Thank you Jess. I was at the Women’s Summit and I am one of the Ardent Biden & Harris supporters.

That’s right - Biden & Harris. Joe is old AND wise AND experienced AND HONEST. And Kamala is smart, experienced AND HONEST. She would be a 1000 times better president than the fascist

so the two of them Can Defeat their opponent and no one else can.

THEY have my vote.

Now let’s all say it over and over and over.

Biden & Harris have my vote.


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Biden & Harris have my vote!

A Great Bumper Sticker!

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Yes! gotta get my friend with a sign machine to make me one....

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Have her make a bunch and give them away or sell them for cost.

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

Thank you for this article. Exactly how I am feeling. So mad at Heorge Stephanopolis!!! He was relentless. I vote for honesty, decency and democracy. I am firmly behind Joe Biden.

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I keep remembering the months before the 2016 election, George interviewed PO #1135809 Every. Single. Morning. On Good Morning America. Every Morning. The GOP candidate got free publicity from ABC. The Dem candidate, HRC, did not! ABC, owned by Disney, is a corporation that backs the GOP. Simple as that. Of course Georgw was going to push the President, it's what journalists do. What I wish is that someone would coach the President on how to respond to critics. Certainly not by deflecting, denying, avoiding! He needs to confirm and verify that he understands the very real concerns. Then he can respond with his proof, which is that he is doing the job! He simply reports his record. No Democrat (or honest Republican foe that matter, which is why they k ow he will win!) is questioning his record. We wonder if he realizes our concerns are based on what we see and hear from him. We know he has done a good job, but he is, in fact, aging. (Comes with breathing.) We have TRUST that he can continue for four more stressful years. He apparently thinks he can. I would feel better about his confidence if he acknowledged that we are worried!

Meanwhile - Keep doing what you do! And talk with rural folks about Project 2025! I ask my Republican friends if they know about it and encourage them to read (or listen to) a few summaries if they don't. Forward!

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I feel good about supporting Biden because he surrounds himself with excellent people. You don’t have to be old to have neurological problems or even die. His administration’s got it!

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I don't care if he is at death's door. I'm voting for him and the great people who work for him, including Kamala Harris.

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100 percent agree! I’ll vote for Biden if he’s alive, I’ll vote for Biden if he’s dying, I’ll vote for Biden if he’s dead. Anything to keep Trump out of office. I consider that my patriotic duty. I trust Kamala not Project 25!

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I think he's the best president of my lifetime, and today I turned 67.

This is in the Christian Science Monitor:


"As the average life span has risen, views have expanded about the potential of older people to keep contributing. “We’ve added a couple of decades, essentially an entire generation, onto our lives, and we haven’t, kind of, socio-culturally figured out how to handle that,” geriatrician Louise Aronson told CBS News. Dr. Aronson believes public anxiety about aging leaders reflects a fear of aging itself."

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My big concern is the Dems sabotaging themselves listening to pundits. So what is a pundit? They seem to be ersatz wise people used by the media to get clicks and watchers to please the corporate sponsors. Because of corporate sponsors we are not hearing a drumbeat of the Marche Slave from the roaches of the MAGA infestation.

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They're no longer journalists. They're mouthpieces for the oligarchs who own them.

That said, there are rats in both parties and we really need to pay closer attention to who does what. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eR0ckpJ3bk&ab_channel=ParodyProject

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Brilliant. Thank you posting.

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It’s not so much that the mainstream media and pundits embedded therein are in the pockets of corporations and oligarchs, rather, their bread and butter comes from clicks and engagement. Nothing is more profitably engaging than a cage match between good and evil. Unfortunately, that gives them an incentive to put their thumb on the scale to make sure such a cage match happens.

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Their clicks and ratings have been tumbling since they blackballed the Sanders campaign, and esp since they all parroted each other verbatim & absurdly during Covid (just one example among countless others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s5DYknp9cc&list=PLOQud4RS2RGghPYCvVs5g8zXfCX-AOayh&index=71&ab_channel=MattOrfalea)

And yet, their salaries have not been affected. Peanuts for reporters and millions for their anchors. https://tidingsinfo.com/salary-of-cnn-anchors/

Besides which, I have a friend who wrote for The Washington Post for years, then for AFP for even longer. She fought long and hard to report facts she wasn't allowed to. Just to say why I said what I said.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

I agree Biden could have done a much better job in the G.S. interview and still needs to address some concerns. He said he 'didn't think he watched the debate' that is hard to believe. He said he 'doesn't need to take a cognitive test'. That leads to speculation that he might be afraid to take one. And he said that 'only the lord almighty" could make him drop out. That makes it seem like he is not listening to the concerns people have. I wish he would just admit his performance in the debate was concerning but his performance as president has been remarkable. Take the test if DT will do the same. And tell the people his is not above listening to his advisors.

GS gave him a chance to connect with the people, look into the camera and reassure them, he didn't.

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Biden has taken a congitive test and other health assessments. They are public.

DT won't do any such thing!! Even if he says he will (DT lies)! DT still hasn't releasted his taxes from the 2016-2020 presidential runs. Your statements feel like more repug lies.

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I've (online) heard Biden speak about these concerns at his rallies. George S was horrid and inappropriate. That's not a journalist's job to ask the same question every single time, practically.

It's only the media that says he should dropout, in my experience.

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Try to also get them to watch "Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism's Unholy War on Democracy" on Tubi. If that doesn't make them sit up and take notice, I don't know what will!

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The age thing is a distraction. Instead of talking about Biden's accomplishments, Trump's corruption and obvious psychopathy and Project 2025, we're being pummeled by the media and Joe's "disastrous performance." How much worse will journalism get?

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Little George has been trying to convince everyone that hje isn't a Democrat ever since he stopped working for Bill Clinton. I wish he'd stop because he convinced me long ago.

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Is that a joke?!!

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I’m fine with George Stephanopoulos. He did his job well. If he hadn’t pressed Biden, the interview would have backfired on them both. Biden-Harris 2024!

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I disagree. He would not stop attacking Joe Biden. It was horrible. Especially, when Donald Trump talks about sharks boats and electrocution. Why didn’t George bring up Project 2025? Because he knows where his paycheck comes from. At least we both agree Biden Harris 2024! Blue tsunami!!!!

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

Thank you for this!

I have just sent the following letter to the President supporting his presidency and his candidacy in the next election.

Mr. President,

I support you. You are and have been a terrific president, perhaps our strongest since FDR. Stay in the race! These calls for you to step down are misguided and will only splinter us at the moment we must be unified.

You work hard and consistently for ordinary people. You saved lives during the pandemic, you've capped drug costs & will continue to do so, expanded Obamacare. You've forgiven student debt, releasing money into the economy, defended social security. You've stopped junk fees and fought to make billionaires pay their fair share of taxes. You've pushed for union rights and American jobs with the CHIPS act; you've rebuilt our alliances—with NATO, The Paris Accords, and our allies. You've stood with Ukraine, and against despots. You've supported HBCU's. You've nominated the first Black woman to the Supreme Court—and she's excellent! You've assembled the most diverse, extremely competent, team in history. You've stood for LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights, minority rights. You've moved to restore our infrastructure. You do everything with heart and with strength.

We need you, Mr. President, to "finish the job"!

Please take heart. Know that I and many, many Americans are with you!

Dr. Mei Mei Sanford

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Had you circulated this, I would have signed it. And we could ad that his economy proves that bottom up and middle out creates a sustainable and fair economy as shown by the numbers!

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Great response. Thank you.

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Write to him myself the other night when I got so fed up I turned off the TV.

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How did you write to him? When I sent this letter to comments@whitehouse.gov it bounced back.

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I wrote last week and had trouble with the first drop down box that says; WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DISCUSS?*REQUIRED.

After many tries I wrote in other and it was accepted and then I could send my comment [similar to your comment, but shorter].

Hope this helps.

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I also chose Other but used that same url for my message

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Most of y friends say they are better off!

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Thank you! I am sending a version of your wonderful letter now!

So far as I can tell no one is listening to The People!

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Hard agree this. I don’t know anyone wavering. We have a good man. We have a solid president, a solid administration, a capable and contributing vice president. No doubts. None. We understand the stakes and aren’t settling. Anything else is both asinine and suicide. Who are the pundits flailing to? Not us. If and when Biden needs to hand over the baton, he has his Vice President. He has hundreds of millions in his campaign funds, hundreds of voter outreach offices. Those are only usable by the Biden-Harris campaign so the pundits are being extra ridiculous about this, thinking anyone else (that the grassroots don’t want anyway) would have funds and a ground crew they could spool up now. No way. Gotta wonder why they want us to switch so bad, polls improved if anything. I’m staying with the president and his team. No regrets.

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Me too!💙💙💙💙💙

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

Thank you for giving me an excellent reality check. I’m now limiting my “political” reading to 6 Substack writers (I have too many subscriptions anyhow). You are one.

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Good plan! I’ve unsubscribed from anyone who calls themselves progressive and has called Biden to step down. I want to give my attention to people who understand history.

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Amen. I just spent the last week doing this. Jess is right - no one is listening to the VOTERS! Who do these people think they are? Even the undecided focus groups after the debate were more measured than the media and punditry has been. It’s sickening what’s going on. WE THE VOTERS have already voted for our candidate. The donor class, the media, the political insiders - THEY are the ones who need to take a seat!

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I have done the same. I shut it down. Biden/Harris!

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

Thank you, Jess, for working so hard. Your information is reassuring, especially since you are our eyes and ears as you tour.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7Liked by Jess Piper

Amen Jess!

The talking heads are in an echo chamber, and living inside the beltway they view the rest of the country as unimportant. I'm on the local Democratic Committee in a major city in upstate NY. Many of us were traumatized by the debate, but if anything it strengthened our support for Joe. Virtually no one on a committee of several hundred wants to see Joe replaced.

No one.

But the pundits and "journalists" don't listen and don't care about reality. They feel they shape the campaign and that the voters will behave the way they EXPECT us to behave. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

Thank you for this article. I agree President Biden had a bad debate. But I am so tired of the pundits criticizing Joe Biden and ignoring the lies that Trump spewed out during the debate. The real test is to look at their track records as presidents. There is no question who the winner of that contest is.

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So so so sick of it!

They barely mention Biden for 3.5 years and now pounce on a poor performance verses significant lies.


Why should we even continue to read you?

Clueless and short history memories.

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Thank you for your insight. I'm in Tucson, AZ, 62 year old woman. My family--mom, dad, sisters, kids, husband, aunts, many of my cousins--are all Biden supporters. My mother was angry that her Congressman, Raul Grijalva, would speak out against Biden and planned to call his office and complain. She's 82 years old and will tear him a new one. They're of a mind that yeah, he's old. Yeah, we'd like it if he was younger, but they trust Harris if he can't get through a second term, and they know he has good, reliable people in his cabinet who care about regular people.

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

The Democrats I know are still in Biden’s corner. Who do I personally know who are screaming the loudest that Biden should step aside? Trump voters. That’s who. Even they suspect Trump’s best shot at retaking the White House is against anyone not named Biden.

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Word! Biden is the only one who's beat him and he's been trying to take biden and his family out for 6 yrs now?

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YES YES! Thank you, Jess. I firmly believe that women will lead the charge—particularly those of us old enough to have been in the original fight for abortion rights. And definitely the Civil Rights warriors. The choice is so clear. Stay the course with Honest Joe.

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Our Prime Minister Mrs Margaret Thatcher,of blessed memory,showed us Brits how lovely life is with a caring,sharing,baby nurturing,ever loving woman in charge. She shut down all the factories,closed all the coal mines,sold off all the social housing and told poor people "eat dirt". Look,you USA people talk big,but you've NEVER had a girlie-whirlie Head of State. We've had 3 female Prime Ministers and we hated them all and for over 70 years we had a woman Head of State Queen Elizabeth II,and if you think she was a boring mumsy lady who kept her trap shut,that was her strength,her survival strategy and her power. Stop flapping your mouths Yanks,and DO IT. Vote for a woman. I recommend Dolly Parton.

NOT joking.

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

I'm with Biden. And if he chooses to step down, I'll be with whoever is the Democratoc nominee. I will vote for my cat over the felon fascist Twitler.

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Democrats unite and defeat the Republican fascism and Project 2025!

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

Jess, one thing I will never understand, never. WHY, WHY, WHY does Trump get a permanent pass with no discussion by the “media” of the millions of insane and evil things he says and does EVERY single day. Our country is sick…..

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I agree. It’s been this way for a very long time. Trump seems to be immune even from media scrutiny.

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Jul 6Liked by Jess Piper

This is exactly what I think. I am FURIOUS with the so-called main stream media. Sure, blather about it for a couple of days but more than a week later? How about for every “Joe Biden is old” article we get a “Donald Trump is a liar and a felon article?” Thank you for letting me know I am not alone.

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No Nan, you are definitely not alone. Very well said!

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Thank you so much for your post! I hope you share our feedback with potus and flotus as well as vp Kamala Harris! We the people are not the media. And I know many of us are on board! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Couldn't hear parents spell either. Orpah is the name in the Bible but due to a spelling mistake when the baby was registered she grew up as Oprah (Winfrey). It's C-A-M-I-L-L-A.

Or is she named after a Beast of Burden.

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