This is a precis of an article from Oxford Academic:
"Richard Nixon brought evangelicals into the Republican Party by focusing his campaigns on cultural issues and by using Billy Graham as a liaison to conservative Protestants. The growth of the heavily evangelical suburban Sunbelt increased evangelicals’ political power and induced the N…
This is a precis of an article from Oxford Academic:
"Richard Nixon brought evangelicals into the Republican Party by focusing his campaigns on cultural issues and by using Billy Graham as a liaison to conservative Protestants. The growth of the heavily evangelical suburban Sunbelt increased evangelicals’ political power and induced the Nixon administration to make a special appeal for their vote. Nixon used White House church services, evangelical events, and interference in the internal politics of the Southern Baptist Convention to win the support of conservative Protestants. The tactics worked. Evangelicals who opposed cultural liberalism and secularism were heartened by Nixon’s culturally conservative rhetoric and his public friendship with Graham, and they gave him stronger support than they had given to any previous Republican presidential candidate. Although Watergate diminished evangelicals’ regard for Nixon, the Republican evangelical coalition that Nixon had helped to create remained politically influential."
Similar to my thoughts, but starting as far back as Nixon. I have to admit I was not voting age and definitely not paying attention to politics then. Makes one wonder if Dem leadership noticed and reacted at all.
Democrats, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama cleaned up after Republicans messed up the economic situation, then President Biden cleaned up after the Dictator Elect. After WWII, President Eisenhower was aware of the danger of a big Military Industrial Complex. He taxed fairly, especially corporations and wealthy folks. He developed jobs for mostly men to work on the highways and infrastructure. We know that 1% has more than all of the 99%. That’s a problem.
This is a precis of an article from Oxford Academic:
"Richard Nixon brought evangelicals into the Republican Party by focusing his campaigns on cultural issues and by using Billy Graham as a liaison to conservative Protestants. The growth of the heavily evangelical suburban Sunbelt increased evangelicals’ political power and induced the Nixon administration to make a special appeal for their vote. Nixon used White House church services, evangelical events, and interference in the internal politics of the Southern Baptist Convention to win the support of conservative Protestants. The tactics worked. Evangelicals who opposed cultural liberalism and secularism were heartened by Nixon’s culturally conservative rhetoric and his public friendship with Graham, and they gave him stronger support than they had given to any previous Republican presidential candidate. Although Watergate diminished evangelicals’ regard for Nixon, the Republican evangelical coalition that Nixon had helped to create remained politically influential."
Reagan and the ‘Moral Majority’ put all of the above on hyper speed.
Let's not forget Pat (send money) Robertson and the Praise the Lord Club. His constant drumbeat was: THEY want to steal our Christian Culture!
Similar to my thoughts, but starting as far back as Nixon. I have to admit I was not voting age and definitely not paying attention to politics then. Makes one wonder if Dem leadership noticed and reacted at all.
Democrats, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama cleaned up after Republicans messed up the economic situation, then President Biden cleaned up after the Dictator Elect. After WWII, President Eisenhower was aware of the danger of a big Military Industrial Complex. He taxed fairly, especially corporations and wealthy folks. He developed jobs for mostly men to work on the highways and infrastructure. We know that 1% has more than all of the 99%. That’s a problem.