I so resonate with you wrote today. I grew up on a working small farm about 30 miles from the state capital; my dad was also the small town doc. There were people in the community that had never been to the state capital. Like many in your communities in Missouri they could only be reached by shared experiences, by pulling out the water bill. (Which I found out later was one reason we farmed; dad could then talk credibly about health best practices.) Democrats MUST grasp this point if they ever wish to capture more than large cities and the blue coasts. Keep preaching!

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Solidarity? Solidarity with who?

Trump is the puss within the abscess. The abscess is the people like the woman fired by the IRS who cannot see the reality of what is going on and how her and their own ignorance is the potting soil for Trump, Musk, W, and others.

The more I read the responses to your posts saying we need to do this or that, words, words, words, the more I realize I walk alone with no solidarity with anyone.

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I have walked a path alone. What are you recommending others do? What are you doing? What action?

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My wisdom can be measured in microliters. However, one thing I believe to be true. Do not make recommendations for others since, for it to be meaningful others will need to just THINK for themselves.

In this time, why would anyone trust someone else to do their thinking. I don’t.

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Jim, I believe the solidarity comment refered to agreement in the process of listening to where people are, and planting seeds to help them grow in a different direction. Telling anyone how or what to think in this time is ineffectual. No matter how hard Dems tried, we could not Tell people they had a good economy, because that was not their reality. Jess is saying listen to identify the alternative facts (Elon is responsible, not Trump) and develop a means to show the reality (bring the receipts). Trump is doing an excellent job, as he always has, of getting his mob to do what he expects without directly saying anything. He keeps his hands clean. Others take the blame. In this case, it is hard to find anyone who is not at fault and there is plenty of blame to go around.

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"I believe the solidarity comment refered to agreement in the process of listening to where people are,...."

Pardon my being slow witted but I have no idea what this means. Agreement with whom?

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I agree. Good point. I guilty of trying to try to push people to think and act.

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People cannot be pushed, they can only be herded. I’m not a herder and have no desire to become a herder.

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You aren’t alone.

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I don’t understand how people can believe Trump is not to blame for Elon’s presence in the government, and his actions. Do they really believe that Elon forced his way in against Trump’s will, that the president of the United States doesn’t have an army to take care of one guy???? I’m sorry, but that’s just not smart.

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Give the lady some credit please. I hope you are here and we are on the same team. Think about this. I am new to all this. For me I need to hear what she is saying. I truly have no clue who you are. I already know trump and musk are an abscess. I have no clue what your plan is.

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I connect trump with musk as often as possible by calling them: Mump.

I agree with everything Jess said here. Bernie Sanders’s approach is the way to go. I’m so tired of Dems still behaving as if we’re still in the 20th century. We’re not! What Mump is doing is an old fashioned smash and grab of our government and economy. The sooner more folks understand this, the better.

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Dems are corporate donor class tools, just like the GOP. Only difference is there are a dozen or so true Progressives that actually represent We the People.....with little to no influence on the Platform.

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Um.... consent to ONLY honest brokers as candidates, have a platform full of "best policy practice", implement when possible, and provide an opportunity for good governance.

Never loose

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Stand, shout, protest, act.

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.” - Elie Wiesel

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To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men” is a quote from the 1914 poem “Protest” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. I would modernize it to include mean and non-men.

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The "sides" are the ideal that is America, or consent to any of this morally bankrupt dog and pony show.

I can't stand to see people claim the Dems offer legitimacy. ONLY in context of the GOP....

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Jess, you are so straight forward and common sense that it is hard to believe that others aren't following your pattern of showing rural folks the truth! There seems to be a strong resistance to not involving their "messiah", trump, with any responsibility for their new and ever increasing problems. Until we find a way to break into their thought process, they will not change. Thank God you are doing all you can to work through this. I pray you, and others, will succeed!

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I am working with https://leavingmaga.org/ to learn how to engage with Trump voters - finding out what they believe and why, and going a bit further with some who are beginning to be hurt by the Musk/Trump regime. I am following right-wing media sites daily and learning a lot. For those estranged with family, this is a good resource. And please let me know if you would like to join me in this work.

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I appreciate the work you are doing. I’m too angry at MAGAs right now to do outreach. Maybe in the future.

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Same. I don’t give a shit about them. They were warned and warned and warned and based on what you said, they still don’t get it. What the hell does she think? Musk just walked in to the White House out of nowhere? Trump took a quarter of a billion dollars from him for nothing? These people are unsalvageable morons. I’m glad she lost her job. Someone that stupid shouldn’t be working at the IRS.

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All true. Yet, Dems are consistently losing to them..... There's a sign. They aren't doing it right. Constituents of either major party are total marks. Ultimate suckers.

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I understand completely.

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I live in Springfield, Missouri. I'm not ready to give up on the people I care about yet.

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What a city of contradictory existences. The physically most beautiful town in Missouri. With ultra right wing pseudo Christian nut jobs mostly in charge.

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I live in Trump world in southern Camden Co. Over the years I have developed 3 good friends with MAGA supporters. All of us do the good ol’ boy thing and have shops and help each other. I am a general practitioner and have always helped them when needed and respect each other. We don’t always talk politics. I have not had to pay much for major auto or tractor repairs either. Trust seems to be the place to start. These men have high mechanical/spacial intelligence. Not so much the classic RRR intelligence we had in school. I admire their intelligence and they know it. What I see is they are furious about anything government to the point that as long as Trump is willing to stand up to immigrants, IRs, gay/transgender etc all the big MAGA points then it is ok that Trump is such a despicable person.

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Which is why trying to reach the Kelli McGlothin’s in this country is useless. Trump hates who they hate. My guess? She will defend Trump endlessly - all the way back to McDonald’s. If she has no more analytic bandwidth than that, alright then.

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All tribalists are fools. Don't religate only to GOP peeps.

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I live e in Trump world in southern Camden Co. Over the years I have developed 3 good friends with MAGA supporters. All of us do the good ol’ boy thing and have shops and help each other. I am a general practitioner and have always helped them when needed and respect each other. We don’t always talk politics. I have not had to pay much for major auto or tractor repairs either. Trust seems to be the place to start. These men have high mechanical/spacial intelligence. Not so much the classic RRR intelligence we had in school. I admire their intelligence and they know it. What I see is they are furious about anything government to the point that as long as Trump is willing to stand up to immigrants, IRs, gay/transgender etc all the big MAGA points then it is ok that Trump is such a despicable person.

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And therein lies the reason why i am not willing to reach out and “understand” much less work with the magats. If they support trump because they are anti-immigrants, homophobic, transphobic, etc then they deserve every bad thing that happens to them. Go leopards go! Eat those faces!

Btw, it takes real bravery to “stand up” to oppressed minorities. Not. It’s called being a bully.

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Thank you for sharing this.

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Camden Co Maine?

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Camden Co Missouri. Lake of the Ozarks area.

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I don't understand how you are working with them. I went to the website and found a lot of personal stories, but no events or suggested processes, unless they are buried in the ebook the founder wrote. What are you doing to engage with MAGA? I'm personally curious because my daughter lives in a very red community.

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… so I started to follow some right-wing media sites to understand their beliefs and engage with them. I contacted Rich Logis at Leaving MAGA about this. He liked the way I was approaching this, and I am learning from him and encouraging him to coach others like me to do this work. I am just one person, but this could be really powerful if more join me.

For example, one is worried about the impact of the tariffs on his business; another believes that cancer has been cured and Big Pharma doesn’t want us to know; a grandma in Minnesota has a disabled grandchild who benefits from DOE federal funds that may get cut; and one women says she still supports Trump but thinks school children should get free lunch.

These are all opportunities to begin a conversation,

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Hi Jonya. I read about how Dems aren’t connecting with Trump voters—their message isn’t reaching them.

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This is absolutely proof that the Dems don't offer legitimacy, and their constituents every bit as body politik ignorant. (Not to single you out. You unfortunately provided opportunity. ;). )

The ONLY SINGLE demographic that would be relevant to a legitimate party are the 40-80 MILLION eligible non voting citizens.

Why neither party addresses this? To motivate them to participate, the possibility of good governance and oath abiding Reps must exist........

Read that last part again. Please

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Thank you for the link, Janet! Now if I can just get my hubby to read the testimonials.

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How does one engage Dem constituents? They settle for slightly less shitty than really, really, really shitty as a rule.......still pretty shitty.

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I've heard of Leaving MAGA. May I ask how you're working with him/them? Somehow, the majority of the people I know are MAGA. I'm literally surrounded on all sides.

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Hi Austen. That must be hard.

Janet Ostrov

Seriously, Janet?


… so I started to follow some right-wing media sites to understand their beliefs and engage with them. I contacted Rich Logis at Leaving MAGA about this. He liked the way I was approaching this, and I am learning from him and encouraging him to coach others like me to do this work. I am just one person, but this could be really powerful if more join me.

For example, one is worried about the impact of the tariffs on his business; another believes that cancer has been cured and Big Pharma doesn’t want us to know; a grandma in Minnesota has a disabled grandchild who benefits from DOE federal funds that may get cut; and one women says she still supports Trump but thinks school children should get free lunch.

These are all opportunities to begin a conversation.

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The TRUTH is both parties are morally bankrupt cretins, playing the tribal fools. Very well, I must say.

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Are you okay Sam? Is there a purpose to your multiple statements that are designed to throw all the shit on democrats and none on republicans? Do you have anything constructive to add or are you just shoveling shit because you are frustrated and scared? We are in a super bad place all around and systems need to change. As of now, they are changing for the worse and we have a responsibility to each other since we are all in this world together. Maybe you could write a substack and let us know what we can do to make change for good not evil.

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I've actually done that. I need a list of best policy practice more times than I can count.

I'm not frustrated I'm flabbergasted and pissed at “We the People”. I mean I drive a car frequently, so I realized just how stupid the average American is, but you're not bother controlling the power that you have to create your own future is beyond my comprehension.

I sure as f****** ain't scared. I don't rely on the government or a corporation for anything I deem essential.

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I'm a necessary democratic constituent at the moment. Addressing the gop in any fashion about anything they say or do does absolutely nothing to hold the party I support accountable for a quality platform offering the possibility of good governance. Addressing the opposition is the biggest waste of time and energy possible in a two-party system.

The Democrats deserve all this s*** it's blatantly obvious to anyone but a fool the Republicans are not going to deliver anything resembling adherence to of The office. Send the Democrats have a couple dozen legitimate members of Congress common that's our only hope for that or 100 million people in the streets which obviously isn't going to happen.

Our appetite for s*** sandwiches is obviously insatiable.

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I have made it a point to concentrate on Trump not Musk. If we blame Musk and it gets bad enough, Trump will ditch him and put all of the blame on him. Put it all on Trump so he can't Teflon his way out of it.

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With all due respect, I disagree. Trump will always point to others (look at Trump 1.0, look at Trump's personal life). His followers will agree that it's Musk or Liz Cheney, or whatever patsy Trumpt tells them to despise. Look at the backlash Justice Amy Coney Barrett is facing for ruling that Trump is overstepping his authority ... and she's absolutely correct.

Follow up that with the R's in congress who are standing aside while Trump takes authority that is constitutionally theirs.

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A complete waste time helping maintain our 3rd world outhouse standards. Blue tribe members job is to hold Blue tribe leaders accountable to legitimate governce!!! No wonder we suck.

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Thank you. My parents are farmers in Nebraska and I’ve just stopped communicating with them, but that’s probably not the best tactic. This helps.

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It helps me to admit that I, too, am susceptible to propaganda. We all are. And if the only media we are exposed to are Fox News and other right wing outlets then it can wear us down.

My grandparents were farmers in Montana who only kept their farm during the Depression thanks to FDR's banking policies. Did they ever vote for him? Nope! They were kind, helpful, loving people, but I also now recognize that they voted against their own best interests long before the internet. They voted out of habit and in sync with their friends and neighbors. It's an uphill battle to go against those powerful forces.

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There is no way to reason out of trumpism. It's like a cult. The Leader, Trump in this instance , can't do no wrong.

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Exactly that - it is an entrenched cult. While people can learn and based on that learning then leave a cult it is very rare.

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I'd like to see more articles on the "how to" of deprogramming cult members.

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All echo chambers are bad. Telling the truth without telling the WHOLE truth is still perjury in any court in 'Murikkka.

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Janet, powerful example. Thanks

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I'm so sorry, I have relatives that I cannot talk to anymore. It feels bad.

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My own son, despite my years of activism, voted for Trump because he believes T will help the economy and especially small businesses. He’s not spoken with me since Thanksgiving which is when I was told how he voted. He’s influenced by our very red community and he had to give up his construction contracting business that just couldn’t come back from Covid and employee problems. I miss him but I am also angry with him and can’t trust myself to stay calm with him. I want to change his mind or say “I told you” to satisfy my ego. So for now, I have to accept him as he is and let it be okay that he voted for the bilious buffoon and listens to his peers instead of taking time to research or fact check.

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Thank you. It’s so difficult to be so mad about something a loved one has done but still maintain a relationship and have them know they’re still loved.

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this is the worst...I am happy to say my kids agree with me, but many relatives are lost because of the orange buffoon. I'm sorry about your son.

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I'm sorry. It's a very frustrating, sad situation.

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Red, Wine, and Blue is holding an online seminar next Wednesday evening on just this topic: "Talking Tough Topics: Handling Conversations like a Pro".

A communication expert will share practical strategies to navigate political talk. I'm going to attend.


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Thanks for sharing this.

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You may find https://leavingmaga.org/ a good resource

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Very insightful, Jess. On my own Substack, in an attempt to diminish and shame the Criminal-in-Chief, I have been calling Elon Musk the Co-President. But, after reading your post, I wonder if I have been setting up Musk to be the fall guy when the shit hits the fan, once again allowing the Criminal to evade responsibility for his actions. I need to do a better job of assigning blame specifically to the Criminal-in-Chief and his Regressive Party toadies.

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The buck stops on the President's desk. Supposedly. It's not supposed to be a literal $buck$, though.

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A diverse strategy may work because no one size fits all.

I like “Do more of what Bernie does”, which is call out the BS that hits the most people the hardest around their kitchen table issues.

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Forget Bernie. He's a dupe. Played by the DNC.

Elizabeth Warren, AOC, SHELDON WHITEHOUSE, Mazie Hirono, Marianne Williamson, Jamie Raskin, Cory Booker..... Those are the people to emulate.

Back to Bernie. He was a good thing in 16.

However he did cost the party 50 million bucks. The only reason he was allowed in the 2020 primary was to split the progressive vote with Elizabeth Warren for the entire primary effort on the part of the DNC and the donor class was to keep Elizabeth Warren out of the white house. It took bernie, Bloomberg and Biden to do it. When we have an opportunity for good governance, we phuk it off. Forever the party of Will Rogers.....

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I shared some of this on my FB feed. Speaking of feed, keep feeding us. Some people are actually beginning to pay more attention.

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Thank you Jess, you and I are saying the the same thing. I moved to California in the spring of 1961. I have always been a political animal and always Liberal Progressive. I didn't become a citizen until 1967, but that didn't stop me from campaigning for Democrats. I preferred knocking on doors to phone banks. No one ever slammed a door in my face but they sure as hell slammed the phone down. Town Halls are great too. Since Citizens United in 2010 Democrats have been slurping at the same trough as the Republicans. It seems like the primary functionality of both parties is to collect the most amount of money, screw the election.

Trumpslime offers scapegoats. Some "other" to blame for their loss of income, housing, high food prices, pandemics, high cost of health care. It's so much easier to blame people in big cities, people who don't look like you, people with higher education than you, than it is to understand the effects of "trickle down economics" 'laissez faire' industry. Pumping money up to the top.

The Democrats had better get themselves together, seek new liberal progressive younger candidates, groom those candidates to win, give them the means of recruiting grass roots support, and getting by with a few million in donations from the masses, instead of billions from a few greedy donors. People vote. Money sits in banks.

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Exactly, the Dems are hopeless right now. Which is why I have started reaching out to Trump voters who are beginning to doubt him. See my earlier post

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Please read Robert Reich’s book, The System: Who Rigged It and How to Fix It. Reich explains how Democrats got in the same boat with Republicans, both being dependent on big money to finance their campaigns.

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I wondered when someone was going to bring up Campaign Finance Reform! We are not going to get any decent candidates for office , as someone wrote, until this is reformed. Otherwise everyone is bought. No changes: same old stuff.

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Dems have been GOP Lite since slick Willy

I don't know what a "liberal progressive" is.

At this particular juncture, only a true Progressive agenda has the possibility of moving toward the ideal that is america.

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Addressing anything the opposition says or does is a fools errand. Ardent supporters of a particular party have a duty to DEMAND legitimate policy from the party they support.

There's a reason we are a third world outhouse. We really don't get this Citizen thing.

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I am so glad that you addressed this. I am currently in a rural area of Florida; yet, I have lived most of my life in a Chicago suburb. Democrats are not investing enough energy in these areas. And, it has slowly cost them over time. The policies are not the issue. It's the very fact of what you have stated in this article. They are not even in the conversation in these areas. It would not "get them all": yet, you are correct you can get those that are not MAGA, racist or religious fanatics.

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Exactly! Which is why I have started reaching out to Trump voters who are beginning to doubt him. See my earlier post

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Jess, thank you for such solid advice on the views of people who voted for Trump (no blame of him, only Musk...), and the long histories of how regressive policies have been negatively impacting rural areas for decades, much like the ones that this administration is now seeking to implement nationwide. Appreciating your advice on connecting with people, especially folks who voted for Trump, and making the connection that Trump put Musk in power. I remember Trump's remarks when he was campaigning, about his plans to establish DOGE and "let Elon go wild". Elon has, and all of us are affected - from federal workers being laid off, to lack of services, now that essential employees such as air traffic controllers, folks who can assess bird flu (USDA?), Social Security Administration (50% cuts in staffing planned, plus closures of service centers - just another way of cutting benefits by cutting services and staff), IRS staff as we are heading into tax season, National Park Service rangers, National Forest Service employees who help with wildfire management and prevention, more planned cuts to Veterans Administration (80,000 workers, and a third of the VA workforce are veterans themselves)...these services and programs are invisible when they are working, now they are more visible.

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At least the bastards had the opportunity to vote "for" something. ENVY

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Trump is a puppet to Elmo, Putin, MBS and dozens of others. This woman is part of the problem. Trump is not fine, neither is she.

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Agreed but she may be reachable being hurt so badly. Maybe not? But it is interesting to see what they think and say.

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First, I love your work.

Second, there are similar stories out of West Virginia this morning. I just can’t be patient with people like this. “Trump is great, it is just Elmo causing fatal air crashes by firing the people investigating him for crimes. Trump is great, it is just Bob Kennedy the heroin addict killing people by prescribing cod liver oil rather than vaccine.”

When a sociopath hires sociopaths as consultants (noting that Elmo’s cars are not selling, half of his rockets are crashing, and The Cesspool known as X has lost 80% of its value) the biggest problem is with the top sociopath.

Good luck. I like the electric bill idea.

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I used to live in Jefferson Co. WV. The poverty there, especially in rural areas, is like the Third World in many counties.

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My in laws are from Lake Spring. We go down there occasionally. The first time I went I took my Mom in Law to Social Security. The town was filled with young people on meth. Depressing

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The most cogent thing I’ve come across in some time. Trump is a sociopath. He supports the 1 percenters because he is one. He knows full well the pain musk is causing. He simply does not care. The Congressional republicans are the only possible check on his power and so far seem unwilling to put Nation first. There will come a time when trump will ignore a court ruling. Just wait..

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He already is.

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Trump is NOT a 1%er. He's just deeply beholden to many of them. He's billions of dollars in debt. The fact that he was not in prison within 12 months of him leaving office the first time proves us unworthy of citizenship in the ideal that is america. Seriously, we suck. Not worthy of the framers or anyone who's won the uniform since.

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I live in Switzerland and there is a German proverb, ‘The fish always stinks from its head,” which would be very useful in this situation.

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Reading A GENERATION OF SOCIOPATHS: HOW THE BABY BOOMERS BETRAYED AMERICA, by Bruce Cannon Gibney, will go a long way toward explaining Trump's behavior and that of his cohorts. I'm a boomer myself, and this book fits our generation to its imperfection.

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We’re boomers in arms!

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Thanks for the reading tip. I am a retired teacher. My colleagues and I were always concerned with educating kids to be thoughtful, respectful and principled. Am interested in reading this book to find out what went wrong.

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I do believe regretfully, Ayn Rand was correct.

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I just got the E Book deep reading for awhile

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I'm very curious to hear if anyone has replied to a Trump voter who got run over by DOGE, that "The president appointed Musk to do what he's doing. The president can fire Musk at any time. But the president keeps praising Musk, so what Musk is doing must make the president happy."

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I wish I knew this numbers for the state district 1 and Sam Graves 6th district in terms of registered democrats, registered Republicans and non-participating eligible voters. I contend you're wasting your time with opposition members. Improve the lives of the average American and most of the non-participating folks will start to participate. Just how do you think of black man became president of this racist s*** hole? He motivated 7% of the nearly 80 million registered non voters to vote.

There's another thing to learn from obama. He listened to David Axelrod. Not the DNC.

Until the Dem platform contains legitimate planks, in the best interest of we the people and not the donor class, we are no different than GOP.

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What else did Obama do?

Let me see. Didn’t he waste his presidency by not acting decisively during the first two years while he still had a Democratic Congress?

Didn’t he live under the delusion that he could find a way to work with the Republicans?

Isn’t Obamacare in jeopardy of being blow up?

I was happy as hell when Obama was elected. I became disillusioned very early when he seemed to not recognize the evil and stupidity of the Repugnants under the leadership of McConnell who, IMO, is one of the biggest piece of shit American demagogues in my long lifetime.

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Nancy and Harry Reid. It's not like you had to wait for Mitch McConnell for an impossibility of good policy. Your claims are a bit out of context. I'll leave it at that.

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Jess, we gotta get you in office! I would campaign for you and so would all of your followers!

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The current Dem platform is nothing but the largest corporate subsidy ever. Ralph Nader was right. Remove big, dark money, along with barriers to accessing the ballot by other parties, or there is NO path to restore our intended Republic.

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This is the answer.

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I am keeping a folder of tangible facts and testimonials.

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Strange. When I first read this comment, in my mind I did not read ‘tangible facts’ but read fungible facts.

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You are right on, Jess.

72 from SW Iowa. Seen it happen. Lived in it. From government is the enemy (it's us, in a democracy), to trickle down, to secular humanism, to they're taking our guns, to, now, woke! Lies and more lies until my neighbors don't know what the truth is. Somehow, people need to gather to hear?

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We have to go where they are… on right-wing social media. I am working with https://leavingmaga.org/ to learn how to engage with Trump voters - finding out what they believe and why, and going a bit further with some who are beginning to be hurt by the Musk/Trump regime. I am following right-wing media sites daily and learning a lot. For those estranged with family, this is a good resource. And please let me know if you would like to join me in this work.

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If you decide to try and change the beliefs of cultists please be careful. Keep your wits about you. If talking with strangers, rather than known family and trusted friends, it is a good idea to assume they are armed. Don’t put yourself in a situation you can’t easily get out of.

I say this not to scare people or dissuade you from trying to change minds but to say be aware of the realities of America where there are more guns than people and to be aware of cult behavior and attitudes. I live in a rural community where my life was threatened for answering “no, not really” to the question “don’t you just love trump?” I was cursed at and threatened with being punched in the face for gently telling someone that Obamacare - which they despised - and the ACA - which they loved - are the same thing.

Always keep your safety first in mind.

PS. I am a veteran who feels we need strong gun guidelines & laws. I own a firearm and practice regularly (on paper targets). Even w/my background, I am often startled by how many people here (IN) open carry just to run errands. I did not feel safe at all recently when a man came into a printing business wearing a %#}}%! Desert Eagle. Especially given it was stuffed into the back of his pants a la Hollywood. (Anyone could have taken it away from him in a heartbeat.) I was raised in a white supremacy home & a far, far-right evilangelical cult. In 35 years only 4 people left that cult. The church is still in operation & they pretty much consider trump second only to Jesus. My background & what I’ve been through is why I urge everyone trying to change cultists minds to be aware & be careful.

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Good advice! Thank you.

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You’re welcome. I appreciate the work you do. Stay safe.

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I am interested in how you extricated yourself from the church you grew up in. Could we connect offline some time?

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Hopefully that will have some effect. It is worth trying; yet, do be careful.

I do believe we are in a critical moment of "opportunity". The town hall meetings are a mix of voters. They are upset and see that they have been lied to. It allows for everyone (Republican, Independents and Democrats) to come together in conversation instead of heated insults. Which can lead to the understanding that we all pretty much want the same thing. I'm was pleased to hear at most of the town hall meeting people are just as upset about tRump calling himself king as they were concerned about Social Security. It shows that American Democracy is important to most of us.

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Trump did not win. Kamala Harris lost.

From their point of view the Democratic party and its candidates look just like they do to us. They truly illegitimate undeserving unqualified candidate, appointed by the way of the party that was screaming "Democracy is at stake" the entire election season. You got Party leaders justifying insider trading, hip deep and rubles just like the GOP or nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. Ralph Nader was correct. I really am blown away that Democratic Constitution has no understand this. Tribalism sucks. Especially with the two-party system that's what we need to end.

You are obviously not one of those people that think they are political opposition. In fact, they are partners in an ongoing criminal Enterprise. The only losers on November 5th were We the People. All of the Democrats involved will go back to the beltway and eat at the same fine restaurants, belong to the same exclusive clubs, and share the same common interests as the GOP hierarchy.

We the People are completely daft. And that's being over polite.....

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Seriously, GIVE IT UP.




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Concentrate on Dem candidates and POLICY!!!


TOLLS not gas tax

Paper ballots ONLY

EARNED higher Ed Scholarship

END all prohibition

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Not offering legitimate alternatives by the supposed opposition has consequences.....

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