When facts don’t dictate your thought, and the lies of a single individual do, you’re in a cult. The Republican party no longer exists, it is simply the MAGA cult.
MAGA is is not a political movement, really, it’s a religious cult, primarily. People are afraid to say that because religion is a touchy subject, but until we start calling it what it is, and going after it as a cult, then we’re not gonna get far.
Issue is Christian Nationalists using our government to force us to follow thier extremist views. They can't be happy living in a country that allows you to worship as you choose, they want to force everyone to follow their beliefs.
That's why I enjoy wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" rainbow flag t-shirt in front of extremists 👇
To your question - no, because most today do not bother to learn about the past. Currently I am reading Erik Larson's "In the Garden of Beasts" and it is remarkable to see the similarities between the rise of Hitler in 1930s Germany and the rise of Trump in the 2000s in the United States. But who today bothers with the lessons of Nazi Germany?
Can I suggest that you add Rachel Maddow’s podcasts to your list? She’s a great story teller and she brings information to life.
Her first series told the story of Nazis in the USA. Yes, you read that right, there were Nazis in the USA. Real, proper Nazis. Holding rallies, planning insurrections and all that. And yes, they were wearing shirts of one colour.
Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", is another history whose description of Hitler's rise to power in a democracy reads like a blueprint that Trump followed. One can only hope that Trump's agenda is permanently interrupted before the extreme violent part is replayed.
I have written about my 12-year-old granddaughter previously here. She is a gifted, strong young lady who participates very actively and successfully in multiple youth sports. She is also a straight A student. Here is her view on the issue of trans youth competing in girls’ sports:
“Until a trans girl beats another girl over the head killing her with a copy of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ in the girls’ locker room before a girls’ volleyball match, people are not worrying about the same things we are. We have wasted hours already this school year on active shooter drills we should have spent on academic studies. WTF! Do something about what really matters to kids. Make our schools safe from gun violence and active shooters.”
Bess, you are right. I think what we are lacking today in our country is not just civility, but most of our schools are not teaching civics anymore. Plus, and this my personal belief, is that we should consider a mandatory one or two years (minimum) service to our country for every high school graduate. That service could be Peace Corps, military, social services such as helping to build housing for the poor, working on farms, the forest service, or any number of trades like plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, brick laying, etc. the list of possible services is endless. That gets kids out of the home so they can experience the real world. And when they finish the country owes them training in a job or profession. That way they have a stake in the country.
Once again, you get to the heart of the matter. Instead of passing legislation to improve schools, housing, health care, issues that take funding to enact, the Repubs focus on issues that impact a minuscule fraction of the population, an issue they they have conflated out of proportion, so they don't have to tax the wealthy.
When I was reading your post I thought of that NCAA person testifying, that there were ten (or fewer!) young people among 510k who were possibly affected by any legislation. And then you included the quote. Thankyou.
Because it illustrates the insanity, the sheer and utter insanity: The American parliament can’t pass a budget but they can agree on a bill, which picks on a minuscule number of young people!
Your country has gone mad. Stark, roving bonkers. I just hope that the insanity is tempered by incompetence so as to limit the damage. And I hope that it is temporary and will pass soon.
Claudia, I know how alarmingly senseless all this sounds to normal people because I am one of them. We're still here in large numbers and will not be joining "The Dark Side" anytime soon! The Resistance will hunker down and endure for as long as we need to, but we will not give in. Promise.
While I had excellent literature teachers in high school, I wish I had been in your class. To show the on-going application of an ageless piece of literature is a lasting benefit to all students and those willing to continue to learn. Each time I read one of your posts I learn. Thank you for continuing to teach and serve.
I would like to see Republicans decide to ban males with too many muscles or too much testosterone from competing since that is unfair to guys with normal pecs and delts and height. Make them walk the walk after talking the talk and punching down. Let's see them punch up and watch what that gets them.
Thanks so much for that too-infrequently-made observation! The huge range of genetically-based capabilities within either chromosome-defined sex, which is much greater than what would be introduced into womens' athletics by transgender inclusion, is so much ignored. Would Robert Reich have had a "fair chance" at being on the basketball team if he'd wanted to be? Did any girl in Brittney Griner's class have a chance at her position on the team? And on and on.
The actual data in this respect is a significant part of my book-in-progress (more info is on my Substack).
Punch down. That’s what abhorrent Republicans do. Criminalize women’s healthcare. Pass ridiculous bathroom bills to “protect” girls, insist that a 10 year old rape victim give birth. Stirring up enmity against children, women, LGTBQ+ communities, and immigrants is how they score cheap political points. The trans community is such an infinitesimal part of the population, but the performative politicians go after them because they are vulnerable. I had not thought of the legislative bullying of today being a witch hunt, but the comparison is so apt. Jonathan Edwards and Cotton Mather come to mind. What awful people they were.
This made me think of two things: One, the story that when the Nazis ordered Jewish people in Denmark to wear a yellow star, Danish people including the king pinned a star to their jackets.
Which means that if the legislation about toilets in federal buildings and on federal land goes through, then I shall go and use the Gents. (It won’t be the first time.) And I am certain that nothing, absolutely nothing will happen to me!
There are about 9000 transgender surgeries being performed annually across the United States. Surgery for ages 17 and under was less than 20 per year from 2019-2021. All of those required parental consent. The latest statistics indicate that 0.6% of the US population identifies as transgender. About 10.9% of medical encounters of transsexualism result in gender-affirming surgeries. So less than 1% of the population is "Trans", and only 10% of them even think about surgery. The GOP and FOX want you to believe this is an "epidemic" but the statistics paint a way different picture
Kind of ironic no one is up in arms over TG boys competing in sports. I left my state due to the hate laws recently passed against TG people, including my child, but unfortunately there are so few places to run.
I will never stop fighting for my son’s right to exist. They (MAGA) are such incredible hypocrites. What if one of their forced pregnancies results in a baby with the “devil’s mark”?
I've been thinking the same thing. There's never any mention of trans boys competing in sports. I gather it's because it all boils down to controlling women, all in the guise of "protecting" women.
I also taught junior English--in the mid-teens--and taught The Crucible. Also Jonathan Edwards's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. I've often thought in recent weeks that this is where we are returning. It's frightening. A recent memoir and novel dealt specifically with men (always men) who take Edwards's principles to heart and sought to impose those strictures on the women in their lives. Apparently, there are no religious requirements for men.
I read "Sinners" in public high school (1970s) and was horrified. I thought it was inappropriate then and I still do. WTH were they trying to teach with that? 😠
Anyone who doesn't see a connection between past scares and hunts is willingly blind. Have any of the legislators pushing anti-trans bills ever met or spoken to a trans child or their parents? Have they seen the near constant fear and depression these kids live with or the joy when they are allowed to be themselves?
Ah, here is the root of the challenge - “we should make college free so students don’t have to play sports at an elite level to pay for college…”
I strongly oppose what conservative, Christian nationalist, misogynist, MAGA Republicans are proposing that discriminates against a very small minority of trans youth who participate in youth sports. However, the larger issue is open and fair access for all to educational opportunity.
Democrats need to stand up for and strongly, proudly, and loudly support that alternate agenda. Let’s be sure we are fighting a battle we can win over the real issue at stake.
They chose trans people to vilify to test out our resolve to protect the few. They will move on, as we allow, to all marginalized groups. It's straight from 1930s Germany. Protect minorities, protect yourselves.
I would like to offer a solid and effective way to protest Trump’s presidency. On the 20th and 21st, stay home, buy nothing, don’t use Facebook, X, Threads, instagram, etc. This whole fiasco is about money and power. WE HAVE POWER TOO—CONSUMER POWER. Let’s use it to spend no money at Amazon, big box stores, no buying stocks nor crypto, and boycott other ultra right organizations and businesses. Hit them in their pockets to remind them we can mess them up. The oligarchs aren’t spending money on goods. The common person is buying groceries, cars, manufactured goods, etc. we are the spenders they rely on for their security. Stay home, no protests on the streets that could give the thugs reason to turn arms on us. Don’t buy gas, don’t make their day anything good. With almost half of the country opposed to T’s “agenda”, that loss of revenue can hit them hard. And there’s no one to turn their dogs on.
Trump is coercing the oligarchs with his power to mess up aOr ruin their businesses and government contracts. Let’s remind those cowards that we have the power.
Excellent article. I taught middle school literature in parochial schools. We read A Christmas Carol every year and discussed the lessons found therein. Couldn’t do that in public school (actually, FL was okay with it at the time-before they started to ban books), and I was good with that because I believe in separating church/state. Lots of great lit for students out there if we can get around the hypocritical, misogynistic, and racist right.
BTW- McCarthy was a raging alcoholic who, quite predictably had a flaming end and solidified a legacy of ignominy. Reminds me of at least one candidate interview I watched the other day.
Have we learned nothing from our past? The Republican Party has learned to foment fear and loathing of our fellow humans.
When facts don’t dictate your thought, and the lies of a single individual do, you’re in a cult. The Republican party no longer exists, it is simply the MAGA cult.
MAGA is is not a political movement, really, it’s a religious cult, primarily. People are afraid to say that because religion is a touchy subject, but until we start calling it what it is, and going after it as a cult, then we’re not gonna get far.
Issue is Christian Nationalists using our government to force us to follow thier extremist views. They can't be happy living in a country that allows you to worship as you choose, they want to force everyone to follow their beliefs.
That's why I enjoy wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" rainbow flag t-shirt in front of extremists 👇
I agree with you. Then there’s the oligarchs…
To your question - no, because most today do not bother to learn about the past. Currently I am reading Erik Larson's "In the Garden of Beasts" and it is remarkable to see the similarities between the rise of Hitler in 1930s Germany and the rise of Trump in the 2000s in the United States. But who today bothers with the lessons of Nazi Germany?
Can I suggest that you add Rachel Maddow’s podcasts to your list? She’s a great story teller and she brings information to life.
Her first series told the story of Nazis in the USA. Yes, you read that right, there were Nazis in the USA. Real, proper Nazis. Holding rallies, planning insurrections and all that. And yes, they were wearing shirts of one colour.
Not only that; the Nazis of 1930 Germany took lessons from the eugenicists of 1890 America. I have several references on this; https://www.publicbooks.org/what-the-nazis-learned-from-america/ is the one that popped up first.
Which Maddow podcast? She has several.
This was a fabulous podcast! History that I certainly had never heard about.
And Ultra 2.
Suggest Timothy Snyder's "The Road to Unfreedom" for historical insight as well.
Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", is another history whose description of Hitler's rise to power in a democracy reads like a blueprint that Trump followed. One can only hope that Trump's agenda is permanently interrupted before the extreme violent part is replayed.
Thanks for the recommendation. It's next on my reading list.
And Phillip Kerr’s Bernie Gunther series.
I have written about my 12-year-old granddaughter previously here. She is a gifted, strong young lady who participates very actively and successfully in multiple youth sports. She is also a straight A student. Here is her view on the issue of trans youth competing in girls’ sports:
“Until a trans girl beats another girl over the head killing her with a copy of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ in the girls’ locker room before a girls’ volleyball match, people are not worrying about the same things we are. We have wasted hours already this school year on active shooter drills we should have spent on academic studies. WTF! Do something about what really matters to kids. Make our schools safe from gun violence and active shooters.”
Thank you
Bess, you are right. I think what we are lacking today in our country is not just civility, but most of our schools are not teaching civics anymore. Plus, and this my personal belief, is that we should consider a mandatory one or two years (minimum) service to our country for every high school graduate. That service could be Peace Corps, military, social services such as helping to build housing for the poor, working on farms, the forest service, or any number of trades like plumbing, carpentry, electrical work, brick laying, etc. the list of possible services is endless. That gets kids out of the home so they can experience the real world. And when they finish the country owes them training in a job or profession. That way they have a stake in the country.
Yes, thank you. And thank your granddaughter.
Once again, you get to the heart of the matter. Instead of passing legislation to improve schools, housing, health care, issues that take funding to enact, the Repubs focus on issues that impact a minuscule fraction of the population, an issue they they have conflated out of proportion, so they don't have to tax the wealthy.
Good points
When I was reading your post I thought of that NCAA person testifying, that there were ten (or fewer!) young people among 510k who were possibly affected by any legislation. And then you included the quote. Thankyou.
Because it illustrates the insanity, the sheer and utter insanity: The American parliament can’t pass a budget but they can agree on a bill, which picks on a minuscule number of young people!
Your country has gone mad. Stark, roving bonkers. I just hope that the insanity is tempered by incompetence so as to limit the damage. And I hope that it is temporary and will pass soon.
Yes. We have gone mad.
Claudia, I know how alarmingly senseless all this sounds to normal people because I am one of them. We're still here in large numbers and will not be joining "The Dark Side" anytime soon! The Resistance will hunker down and endure for as long as we need to, but we will not give in. Promise.
Come Monday at noon I will no longer refer to the White House as that, because it will have become the "Dark House" of evil and greed.
While I had excellent literature teachers in high school, I wish I had been in your class. To show the on-going application of an ageless piece of literature is a lasting benefit to all students and those willing to continue to learn. Each time I read one of your posts I learn. Thank you for continuing to teach and serve.
Thank you, friend
I would like to see Republicans decide to ban males with too many muscles or too much testosterone from competing since that is unfair to guys with normal pecs and delts and height. Make them walk the walk after talking the talk and punching down. Let's see them punch up and watch what that gets them.
Thanks so much for that too-infrequently-made observation! The huge range of genetically-based capabilities within either chromosome-defined sex, which is much greater than what would be introduced into womens' athletics by transgender inclusion, is so much ignored. Would Robert Reich have had a "fair chance" at being on the basketball team if he'd wanted to be? Did any girl in Brittney Griner's class have a chance at her position on the team? And on and on.
The actual data in this respect is a significant part of my book-in-progress (more info is on my Substack).
Punch down. That’s what abhorrent Republicans do. Criminalize women’s healthcare. Pass ridiculous bathroom bills to “protect” girls, insist that a 10 year old rape victim give birth. Stirring up enmity against children, women, LGTBQ+ communities, and immigrants is how they score cheap political points. The trans community is such an infinitesimal part of the population, but the performative politicians go after them because they are vulnerable. I had not thought of the legislative bullying of today being a witch hunt, but the comparison is so apt. Jonathan Edwards and Cotton Mather come to mind. What awful people they were.
Your comment gave me chills.
Quote: “Legislative bullying”
This made me think of two things: One, the story that when the Nazis ordered Jewish people in Denmark to wear a yellow star, Danish people including the king pinned a star to their jackets.
Which means that if the legislation about toilets in federal buildings and on federal land goes through, then I shall go and use the Gents. (It won’t be the first time.) And I am certain that nothing, absolutely nothing will happen to me!
I hate to say this, but I'm wondering how long it will be before it's mandated for certain groups to wear some kind of badge to identify them.
Jess, it's definitely becoming like the Red Scare, the internment of the American-Japanese during WW II, etc.
There are about 9000 transgender surgeries being performed annually across the United States. Surgery for ages 17 and under was less than 20 per year from 2019-2021. All of those required parental consent. The latest statistics indicate that 0.6% of the US population identifies as transgender. About 10.9% of medical encounters of transsexualism result in gender-affirming surgeries. So less than 1% of the population is "Trans", and only 10% of them even think about surgery. The GOP and FOX want you to believe this is an "epidemic" but the statistics paint a way different picture
Kind of ironic no one is up in arms over TG boys competing in sports. I left my state due to the hate laws recently passed against TG people, including my child, but unfortunately there are so few places to run.
I’m so sorry, friend. You’re right. There is nowhere to run now.
I will never stop fighting for my son’s right to exist. They (MAGA) are such incredible hypocrites. What if one of their forced pregnancies results in a baby with the “devil’s mark”?
I've been thinking the same thing. There's never any mention of trans boys competing in sports. I gather it's because it all boils down to controlling women, all in the guise of "protecting" women.
Yes. I believe it’s an effort to define femininity and pervertedly profile desirable/undesirable women. Gross.
I also taught junior English--in the mid-teens--and taught The Crucible. Also Jonathan Edwards's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. I've often thought in recent weeks that this is where we are returning. It's frightening. A recent memoir and novel dealt specifically with men (always men) who take Edwards's principles to heart and sought to impose those strictures on the women in their lives. Apparently, there are no religious requirements for men.
Sinners in the hands of an angry God really does say a lot about our current lawmakers, doesn’t it?
It absolutely does!
That's because religion is patriarchal.
I read "Sinners" in public high school (1970s) and was horrified. I thought it was inappropriate then and I still do. WTH were they trying to teach with that? 😠
Good question.
Anyone who doesn't see a connection between past scares and hunts is willingly blind. Have any of the legislators pushing anti-trans bills ever met or spoken to a trans child or their parents? Have they seen the near constant fear and depression these kids live with or the joy when they are allowed to be themselves?
Thanks Jess for continually trying to open eyes.
My question to the people who fall for this crap is--why do you care? How could anything like someone else's choice affect you in the slightest?
Have these people no compassion, no decency??
Short answer: no.
Ah, here is the root of the challenge - “we should make college free so students don’t have to play sports at an elite level to pay for college…”
I strongly oppose what conservative, Christian nationalist, misogynist, MAGA Republicans are proposing that discriminates against a very small minority of trans youth who participate in youth sports. However, the larger issue is open and fair access for all to educational opportunity.
Democrats need to stand up for and strongly, proudly, and loudly support that alternate agenda. Let’s be sure we are fighting a battle we can win over the real issue at stake.
I hope they will!
As if they really give a rat’s patootie about women other than the ways in which they can serve men.
They chose trans people to vilify to test out our resolve to protect the few. They will move on, as we allow, to all marginalized groups. It's straight from 1930s Germany. Protect minorities, protect yourselves.
I would like to offer a solid and effective way to protest Trump’s presidency. On the 20th and 21st, stay home, buy nothing, don’t use Facebook, X, Threads, instagram, etc. This whole fiasco is about money and power. WE HAVE POWER TOO—CONSUMER POWER. Let’s use it to spend no money at Amazon, big box stores, no buying stocks nor crypto, and boycott other ultra right organizations and businesses. Hit them in their pockets to remind them we can mess them up. The oligarchs aren’t spending money on goods. The common person is buying groceries, cars, manufactured goods, etc. we are the spenders they rely on for their security. Stay home, no protests on the streets that could give the thugs reason to turn arms on us. Don’t buy gas, don’t make their day anything good. With almost half of the country opposed to T’s “agenda”, that loss of revenue can hit them hard. And there’s no one to turn their dogs on.
Trump is coercing the oligarchs with his power to mess up aOr ruin their businesses and government contracts. Let’s remind those cowards that we have the power.
I had the same idea but no way to spread that peaceful protest.
Excellent article. I taught middle school literature in parochial schools. We read A Christmas Carol every year and discussed the lessons found therein. Couldn’t do that in public school (actually, FL was okay with it at the time-before they started to ban books), and I was good with that because I believe in separating church/state. Lots of great lit for students out there if we can get around the hypocritical, misogynistic, and racist right.
BTW- McCarthy was a raging alcoholic who, quite predictably had a flaming end and solidified a legacy of ignominy. Reminds me of at least one candidate interview I watched the other day.
Oh my God, John. I thought the same thing when I saw Pete testifying in those hearings.
I learned a lot about McCarthy from Rachel Maddow’s Podcast. She’s a great story teller.