It must be something written into the constitution, it is old. Though very much revered. I’ve always thought appreciatively of it in historical terms. When it all gets turned over to the amazons and the ups we will miss the good old days of honor and duty one thought of in the USPS. Fast mail at a great rate.
You’re so kind! I am a follower of AFR. They’ve been all over this for some time now. I have long been writing and cajoling. But I very much appreciate the suggestion. Thank you.
He is Louis DeJerk to me. Our postman very much agreed. Almost daily he’d share the latest fiasco to further destroy the USPS, if it weren’t so tragic it could be another comedic episode on I Love Lucy. That screwball, yes he was that screwy in undoing what was working…reminded me of the Opening scene in the tragicomedy of a conman pseudo business man “gliding Down”, an escalator, to announce a run for President. An ominous clue, the guy is exhibiting a major Tell, smirking all the way.
Gonna make money off the suckers you betcha. Gloating,as he’s floating down, down at all the great schemes his guy’s like Louis, an joy at all three ca jing, ca jing will
I just want to add Louis DeJoy to the list of wrecking balls,in my opinion he has royally screwed the USPS🤬🤬
….And somehow he is STILL in office!!!!!
I don't understand why his office is so sacrosanct that even the president can't simply remove him. What keeps him on his throne?
There's a federal law making the Postal Service independent. The president doesn't have the authority to fire him.
It must be something written into the constitution, it is old. Though very much revered. I’ve always thought appreciatively of it in historical terms. When it all gets turned over to the amazons and the ups we will miss the good old days of honor and duty one thought of in the USPS. Fast mail at a great rate.
Leslie. You can write here
You’re so kind! I am a follower of AFR. They’ve been all over this for some time now. I have long been writing and cajoling. But I very much appreciate the suggestion. Thank you.
Yeah, he is a POS! His goal is to privatize all postal services.
He is Louis DeJerk to me. Our postman very much agreed. Almost daily he’d share the latest fiasco to further destroy the USPS, if it weren’t so tragic it could be another comedic episode on I Love Lucy. That screwball, yes he was that screwy in undoing what was working…reminded me of the Opening scene in the tragicomedy of a conman pseudo business man “gliding Down”, an escalator, to announce a run for President. An ominous clue, the guy is exhibiting a major Tell, smirking all the way.
Gonna make money off the suckers you betcha. Gloating,as he’s floating down, down at all the great schemes his guy’s like Louis, an joy at all three ca jing, ca jing will
get diverted. Gotcha. $$$$$$
Yep. We just today, May 13, received a check mailed to us on the 3rd. Inexcusable.
I really don’t understand why Biden has let him keep his job.