I was an English teacher for 16 years and landed my dream job in 2015…teaching American Literature to Juniors. This is a big deal for a rural teacher, because we often teach multiple subjects in small schools. Previously, I had taught everything from Jr High ELA to Film and Lit to a stint as a 6th grade teacher — that one was a stretch.
When I landed the American Lit position, I knew what I had. Teaching Juniors is the sweet spot—they are old enough to understand humor and sarcasm and young enough to not suffer from “senioritus.” American Literature is also my favorite as I loved teaching the history of our country through the literature produced by our people.
So, when I tell you how hard it was to walk away from my position to run for office, I mean it. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. *You should know that you can’t run for the statehouse and also work as a teacher in Missouri.
It all started in 2019 when Missouri Republicans passed an 8-week abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. I was angry. Fuming. But, when I opened my local paper and saw an Op-ed and then a Facebook post from my State Representative, Allen Andrews, I knew I had to do something.
Allen Andrews was not the least bit hesitant to take away the bodily autonomy of Missouri women and girls and even said that Missouri is a sanctuary state for “pregnant women and their unborn babies” complete with a picture of a smiling white baby that had to be about 11 months old.
How could he be proud of oppressing women and girls—how could he say we aren’t equal or worth equal rights?
The first thing I did was call my Rep. He didn’t return my call. I then went to his post on Facebook and exposed myself to the vitriol and name calling of those who live in my own community by pushing back on his stance (BABY KILLER in all caps was hurled at me by the wife of someone I worked with.)
I then posted my own thoughts on Facebook and tagged him. I tweeted about him. I even write a rebuttal to his column in my own Letter to the Editor which is no small feat when you work as a teacher in a small community.
But, mostly, I kept calling to no avail. This really irritated me—Allen was my Representative and was supposed to be responsive if not in agreement. One afternoon, I hit on a plan.
My husband was sitting next to me on the couch and I said to him, “You call Allen.” He looked up confused, but I said it again.
He said, “What will I say?
I said, “Whatever you want, but just remind him of your opinion on bodily autonomy.”
My husband wasn’t exactly excited—he keeps up with politics because I won’t shut up about politics, but is in general an open-minded man who keeps his thoughts to himself.
My husband dialed the number and Allen’s assistant answered. He left a message. The same thing that I had done on several occasions, so I just knew he would get the same result…except he didn’t.
Representative Andrews called my husband back within 20 minutes. TWENTY MINUTES.
My husband said a few things to my Rep, which I don’t really recall because I was so angry, but I do remember my husband asking him to call me back.
And, he did. I immediately got a phone call from Allen. As soon as he answered, I asked him what he was thinking and why he would even consider taking away bodily autonomy and healthcare from women and girls?
Reader, you are not prepared for his response…
My Representative calmly said, “Ma’am, I don’t have to talk to you, and I’m calling you as a favor to your husband.”
I’m positive that I passed out from the white-hot rage I felt. I was astonished. I was confused. I was pissed. And then, I was determined…to run for his seat.
That my friends was the spark that ignited a flame. It was the beginning of a story still unfolding. That misogyny and utter disrespect pushed me harder than I had ever been pushed by a politician and I’ll never forget it.
My former Representative is the reason I have a platform and an audience today.
Thanks, Allen.
This is why we need more women to run for these seats. If we don't want to live in Gilead, we have to fight.
Unbelievable! Obviously the misogyny runs very deep! I can’t believe he said that he doesn’t have to listen to you, but only your husband! I’m sick of that attitude that runs through the men in power in MO, and that the women republicans feel the same way that they do about women’s bodies.