"The breathless speech, the incongruent facial movements and smiles. The cadence of condescension. I am better than you, and here are the ways. I have children. They are perfect. I have a marriage. It is perfect. I am pretty and well-educated. I am a Christian—I am god fearing and I prove it by holding hands with my family and praying fo…
"The breathless speech, the incongruent facial movements and smiles. The cadence of condescension. I am better than you, and here are the ways. I have children. They are perfect. I have a marriage. It is perfect. I am pretty and well-educated. I am a Christian—I am god fearing and I prove it by holding hands with my family and praying for the rest of you. I am better than you."
I think you've nailed it here, Jess. I'm in the process of writing a response to the article on Aaron Rupar's Public Notice post about Planned Parenthood in Missouri. This is in part what I written (but not posted yet) so far:
All women must accept God’s will, according to believers. Women must subjugate themselves to God’s will in all things. Because they were born Woman, which was also God’s will, all Women must accept without question their only role as Women in God’s eyes—to give birth to every seed that is implanted in their womb.
Katie Britt has complied with God's will. Therefore, she has the authority to judge and pity and destroy anyone else who does not accept God's will. That's what I saw in her eyes. That's what I heard in the sudden change in the tone of her voice.
She is out to destroy anyone who does not adhere to her world view. And she's willing to do anything to do so. The change in tone from sweet to pissed is for the purpose of getting your attention, so she can then lie to you about the seriousness of the situation at the southern border. She gets your attention by changing her tone of voice, and shooting of darts of hatred from her eyes and you start to pay attention to see what could possibly justify such a shift in tone, so much contempt. She has to lie about what's really going on, though: 1) follow a GIGANTIC LIE (about Biden inheriting the most secure border ever) 2) with a partial truth (Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days) 3) sandwiched in between another lie ( that destroyed the secure border he inherited) because the truth, the reality, the facts, DO NOT SUPPORT HER LEVEL OF ANGER. Only a complete rewriting of reality, of history, destruction of facts, can accomplish that. So that's what she does.
A truly dangerous woman showed all Republican women how it's done. From the kitchen of her lovely home that was most likely paid for mostly by her husband, a former professional football player for the New England Patriots.
All the religions were created by men, as were all the laws, all which subjugated women, minorities, and the weak. I started rejecting the concept of God when I was 12 because of the horrible conditions of my home life, and even thinking that there might not be a god terrified me that I would be 'smote down', which of course, never happened. People who believe this stuff are terrified into even questioning it.
"The breathless speech, the incongruent facial movements and smiles. The cadence of condescension. I am better than you, and here are the ways. I have children. They are perfect. I have a marriage. It is perfect. I am pretty and well-educated. I am a Christian—I am god fearing and I prove it by holding hands with my family and praying for the rest of you. I am better than you."
I think you've nailed it here, Jess. I'm in the process of writing a response to the article on Aaron Rupar's Public Notice post about Planned Parenthood in Missouri. This is in part what I written (but not posted yet) so far:
All women must accept God’s will, according to believers. Women must subjugate themselves to God’s will in all things. Because they were born Woman, which was also God’s will, all Women must accept without question their only role as Women in God’s eyes—to give birth to every seed that is implanted in their womb.
Katie Britt has complied with God's will. Therefore, she has the authority to judge and pity and destroy anyone else who does not accept God's will. That's what I saw in her eyes. That's what I heard in the sudden change in the tone of her voice.
She is out to destroy anyone who does not adhere to her world view. And she's willing to do anything to do so. The change in tone from sweet to pissed is for the purpose of getting your attention, so she can then lie to you about the seriousness of the situation at the southern border. She gets your attention by changing her tone of voice, and shooting of darts of hatred from her eyes and you start to pay attention to see what could possibly justify such a shift in tone, so much contempt. She has to lie about what's really going on, though: 1) follow a GIGANTIC LIE (about Biden inheriting the most secure border ever) 2) with a partial truth (Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days) 3) sandwiched in between another lie ( that destroyed the secure border he inherited) because the truth, the reality, the facts, DO NOT SUPPORT HER LEVEL OF ANGER. Only a complete rewriting of reality, of history, destruction of facts, can accomplish that. So that's what she does.
A truly dangerous woman showed all Republican women how it's done. From the kitchen of her lovely home that was most likely paid for mostly by her husband, a former professional football player for the New England Patriots.
All the religions were created by men, as were all the laws, all which subjugated women, minorities, and the weak. I started rejecting the concept of God when I was 12 because of the horrible conditions of my home life, and even thinking that there might not be a god terrified me that I would be 'smote down', which of course, never happened. People who believe this stuff are terrified into even questioning it.
Good point. But these women-oriented groups were often violently crushed.