It's me again...the Democrat who is running in rural NY-21 against Elise Stefanik.

When I read what Kevin Roberts said about the "bloodless" 2nd American Revolution, I thought of the women who have bled out from botched abortions or pregnancies for which they could not get proper healthcare. Those weren't exactly bloodless, were they? I also thought of the quasi militia men in various pockets in my district. They are already marching around with "long guns", preparing...in case. In case of what?

You are right, this is deeply personal.

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You’re right, this has not been a bloodless coup and it is deeply personal for every citizen who wants to fight tyranny . Good luck in your race. I hope you are victorious.

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Hi Paula. I'm a fellow New Yorker here, just wanting to wish you luck. I can't vote for you because I live downstate, but I'm rooting for you because Elise Stefanik, in spite of the fact that her district is the birthplace of Eliz. Cady Stanton, the women's suffragist and has the largest population of seniors in NY, she cares about none of those things. She is devoted to tearing down democracy. It's depressing that such a person is representing part of our great state of NY. Good luck to you!

As for Project 2025, I'm so glad it's finally getting talked about. I've been aware of it for quite some time, but others I've spoken to know nothing about it. Everyone needs to know about it... It is the plan for the end of freedom. I surely hope this past 4th of July celebration wasn't our last. I hope people understand that's what is at stake now.

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You go, Ms. Collins! I live down in Syracuse, and have watched Ms. Stefanik’s and Ms. Tenney’s rise through the MAGA ranks as Trump fan girls with horror and dismay. I wish you all the best, and will be looking forward to ways to support your run!

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Join Field Team 6 or Indivisible, Vote Forward & volunteer to knock on doors, make ph calls, or hand write postcards to likely Democrats who are unregistered. There are many opportunities to help.

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Thank you.

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SADLY, Stefanik used to be a normal Republican & now she's drinking the MAGA

Kool-Aid! Too bad....and there really aren't that many normies left.

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Good luck, Paula. I'm going to donate to your campaign. I'm a NYer, and Stefanik is a blotch of red in our mostly blue state.

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Paula, please send Stefanik packing! The way she panders to Trump and his Big Lie is sickening! Informing your district of just what these delusional kooks are up to with their “Project 2025” and its implications in their lives, is the key to Democratic victory!

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Jess, we got your back!!! I’m in awe of the fabulous job you do in the face of one of the most difficult states in which to organize.

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We’re getting an anti gerrymandering issue on the ballot. It will pass. We restored Roe last November.

I live in the backwater state of Ohio.

It can be done.

Join an organization. Write postcards, make phone calls, knock on doors and above all.. vote out every Republican.


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I’m writing postcards to Ohio voters right now. I live in CA so I find it imperative to do work for other states since we are decidedly blue voters. We all need to do everything we can to stop the madness. Thank you, Jess, for all you do!

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Thank you! We need to get the registered Dems here to vote !!!

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Good idea for CA Dems.

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Absolutely! So tired of hearing how intimidated liberals feel, how they fear violent repercussions. We must all stand together and not let the bastards win with just intimidation!

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When fascists prioritize securing the border, keeping immigrants out is only part of the goal.

No one gets out without permission.

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You’re correct to remind us of that, about getting out or leaving. Cities & counties in TX are already passing ordinances to make it illegal to travel on the roads or hwys that pass through their jurisdiction, for the purpose of getting an abortion!

At least 1-2 states have passed laws making it illegal to transport, or in any way assist, a minor to leave their state to get an abortion!

We would all love to believe that these travel bans would be struck down by a federal district court, & if not there, by the scotus, as being unconstitutional; but due to many terrible rulings they have issued over the past 3 years, we just can’t count on the courts anymore. They have been captured by hard right religious extremists.

So how long will it be before all citizens of any Republican ruled state are forbidden to leave the state without a state govt permission slip? How long before there are border checkpoints like exist in Russia or N Korea before you’re allowed to exit the country?

It CAN happen here.

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Airports have been closed to fugitives for as long as there have been passports required for international flights (1978). It has always been possible to emigrate via a hike across the northern or southern border, or by pleasure boat from any coastal marina.

Now I sometimes see drones looking at me while fishing on Lake Superior. Likely there are more times they go undetected.

Fully half our population lives within 100 miles of a border or coast, within the federal "border zone".

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Fellow Buckeye here. (Columbus)I see a blue wave forming in Ohio.

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Idk about that. I fear the good people of Ohio will vote for the amendment then swing right back and re-elect their republican representative.

Im hoping the amendment helps Sherrod Brown get re-elected. That will be a damn shame if a good man like that isn’t re-elected and a Maga takes his place.

Plus we lose the Senate.

🤞now back to writing postcards and helping Dems register to vote!

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An oldie, but very appropriate: 'THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF'! Intimidation is a coward's tool. Paper tigers have no teeth.

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Hey--if backward, deep red, religious Kansas can lead the nation in defeating an anti-abortion amendment, anything is achievable!! Have faith in the people, people!! Speak softly and carry a big stick....and maybe some carrots.

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My friends and I are gathering this week to write postcards to Ohio voters.

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Good! I've done my postcard duty --arthritic fingers no longer co-operate. Carry On!!

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Question about gerrymandering. What would happen if some number of Dems who'd been packed (such as in Texas) moved to very low-populated rural districts and continued registering and voting blue? For example, from Central Texas to the Rio Grande Valley.

Asking for a friend.

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Leah, your idea is understood, and the demographics of Texas are certainly changing, especially in the cities. Certain rural areas remain Republican because the wealthy in the blue states like Texas’ business environment. And they come and buy up all the good land. Like Elon Musk has. The Rio Grande valley has been reliably Blue since forever, but R money is targeting the Dem stronghold there. It’s disgusting.

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Yeah, I'm familiar with the situation, I've lived her for twenty-five years. The urban areas are hard blue and are cracked, except Central Texas, which compresses almost all of the Democrats in the state into two pie slice districts. (It used to be one.)

I should have put something about my question being rhetorical ;) I bought a couple of large chunks of land in Hudspeth; land in west and west-central Texas is so cheap it's practically free; this is an option for anyone with the economic freedom to work from anywhere in the country and who is willing and able to be two parts punk rock, one part pioneer about it.

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It would make a difference, IF enough of them moved & voted.

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Yeah, and "enough" is a much smaller number than people realize. Also land is shockingly cheap in the areas where this needs to happen.



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Jess, you’re right to say that the Heritage Foundation is a threat to democracy. Their behavior also confirms that they are liars, cowards and bullies. Props to you for standing firm and calling them out. People are watching their disgraceful and desperate measures, and their focus on you is a tribute to your effectiveness.

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Project 2025 is now highly visible to my community. We’re taking action with local civic institutions to make sure the larger community knows what is in it. We will not stand for it.

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All I can say is it takes a coward to post a message like that about where your daughter attends school

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Worse than a coward. Even the Mafia kept people’s families out of it. He’s a terrorist

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You’re right, even the bloody, murderous mafia had a hands off rule regarding wives & children.

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You’re right. MAGA is worse than the mafia! Trump is worse than Al Capone!

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Yeah, but the Taliban sure as hell didn't. Remember Malala Yousafzai?

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coward and a psychopath

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Jess, you are a hero. Every time I read about your ordeals trying to fight for democracy in a very conservative state, I'm impressed over and over at your bravery.

Those who push fascist goals are very sick people in my opinion. Anyone who seeks autocratic power for themselves or their minority group, over a majority of democracy loving, peaceful Americans has a major insecurity problem. Bullies always do. Thank you for your inspiring and unrelenting efforts on behalf of our freedom and our democracy.

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Most of the bloody religious wars in Europe were between factions of Christianity. If the Right is successful in imposing theocracy, it will be a short time before Catholics, Baptists, and Lutherans are engaged in a civil war, or worse, a series of them.

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These people are Dominionists, and their goal is to transform our democratic Republic into a Theocracy, trashing our Constitution in the process. They are dangerous, and they are deluded!

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You are so right, Jess. This is personal. I take it personally when the Regressives push their fascist agenda. I take it personally when Christian nationalists try to wipe out the separation between church and state. I take it personally when the Orange cultists try to overturn a free and fair election and riot at our nation’s capitol. And, I take it personally when the families of progressive organizers are threatened. Hang in there, Jess. Thanks for inspiring the rest of us.

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My niece who lives in very red state Texas small town was able to stop opposing people who were trolling her by having a lawyer send an official cease and desist letter to them.

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Your niece sounds like a dumb cunt who should move instead of ruining other people’s day.

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I’ve known about 2025 for several months and it’s as scary now as it was back then. Not only are they lying about it (see the orange felon) now but threatening us? MAGA is the most dangerous political organization in the world because they are accepted as a legitimate political group with traditional policies but use insidious tactics that hint of violence, stopping just short of outright threats of violence. The kevin Roberts and Mike johnsons can’t win. When the MSM finally sees the truth, if they can get past their drive for clicks and profits, the American people will understand the danger. With your great work, Jesse, we can educate “the masses”, at least those who vote. The galling thing is, these extremists are in the minority but appear to be more numerous than they really are. We just have the numbers , we just have to come together. I don’t want to live in a religious dystopia. “Freedom” means freedom from tyranny from the right.

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If I were 60 years younger, you would inspire me Jess Piper. Now approaching 90, you just make me proud.

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It’s funny how the MAGA crowd forgets that many democrats and progressives also exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. The “revolutionaries” are in for a surprise when they show up at this Democrat’s house….

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Ya I’ve been a life long gun control advocate. But push me and I will acquire the best able to resist.

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Violence to counter violence is not helpful.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. You are free to own all the guns you want but I don’t want to live in that kind of dystopian society.

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The upcoming election is not a contest between Biden and Trump. It is not a contest between Republicans and Democrats. In fact, it is not even an election. It is a referendum. While there will be a lot of names on the ballot there is only one question that matters: Will the United States of America remain the democratic republic envisioned and created by our founders in the eighteenth century and which has survived through thick and this for these 237 years? Or will we become one party dictatorship modeled on governments like those in Russia, China, Hungary, and the like? This is what the 2024 national election is about and what we will be voting for in November. Really, it is just that simple.

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And why voting for a third party is not voting for democracy in this race. They need to understand the very real consequences of voting and that if they don’t choose the party of democracy there is no hope of changing the system to more than 2 parties ever again - there will only be one party 😭

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I think I made this comment previously, but the Congressional Democrats need to call on Biden to label the Heritage foundation for what they are. A terrorist organization involved in the J6 deadly sedition! After this election and our win. We must demand these actions from the people WE put in! Endangering a child to get at the politics of a parent is terrorism!! It is intimidation. I am sick to death when I hear about things these thugs do. But guess what? They’re getting pushed to the corner. And they lash out like a classic criminal would! The UK and France just gave a big F-You to the so-called conservatives. And they will get defeated here. Focus on the 34-count FELON-RAPIST-SEDITIONIST INCITER!

If they try to get away with their usual shit, we WILL, we CAN shut the nation down. We have power, that’s how we got unions, weekends off, making child labor illegal and many more things. It was bloody and deadly for a time. But the uber wealthy of yesterday lost! They get ugliest when they know they are losing. So stay in touch with friends, groups, online chats and organizers because we have to save our way of life and our children & grandchildren's futures!

We are not going to accept Fascist rule, rule by theocracy or any other unconstitutional means of rule. We will resist, we will win.

Stock up on some extra coffee, we have to be active all the way to November.

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Excellent advice!!!

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It should be personal for all of us. I'm so sorry you have do deal with these trolls.

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Please, let us all start calling them exactly what they are…..terrorists. They are more than just anonymous trolls, they’re terrorists.

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Project 2025 terrifies me!

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Given that you're an un-American scumbag, it should.

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Go away, MAGA troll!

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