Friends, I have a mistake on a date in my post today. I have corrected it, but it won't show up in your email. The MO Supreme Court will make a ruling on the abortion amendment on September 10 -- tomorrow. I mistakenly posted October 10. My apology for the error.

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Oh Jess!! 🙀TOMORROW?!? REALLY?! OMG!! I am beyond shocked & so sad at this sooooo obviously CRIMINAL twisting of the MO people’s will!!!

I’m sure you and other like minded activist folk have “ dropped a dime” to ACLU, DOJ, Marc Elias of Democracy Docket to alert them of this illegal and shameful potential seizure of the people’s rights!!

It’s not over until it is over in the courts and DOJ!!! Keep your chin up, dear patriotic 🗽 revolutionary!!

🩵 🇺🇸🌊☮️🧜‍♀️🇺🇸💙

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I wrote to Greg Palast who has been watching for election cheating across the US. Don’t know if he’ll answer but I told him about this outrage in Missouri and I hope it gets the attention of people who can keep these nuts under surveillance!

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Clair McCaskill mentioned it on MSNBC's "Deadline White House" with Nicole Wallace this afternoon.

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It is being mentioned elsewhere. And yes, Kamala needs to call out Trump's "it's up to the states" lie!


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Jess, we’ve got to make sure this gets on the ballot in November! I know it’s probably too late now, as I unfortunately missed all the signing petitions in my area. BUT, if you need one more person to sign, I’m here…..

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It’s too late to sign. It’s already on the ballot, but it will be removed today (Tuesday) if we don’t win the appeal this morning.

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I am so sick about this! It is an injustice for women! I don't see how this can be added to ballot since it takes so long to get to the appeals court! Just sick!!

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I just read the ruling!!!! You got the measure to protect abortion rights ON THE BALLOT! Here’s Eugene Oregon rooting for Missouri!

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The other mistake not everyone "knows what happened to Roe." Grammar but you claim to be a teacher, Jess. Let's Go lol* 💚

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Lol. I looked for something on it too in the Bible. Oh preacher, tell me where?

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Every gentleman named here is just evil. Mike Moon is beyond crazy. He’s just off the walls nuts. But that’s what the MAGA crowd likes. Governor Taterhead just loves the crazy men. Makes me very ill.

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I lost so much sleep between Nov 8, 2016 and Nov 10, 2020 (that was the day most news organizations named Biden the winner), that I’m sure it took years off my life.

I can’t understand why anyone would want that chaos again!

There is nothing about the 2024 election that is "politics as usual". A Trump administration and Project 2025 would mean an end to American democracy. Period.

We must save democracy for the younger folks to have a chance. If we have a dictator we serve the dictator. Our rights won't matter any more. We will no longer be free.

Can't wait until Trump loses again in November. Can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz victory wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" tee on November 5 👇


Can't wait because after that it is over for him. He won't make it to another 4 years to run again.

Hopefully start to heal as a nation as Trump and his cult further fades into oblivion. 🙏

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I did too!! It was a living horror show the whole time. I kept thinking his followers would see the crazy and fall away from him.. nope. Unless they died of covid, they stuck right to him. Our grandson spent the night on election day. He got up the next morning (he was 9), hadn’t heard the election results and we DID NOT discuss politics around him because we felt it wasn’t our place. He got up and came in the kitchen and said “I think Biden won the election and I feel safer now.”

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That makes me tear up. You did good.

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You might enjoy this short vid. After all the hoopla over Biden's "mental decline", been finally seeing exposés of Trump's. Hope it shows in the debate tomorrow!


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Not gentlemen, oppressors and dirty rats.

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Saw some of this thwarting of the will of the people in Maine with expanded medicaid. The people wanted it, and the governor did not. Vetoed it twice and then just refused to implement it after a ballot initiative for it won. He was voted out of office, and their new governor did what the people wanted. And so many get health care coverage now which they did not have before.

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Woohoo 🎉 That is such a hopeful sign that the people held the bad Govenor to account & voted him out!!

That is what all of us must do with all elected officials who thwart the will of the people.

We just have to show them that we aren’t tolerating that ish anymore.

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I saw that news Friday and immediately thought of you. I hope it goes well tomorrow. I’m sure you know what’s best for MO, but if it were my call I’d be doing everything I could to get the phrase “The consent of the governed” elevated and centered in the news. Good luck. ❤️

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Lily you, I thought of Ms Piper as soon as I heard about what this jumped-up judge has done. I hope the appeal restores the power of the people.

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Me too.

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This is so infuriating and heartbreaking but not surprising for those of us living in Missouri. Republicans have a stranglehold on our state, but I refuse to give up hope for a better future because I believe there are too many people here who are fed up and want change.

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Is there time to get a message out that everyone who supported the initiative should vote Democrat for every single office. If they do, you could flip the legislature. And as to congress, Democrats have pledged to codify Roe on a national level, where Republicans plan to enact a nationwide abortion ban. Fill the federal offices with Democrats. It is doable. Let’s go!!!!!!

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Jess Piper, you are a dynamo! You just keep up with what you are doing! We are women, we are strong. In numbers too big to ignore!🎶🎵

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Pls don't forget the men supporting you all.

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Great men are appreciated!

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We won't. We need your support, with all this evil misogyny we need you to say "NO!".

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We love you men. 😁

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Absolutely 💯 we LOVE all the men who are our allies & believe that we are individuals who have agency & rights!!


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I’m beyond pissed. I sought out a petition to sign, and I know damn well what I signed. This state is a horror show. Absolute atrocity.

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You know, we watched “The Handmaid’s Tale” and thought, well, that could never really happen in the United States of America. But, after reading your dispatches from the Missouri front lines, Jess, Missouri seems more and more like Gilead every day. Good on you for fighting against the madness.

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The whole country will be Gilead if Trump wins.

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With strong women to lead us, like Kamala Harris, Mary Trump, and Jess Piper, to name a few, I’m confident we’ll keep the convicted felon from ever setting foot in the White House again. Not taking anything for granted though. We all have to fight as hard as we can, right through election day.

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Heather Cox Richardson and her letters to Americans.gove me hope

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Texas is in a similar position. Gov Abbott and his cronies have passed a law so that we cannot even petition to get abortion on the ballot. That is not “handing it back to the states.” Since when should the people have no say? Republicans are definitely against democracy.

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I believe Oklahoma refuses to put it on the ballot too. Among other states, no doubt.

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Moon's comments make it abundantly clear that he has no idea at all what an abortion is. Even the "chemical abortion" is a medical procedure that any licensed practitioner will take care to ensure doesn't harm the patient, and a surgical termination is just that, a surgical procedure. While it may be done in an outpatient setting, those are every bit as sophisticated and sanitary as any operating theater in a hospital. It's one thing to oppose abortion knowing what is involved, it's completely ridiculous to do so without knowing what you're talking about.

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I live in Florida. Here we need 60% to pass an amendment. That is a difficult hill to climb. Not impossible but...

Here is the Amendment:

"No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature's constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion."

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Good lick!

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Did not surprise me a bit. The Republican super majority has made this state a wasteland for worker's rights, women's rights, and patient's rights, just to name a few. VOTE BLUE For Freedom!

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Kick some ass Jess.. This is crazy...

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We must elect Harris/Walz and democrats up and down the ballot. We need federal laws passed once and for all.

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Same thing is happening in Florida. There are sending law enforcement to intimidate (sorry, interview) petition signers. These tactics are in direct contradiction to any claim that it’s a “States Rights” issue. Unless they mean the GOP controlled states who want no ballot initiatives as it threatens their power.

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