It was so infuriating how she blatantly lied about the issuesto blame Biden for problems the Republicans intentionally engineered. She helped put together the bipartisan border bill and then when Trump ordered them to not "let Biden have a win" she voted against it!
It was so infuriating how she blatantly lied about the issuesto blame Biden for problems the Republicans intentionally engineered. She helped put together the bipartisan border bill and then when Trump ordered them to not "let Biden have a win" she voted against it!
The first lie was that it was a "response". It was pre-taped. Then more to follow. Lies are the "alternate facts" of the current GOP. TFFG has made lying very fashionable.
BTW: I'll bet she and hubby are Swingers. In order to be a true bible thumping conservative doesn't one have to be a true hypocrite?
Very robotic!
It was so infuriating how she blatantly lied about the issuesto blame Biden for problems the Republicans intentionally engineered. She helped put together the bipartisan border bill and then when Trump ordered them to not "let Biden have a win" she voted against it!
Yes. I am tired of the lies.
The first lie was that it was a "response". It was pre-taped. Then more to follow. Lies are the "alternate facts" of the current GOP. TFFG has made lying very fashionable.
BTW: I'll bet she and hubby are Swingers. In order to be a true bible thumping conservative doesn't one have to be a true hypocrite?
The back ground is AI. back of a bench at a round table and she is sitting on a chair... why am I the only one who can see this...?? I am 84!
Lapdogs for Trump.