 50 years ago; scariest part to me is the long game plan that eventually brought us the Supreme Court and Project 2025. The Dems were asleep at the wheel. If the book is too much for you, Alberta wrote a piece for The Atlantic that sums up the premise for the book.

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The book is so informative and reveals the history that has brought us to today. I was radicalized into Evangelism in the 80s. I eventually drifted away from it when we moved. I can see now that the movement was well underway in the 80s.

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Thanks so much for your personal insight and confirmation, Marlene.

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This is a precis of an article from Oxford Academic:

"Richard Nixon brought evangelicals into the Republican Party by focusing his campaigns on cultural issues and by using Billy Graham as a liaison to conservative Protestants. The growth of the heavily evangelical suburban Sunbelt increased evangelicals’ political power and induced the Nixon administration to make a special appeal for their vote. Nixon used White House church services, evangelical events, and interference in the internal politics of the Southern Baptist Convention to win the support of conservative Protestants. The tactics worked. Evangelicals who opposed cultural liberalism and secularism were heartened by Nixon’s culturally conservative rhetoric and his public friendship with Graham, and they gave him stronger support than they had given to any previous Republican presidential candidate. Although Watergate diminished evangelicals’ regard for Nixon, the Republican evangelical coalition that Nixon had helped to create remained politically influential."


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Reagan and the ‘Moral Majority’ put all of the above on hyper speed.

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Let's not forget Pat (send money) Robertson and the Praise the Lord Club. His constant drumbeat was: THEY want to steal our Christian Culture!

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Similar to my thoughts, but starting as far back as Nixon. I have to admit I was not voting age and definitely not paying attention to politics then. Makes one wonder if Dem leadership noticed and reacted at all.

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Democrats, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama cleaned up after Republicans messed up the economic situation, then President Biden cleaned up after the Dictator Elect. After WWII, President Eisenhower was aware of the danger of a big Military Industrial Complex. He taxed fairly, especially corporations and wealthy folks. He developed jobs for mostly men to work on the highways and infrastructure. We know that 1% has more than all of the 99%. That’s a problem.

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Its ironic that in a country that was founded with the idea of religious freedom, religion is now being used to take away our freedoms.

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The MAGAs were Persian of the Zoroaster faith.

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Jim Sanders: Touché!

I like that one. VERY GOOD!

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Pardon me.

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MAGA got churches by opposing abortion. It started with Reagan. They constantly preach "abortion is murdering children". Decent people don't want children murdered. Unfortunately, lots of people don't realize that American fertilized egg is no moreca child than a kernel of corn is a cornstalk.

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Dadgum, look up all the memes on "Republican Jesus". They put all that in a nutshell.

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Hi Jess Piper. I know about leaking tires. My friend’s tire continued to leak and go flat. I told him it was probably a bad rim. Since my son is an expert in used car parts, I suggested looking for a rim for his Toyota. $60.00! I loved your Missouri story, and am concerned from Massachusetts. Staying vigilant.

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The awesome Gretchen Whitmer won the governor’s race in Michigan on a platform of “fix the damn roads” after hearing a personal story about how much a bad pothole could impact the live of a person trying to get by.

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How do we work together when we are trying to open our eyes to what is real and see that some of our compatriots are infected with the same or similar beliefs that have consumed humans all through history? I’m bemused. Do I take refuge in Shakespeare’s ‘adversity acquaints one with strange bedfellows’?

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Jim Sanders: I love Shakespeare by the whole Play rather than quotes.

For example, Iago (in Othello):

"Iago. Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,

Is the immediate jewel of their souls:

Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;

'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands:

But he that filches from me my good name

Robs me of that which not enriches him

And makes me poor indeed."


"Iago. As I am an honest man, I thought you had received

some bodily wound; there is more sense in that than

in reputation. Reputation is an idle and most false

imposition: oft got without merit, and lost without

deserving: you have lost no reputation at all,

unless you repute yourself such a loser. What, man!

there are ways to recover the general again: you

are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in

policy than in malice, even so as one would beat his

offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue

to him again, and he's yours."

How do we work together?

In a word, I don't know yet.

I am taking counsel in others reflecting on the same matter.

One leading thinker on this matter is Sherrilyn Ifill, Distinguished Professor of Law, Howard University, who is active in opposition right now.

Several Blue State Governors are uniting together to oppose cruel measures against state inhabitants (presumably including immigrants).

Kamala Harris looks good for the next gubernatorial race in California, where whe would have a mighty launching pad.

Financially support immigrant civil rights groups like the NAACP, ACLU, the League of Concerned Latin American Citizens (LULAC -- founded 1929).

If I am able to DO something through these organizations, even DO it.

I am open to any ideas.

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OK. Sometimes I need a play and others in need a line. I do not big a pipe wrench when a small screwdriver is needed for what I'm trying to communicate.

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Jim Sanders: I enjoy our dialogue.

My main point is we need to join forces that exist to resist.

We on the left can now turn on its head the traditional reading of the 10th Amendment, States' Rights, traditionally a haven for the segregationists, now to be a platform for Governor JB Pritzker (Illinois Governor) and other Blue State Governors to join together to RESIST.

No matter what the courts would hold on state resistance on the 10th Amendment, it would take YEARS for the Trump Administration to go through the courts to try to overturn State 10th Amendment resistance.

Hopefully, the litigation would last the entire Trump Administration, whether or not we won on the 10th Amendment.

Governor JB Pritzker and the other Blue-State allies are seizing the best battlefield tactic to bring to a halt the cruel, obscene border policy.

There are the great immigrant civil rights groups like the NAACP, ACLU, the League of Concerned Latin American Citizens (LULAC -- founded 1929).

We are each citizens of a little village while the foe occupies the grand platform that is the White House.

Resistance will seem weak in view of the mailed fist of state under an obscene, neo-fascist of orange color.

But resistance will keep the voice alive and we will join forces, for justice, human dignity, and equality are long-term warfare, and we will not give up for a tactical loss in a long, strategic war for human dignity and civil rights.

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I think a left wing Baptist minister might be considered an oxymoron – and I'm right behind you in age.

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I know one! But he's in NC.

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Yes Jess we need to keep the truth alive by funding writers like you who will tell us the whole truth and are not beholden to the corporate greed funding the so called news. Thanks for all you do. We will keep our arms linked and our voices loud.

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I'm beginning to hold my breath until I see your next article. In this post-election climate, I'm gathering articles for my Retired High School Teachers' Union in Ontario, Canada because we know it's coming. Our provincial premier is closing the Ontario Science Centre, handing out pieces of the Greenbelt to his developer buddies, and giving more money for treatments in a few private clinics while underfunding our public health care federal system. I won't even mention the federal Conservative leader who is polling well, promising many of the "efficiencies" that Trump bleated about.

Your piece today has me gasping. Four-day schools? but unlike much of media, YOU explain how the problems trickle down toward an oligarchy instead of a democracy (welcome to Russia, folks - but Tucker told us we didn't appreciate or understand it - eh?) In your posts, I find brief, clear analyses of political moves - and concrete, effective choices for how to resist them. Don't stop driving or writing. Your insights travel farther than you realize.

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Solidarity, friend

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I even drive a Mazda!

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Oh wow. And to think, many Americans have (either seriously or jokingly) contemplated moving to Canada since the election.

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My wife and I considered it seriously until we heard Canada is being challenged also. And that immigrants from the USA are being limited...

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I'm a dual citizen and can assure you, Canada is a lot different from the United States. Yes, the same forces are at work, but there's a level of decency and common sense that has gone out the window in the United States. I don't blame the citizens, it's how ignorant they are and how brainwashed they are by all the propaganda. It happened in the thirties in Germany, it exists in Russia and China. Dictatorships have to burn themselves out. There's nothing we can do but watch the train wreck and survive.

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Think Cody's Rica – a true democracy.

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I was a reading teacher for 15 years then with a terminal degree in education, I moved into research in education since 2003. I feel enraged about MAGA beliefs about education and how eager they are to scream for getting rid of the Department of Education. They think all teachers are Commies and unqualified to teach. They have no clue how the department works and its mission and goals. The prevailing view is that it indoctrinates children to liberal ideas. In the US, it’s illegal for the Department of Education to promote or require any type of curriculum. They have been completely radicalized into believe public schools are complete garbage. It’s pitiful how ill informed they are.

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Tucker Carlson was another entitled kid raised with a father /richard Carlson that lobbied for, friends with Orban, divorced his mother , abandoned by her and then his father married a Swanson chicken heiress? You would be surprised what you can find researching commentators or journalist ideology we think we all can trust , living in NE I don’t know which is worse OK or MS regarding education - Maga is a cancer that has seeped into every aspect of our lives and it will get worse, I look back the last 40 yrs from Reaganism and all the subtle signs of facism were happening, privatization, union busting, no such thing as a holocaust ~ I used to gift diary of Anne Frank to my daughters teen friends & so much more , I’ll survive , I get up everyday to “save myself” and I’m still fuming over willful ignorant stupidly for attention and clicks…keep doing what your doing Jess Piper I hope to see you running for office one day ,your state could use another ripple effect win like Maxwell Frost in FL

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Jess you should run for Governor. When regular folks learn who you are your success will be sealed despite oligarch opposition.

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Hear! Hear!

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Yes, you should!

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Rural America will be devastated. Such lunacy.

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Bless you Jess.... I don't know what else to say.

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Thank you, Jess, for standing up and standing strong. I will follow your lead, despite the fact that I live in Minneapolis, which is a lovely blue color. Still, there are places "out state" (as they say here) that remind me of your Republican right base in Missouri. In fact, Tim Walz didn't even win in his own home town of Mankato. Go figure.

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Same in Michigan. So many in rural areas vote against their self-interest, and they won't realize it. My guess is they will be told it was Biden's fault they lose cheap internet, roads decay, expanded-medicaid, ACA protections, etc. They are already losing hospitals and specialists.

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Walz wouldn't have won his home town when I was growing up there, either (I'm tail end of the "boomers"). Farmers and Catholics were the "town fathers" with the money and land then, and the college (now university) wasn't exactly a haven for liberals. I never even saw a Black person until I was a junior in high school. But they (MN) did have one of the best education systems in the U.S., and I'm still proud that it's my home state.

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Thank you for your writing and your gumption. I live in a bubble on the west coast and your blog helps me make sense of things. You inspired me to subscribe to a Substack for the first time, btw. You remind me to stay uppity!

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This is what democracy minded, community minded, middle of the road Dems have to pay attention too. Particularly that radio part , the drone of right wing radio that permeates the airwaves for working folks .

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Look up Sinclair Broadcasting.

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Sinclair Broadcasting Group is a bigger threat to democracy, and the destruction of America, than FOX News is. In Seattle, they took over the local station, KOMO, and ever since they have been doing their best to turn Seattleites against each other.

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And Clear. Or are they the same?

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You have a little Will Rogers and Mark Twain in you Very literate folksy fun...yet acute and entertaining in scope. Can not say that I approve of that Hawley dipshit. Omfg! Help Missouri! Help us all, Keep trucking. If can live thru Nixon, can live thru this

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Harry Truman pulled contracts and shutdown work of local road builders in MO for doing substandard repair work. Pie crust roads he called them. I suggest those that can chip in to help Jess.

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That was back when the phrase “Good enough for government work” meant the work was excellent!

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Jess, if I can call you that but M’s Piper seems more respective, I appreciate you and would like to invite you to Texas. There are so many rural communities who need help. Just south of Dallas there are so many communities just like what you described and they are full of people who need help. I will be happy to drive you around if you have time, at no cost to you. I have a vehicle that can hold up to 6 people and I would like to invite anyone who you would like to visit with. We can eat at a What-a-Burger and visit with some locals.

I know you are a busy person but I’m so impressed with you. I have a good friend who is Professor at UTA, Arlington, TX, who I would like to invite. He is a Political Science teacher and may want to include some of his students. I hope you will consider my offer and I look forward to your availability.

James(Jim) Odell

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I'm in Texas too. We sure could use someone like this. Several someones. Texas is big.

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If y'all don't follow Linsey Fagan already, look her up. She doesn't have a Substack, that I know of. But I'm sure you've heard of her. She ran for office in Tarrant County a few years ago. She lost, but she still keeps fighting. Same as Jess and others.

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Holy smokes, I'd be afraid Jess would get shot here in rural TX. I'm S.E., and she'd need her own posse to travel with!

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I’m trying to get one together but we wouldn’t get off major roads. I’d never go to San Augustine or Hemphill.

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Jess, I'd kick in for that tire rim if you tell me how I can. Bet I'm not alone

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Peggy, SAME!!!!!!!

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Me too, Jess. Let us know how to help with the rim.

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The lack of transparency in state funding for various projects is amazing. I know this first hand. It isn't what you know, its WHO you know - with money and connections.

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Jess you are not alone. Your voice brings reassurance in rocky times. Thank you

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Sage advice. Keep telling it like it is!

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