“They” (his followers) think he is one of them—he jokes onstage as he makes disparaging remarks about folks the right are afraid of: immigrants, LBGQT (?)people, really anyone who does not look like them & anyone who watches & believes in, the 🦊mentality, those viewers with fewer options for news coverage, those susceptible to the continuing lies repeated by the right, the less discriminating, less educated populace.
This is all bullshit. TikTok was never going to be banned before Biden left office. What was the point of it being blacked out for 12 hours? Because Trump wanted it to happen. TikTok users will believe Biden took away their lifeline and Trump saved them. That’s exactly the way Trump wants it to look. Trump doesn’t give a damn whether it’s a security risk or not. America can be stolen, compromised or destroyed by China and it wouldn’t matter to Trump as long as he had the power, popularity and money. Trump just wants people to believe he’s the savior of their problems to stay in power forever. It’s all dirty politics. And now the 175 million US TikTok users will believe Trump is the answer to their prayers. Disgusting, deceitful, dangerous and just one step closer to Idiocracy.
I understand what you're saying, but Biden did, in fact, take away their lifeline. He didn't have to sign the legislation. He could have vetoed it. Dems could have demanded the bill be removed from the other legislation they wanted to pass and then voted against it.
That’s because China’s social media app TikTok is in fact, dangerous. Biden was trying to do the right thing and the Supreme Court, packed with Trumpers, agreed. Trump also started this. Trump agreed that TikTok was dangerous and wanted it banned as well. He changed his mind because he realized that not banning it would help him politically. This revelation was not because he wanted to help or keep America safe. It was to help himself. If TikTok was a threat to him, he would ban it immediately. Trump did this for the wrong reasons. Why do you think he has a meeting scheduled with President Xi this soon? Because he already called and spoke with Xi and they planned to blackout TikTok for 12 hours. They needed to put the scare into TikTok users so it looked like they meant business. This helps Republicans in the long run and China as well. Do you think Russia, China, North Korea or any other authoritarian country wants a Democrat to be president ever again? Of course not. They need an American, authoritarian stooge to get exactly what they want. In 4 years, JD Vance is going to use the threat of Democrats banning TikTok to get votes. Republicans do not care about America’s national security. They only care about their own power. They play the long game. It may be a dangerous, authoritarian, disgusting game, but they seem to be winning.
TikTok isn't as dangerous as Trump. There's no way China can monitor the activity of Americans on TikTok when it has a billion people in its own country to monitor the activity of. The initial idea to ban TikTok came from Republicans due to the 'national security concern,' a contrived and quaint excuse because as I'll say again and again and again, America's greatest national security threat is Trump himself and the sycophants who have sold their soul to him in exchange for eternal power or some such nonsense.
So damn true. TikTok can be dangerous or not, but nothing is more dangerous than Trump being President. He’s also above the law courtesy of his Supreme Court. We are now going to have oligarchs, bans on abortion/birth control, the horrors of Project 2025 implemented, Trump enriching himself through treason/bribery/extortion and Trump selling out our country every day. Trump is Putin, Xi and Kim Jong-un‘s dream. This maniac and criminal will have the nuclear codes and the classified documents he had near his toilet. We are in for a very dangerous time with zero GOP Congressional members to help. They are all in on it for their own power.
He changed his mind because he had a meeting with someone, I think it was one of the investors in the parent company. Not only did they travel to Florida, they also offered him a ‘donation’.
And voila, the following day, his comments about TikTok were sooooooo much nicer ….
(Source is Rachel Maddow, who talked about it on one of her shows. She named a few examples where Mr Trump - suddenly! - changed his mind about an issue or a company. Usually after meeting someone with a major interest in the issue or the company.)
Your response contradicts your initial post. Was it never going to be banned before biden left office or was Biden "doing the right thing" by banning this allegedly dangerous app?
Also, can you share your facts that lead you to believe that TikTok is "dangerous"? What specifically about it makes it more dangerous than any other social media platform, and why didn't Biden move to ban those as well?
Because TikTok is Chinese owned. Most other apps are not. They are our adversary. They did a whole study on this. People who are grade school/high school aged will eventually become nuclear scientists (and/or other critical jobs), work for the government and will be compromised by what they did/shared on TikTok. Because of this and other US data collected by China, Trump signed an executive order in 2020 to ban TikTok. So this started under Trump‘s administration. Biden had to wait until the Supreme Court decision which just came down a few days ago. They didn’t have to ban it yesterday. It could’ve been banned it next week or next month. And yes, Biden would have upheld the Supreme Court decision and banned it. Trump would have too if it benefited him. But he found out recently that it would benefit him politically if he didn’t ban it. To hell with USA national security. But the whole reality show, shut it down for 12 hours bullshit was to scare TikTok users into believing Trump was their savior. It was a political stunt to benefit Trump. This is not a secret. Everyone knows it. Now they have a new bullshit issue to run on besides abortion and transgenders. Four years from now, JD Vance can run on Democrats banning TikTok to get votes. Trump is just a reality show, power-hungry, line my pockets, I don’t care about national security clown. He’s on display showing it every day.
You do know Biden signed the ban into law last year, right? Not last Friday when the SCOTUS decision came down.
Trump's EO was never able to come to light. The case SCOTUS heard was for the law that was passed by all three chambers of government, a bipartisan measure, last year.
I honestly don't even care to debate with you about whether or not china is "our adversary", because clearly the fact that every other US owned company engages in using our data to manipulate and gain compromising material on us is of no concern to you or you'd be right here with me wondering why only tt and no other apps were affected by this ban. Best of luck having only US companies manipulate the information you get to see from now on.
I have heard/read that there was a fairly major hacking attack fairly recently, which was rather successful inasmuch that it not only ensnared the data of many people but also some in the VPs office or family. This was traced to access gained via TikTok.
I cannot remember where/when I read/heard it, so this might just be unsubstantiated at this point. But it might be true.
Even if it's true, FBs Cambridge analytica scandal was even darker imo and also this alleged hacking was not why the app got banned, nor do I believe a hacking event should be the basis for an entire platform being banned lol
No, the hack wasn’t why TikTok was banned. The plans for the ban predate news of the hack. However the fact that there was such a substantial hack provides credence that TikTok is indeed a danger to national security.
Personally - I lie to Facebook: I use a fake name (I am only connected to real life friends and they know it’s me), I use a fake location and I am very careful never to post pics of my own face. I have never used TikTok because I don’t trust the platform.
I am still fairly new on Substack and I am trying to tread a path between being an interesting and amusing member of the community and still protect a bit of my privacy.
We’ll see how that’ll work out … especially as I am about to write a new post about life in the universe :-) :-)
As a former marketer, I understand your point of getting away from MAGA. At the same time, I think PNF is really not at all catchy or marketable. It's just not going to catch on. Sorry. Maybe we need a giant on-line whiteboard session to come up with something that WILL stick.
Not to worry. It is a difficult task. We are so long into the game and have no organizational ability in the DNC. You were correct in your assessment. I wasn’t looking for catchy, but rather a descriptive, accurate, and perjorative name, not a marketing slogan. I want them to feel the sting of what they in fact are. Ultimately it is not my call. What will gather a crowd is the winner.
It would be great if folks DID take the time to understand your proposed moniker. Some would, no doubt. I will agree that our DNC and other party organizations are far less responsive and/or organized than it would appear we need to combat whatever we call this menace. "We're in this together", as Joyce Vance would say.
I enjoyed TikTok. I’ll miss it but I’m going to delete the app. I’ve already gotten rid of Facebook and twitter(I’ll never call it X). My best friend and I keep in touch on Instagram but I can’t justify keeping it either, not after cuckerberg(yes, cuck was intentional) took away the fact checkers. Substack and Bluesky for me, now.
I dropped all Meta apps about two months ago and X ages ago. I no longer feel safe (in an IT security sense) with Zuck and Muskrat. I'm on BlueSky for now and keeping a wary eye on it.
Yeap unfortunately history repeats itself..! The only difference is that we have to internet 🛜 let’s see if we can use it to our advantage and debunk and fact check everything 🤷♀️
Unfortunately, millions WILL give tRUmp credit for “saving” TikTok. We, the general population, aren’t smart enough to see it for what it really is. You are so correct about all those other apps and what they do. We aren’t banning them. Xi sending a rep to the inaugural and the CEO of TikTok on the platform next to Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg tells you everything you need to know. As always, I thank you for your common sense approach to education.
China does not allow its people to view American social media or the open internet. We do not want to be like them but the Chinese government requires all Chinese companies to participate in spying on Americans if asked. The TikTok app can access more data than you think. Congress acted after briefings from intelligence. Trump was for banning it until TikTok's big Amerocsm investor supported him.
I agree it looks terrible for Dems. We need the government to make all social media safer. Fat chance in this political environment though.
I do not know the first thing about TikTok. But, I know plenty about the Criminal-Elect and I know that anything he is involved in, is some kind of scam that will benefit him.
Trump posted he wants TikTok to be 50% government owned. 50% company owned even if it is ByteDance. This is his long game. I will not go back if this happens. Government owned media? Nope
I deleted tiktok. I loved it (though I knew I was on it too much) and I'll miss a lot of people, and I'm sad that so many lost their livelihood and sense of community! But it won't be the same after rump gets into power. I also deleted the Meta suite of products, and now it seems I need to review Google as well. Oh well, it's probably better to live IRL. I'm glad I found you here Jess!
Timing is indeed everything. It is BS. The felon and the fellow oligarchs are not our friend and have no interest other than self interest.
Never was on the platform, but to your point, many small businesses are and it is an affordable marketing platform. And yes, our data is collected, but as you point out it is just as much homeland originated as it is foreign.
It’s total bullshit. All done to trick an entire generation into thinking Trump is a good guy.
“They” (his followers) think he is one of them—he jokes onstage as he makes disparaging remarks about folks the right are afraid of: immigrants, LBGQT (?)people, really anyone who does not look like them & anyone who watches & believes in, the 🦊mentality, those viewers with fewer options for news coverage, those susceptible to the continuing lies repeated by the right, the less discriminating, less educated populace.
If only they knew what he says about his base in private! It isn't pretty.
This is all bullshit. TikTok was never going to be banned before Biden left office. What was the point of it being blacked out for 12 hours? Because Trump wanted it to happen. TikTok users will believe Biden took away their lifeline and Trump saved them. That’s exactly the way Trump wants it to look. Trump doesn’t give a damn whether it’s a security risk or not. America can be stolen, compromised or destroyed by China and it wouldn’t matter to Trump as long as he had the power, popularity and money. Trump just wants people to believe he’s the savior of their problems to stay in power forever. It’s all dirty politics. And now the 175 million US TikTok users will believe Trump is the answer to their prayers. Disgusting, deceitful, dangerous and just one step closer to Idiocracy.
I understand what you're saying, but Biden did, in fact, take away their lifeline. He didn't have to sign the legislation. He could have vetoed it. Dems could have demanded the bill be removed from the other legislation they wanted to pass and then voted against it.
That’s because China’s social media app TikTok is in fact, dangerous. Biden was trying to do the right thing and the Supreme Court, packed with Trumpers, agreed. Trump also started this. Trump agreed that TikTok was dangerous and wanted it banned as well. He changed his mind because he realized that not banning it would help him politically. This revelation was not because he wanted to help or keep America safe. It was to help himself. If TikTok was a threat to him, he would ban it immediately. Trump did this for the wrong reasons. Why do you think he has a meeting scheduled with President Xi this soon? Because he already called and spoke with Xi and they planned to blackout TikTok for 12 hours. They needed to put the scare into TikTok users so it looked like they meant business. This helps Republicans in the long run and China as well. Do you think Russia, China, North Korea or any other authoritarian country wants a Democrat to be president ever again? Of course not. They need an American, authoritarian stooge to get exactly what they want. In 4 years, JD Vance is going to use the threat of Democrats banning TikTok to get votes. Republicans do not care about America’s national security. They only care about their own power. They play the long game. It may be a dangerous, authoritarian, disgusting game, but they seem to be winning.
TikTok isn't as dangerous as Trump. There's no way China can monitor the activity of Americans on TikTok when it has a billion people in its own country to monitor the activity of. The initial idea to ban TikTok came from Republicans due to the 'national security concern,' a contrived and quaint excuse because as I'll say again and again and again, America's greatest national security threat is Trump himself and the sycophants who have sold their soul to him in exchange for eternal power or some such nonsense.
So damn true. TikTok can be dangerous or not, but nothing is more dangerous than Trump being President. He’s also above the law courtesy of his Supreme Court. We are now going to have oligarchs, bans on abortion/birth control, the horrors of Project 2025 implemented, Trump enriching himself through treason/bribery/extortion and Trump selling out our country every day. Trump is Putin, Xi and Kim Jong-un‘s dream. This maniac and criminal will have the nuclear codes and the classified documents he had near his toilet. We are in for a very dangerous time with zero GOP Congressional members to help. They are all in on it for their own power.
He changed his mind because he had a meeting with someone, I think it was one of the investors in the parent company. Not only did they travel to Florida, they also offered him a ‘donation’.
And voila, the following day, his comments about TikTok were sooooooo much nicer ….
(Source is Rachel Maddow, who talked about it on one of her shows. She named a few examples where Mr Trump - suddenly! - changed his mind about an issue or a company. Usually after meeting someone with a major interest in the issue or the company.)
Your response contradicts your initial post. Was it never going to be banned before biden left office or was Biden "doing the right thing" by banning this allegedly dangerous app?
Also, can you share your facts that lead you to believe that TikTok is "dangerous"? What specifically about it makes it more dangerous than any other social media platform, and why didn't Biden move to ban those as well?
Because TikTok is Chinese owned. Most other apps are not. They are our adversary. They did a whole study on this. People who are grade school/high school aged will eventually become nuclear scientists (and/or other critical jobs), work for the government and will be compromised by what they did/shared on TikTok. Because of this and other US data collected by China, Trump signed an executive order in 2020 to ban TikTok. So this started under Trump‘s administration. Biden had to wait until the Supreme Court decision which just came down a few days ago. They didn’t have to ban it yesterday. It could’ve been banned it next week or next month. And yes, Biden would have upheld the Supreme Court decision and banned it. Trump would have too if it benefited him. But he found out recently that it would benefit him politically if he didn’t ban it. To hell with USA national security. But the whole reality show, shut it down for 12 hours bullshit was to scare TikTok users into believing Trump was their savior. It was a political stunt to benefit Trump. This is not a secret. Everyone knows it. Now they have a new bullshit issue to run on besides abortion and transgenders. Four years from now, JD Vance can run on Democrats banning TikTok to get votes. Trump is just a reality show, power-hungry, line my pockets, I don’t care about national security clown. He’s on display showing it every day.
You do know Biden signed the ban into law last year, right? Not last Friday when the SCOTUS decision came down.
Trump's EO was never able to come to light. The case SCOTUS heard was for the law that was passed by all three chambers of government, a bipartisan measure, last year.
I honestly don't even care to debate with you about whether or not china is "our adversary", because clearly the fact that every other US owned company engages in using our data to manipulate and gain compromising material on us is of no concern to you or you'd be right here with me wondering why only tt and no other apps were affected by this ban. Best of luck having only US companies manipulate the information you get to see from now on.
I have heard/read that there was a fairly major hacking attack fairly recently, which was rather successful inasmuch that it not only ensnared the data of many people but also some in the VPs office or family. This was traced to access gained via TikTok.
I cannot remember where/when I read/heard it, so this might just be unsubstantiated at this point. But it might be true.
And if it is, then it is rather worrying.
Even if it's true, FBs Cambridge analytica scandal was even darker imo and also this alleged hacking was not why the app got banned, nor do I believe a hacking event should be the basis for an entire platform being banned lol
No, the hack wasn’t why TikTok was banned. The plans for the ban predate news of the hack. However the fact that there was such a substantial hack provides credence that TikTok is indeed a danger to national security.
Personally - I lie to Facebook: I use a fake name (I am only connected to real life friends and they know it’s me), I use a fake location and I am very careful never to post pics of my own face. I have never used TikTok because I don’t trust the platform.
I am still fairly new on Substack and I am trying to tread a path between being an interesting and amusing member of the community and still protect a bit of my privacy.
We’ll see how that’ll work out … especially as I am about to write a new post about life in the universe :-) :-)
Biden said on Friday he would NOT enforce the legislation. This was coordinated, and NOT by the Biden administration.
Because of the people Trump loves. “The poorly educated“.
Exactly. Biden said on Friday he would not enforce the ban. This was coordinated.
We hang with you wherever you are. I move we ditch using the term MAGA. That is their promotional advertising slogan. Half the electorate loves it. We need to give them the vile armband that they have earned. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/fight-psychopathic-neo-fascists?r=3m1bs
As a former marketer, I understand your point of getting away from MAGA. At the same time, I think PNF is really not at all catchy or marketable. It's just not going to catch on. Sorry. Maybe we need a giant on-line whiteboard session to come up with something that WILL stick.
Points well taken. Labels are not names. We need to stop labeling them. We need to be mindful of that. Question is, what are they in reality?
Sorry if I came off harshly. I didn't intend that. Reading it now,I was not very polite.
Not to worry. It is a difficult task. We are so long into the game and have no organizational ability in the DNC. You were correct in your assessment. I wasn’t looking for catchy, but rather a descriptive, accurate, and perjorative name, not a marketing slogan. I want them to feel the sting of what they in fact are. Ultimately it is not my call. What will gather a crowd is the winner.
It would be great if folks DID take the time to understand your proposed moniker. Some would, no doubt. I will agree that our DNC and other party organizations are far less responsive and/or organized than it would appear we need to combat whatever we call this menace. "We're in this together", as Joyce Vance would say.
People who are trying to manage their lives but missing some skills.
We will need an acronym for that, Anne. I don’t know where to start. Short-skilled low life (SSLL). Best I can do tonight.
Alternative names to consider: Fox-zombies or sleepyheads.
I enjoyed TikTok. I’ll miss it but I’m going to delete the app. I’ve already gotten rid of Facebook and twitter(I’ll never call it X). My best friend and I keep in touch on Instagram but I can’t justify keeping it either, not after cuckerberg(yes, cuck was intentional) took away the fact checkers. Substack and Bluesky for me, now.
I dropped all Meta apps about two months ago and X ages ago. I no longer feel safe (in an IT security sense) with Zuck and Muskrat. I'm on BlueSky for now and keeping a wary eye on it.
Yeap unfortunately history repeats itself..! The only difference is that we have to internet 🛜 let’s see if we can use it to our advantage and debunk and fact check everything 🤷♀️
Unfortunately, millions WILL give tRUmp credit for “saving” TikTok. We, the general population, aren’t smart enough to see it for what it really is. You are so correct about all those other apps and what they do. We aren’t banning them. Xi sending a rep to the inaugural and the CEO of TikTok on the platform next to Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg tells you everything you need to know. As always, I thank you for your common sense approach to education.
Elon & Trump basically running propaganda on two wildly popular platforms.. 🤔 sounds very dangerous. State run media .
Excellent article. Spot on! 👍
I’ve never used TikTok other than to see the goofy stuff people put up.
Substack and BlueSky are where I go to see what’s happening. 😁
China does not allow its people to view American social media or the open internet. We do not want to be like them but the Chinese government requires all Chinese companies to participate in spying on Americans if asked. The TikTok app can access more data than you think. Congress acted after briefings from intelligence. Trump was for banning it until TikTok's big Amerocsm investor supported him.
I agree it looks terrible for Dems. We need the government to make all social media safer. Fat chance in this political environment though.
You inspire me and many people. We applaud and support you. Thank you!
Absofuckinglutely. That message said it all. I’ll one up you in conspiracies, Jess.
This is a fire sale for the oligarchs. I heard musk wants it.
Pat! I didn't even think of this. But it sounds pretty fuckin likely.
Yikes, the world we're living in is wild.
Officially 50% US GOVT, other 50% ??
The govt will own the data. I feel very uncomfortable with that, although I’m sure if the govt wants info they can get it anyway.
Exactly! Ten cents on the Renminbi!
I do not know the first thing about TikTok. But, I know plenty about the Criminal-Elect and I know that anything he is involved in, is some kind of scam that will benefit him.
Trump posted he wants TikTok to be 50% government owned. 50% company owned even if it is ByteDance. This is his long game. I will not go back if this happens. Government owned media? Nope
I deleted tiktok. I loved it (though I knew I was on it too much) and I'll miss a lot of people, and I'm sad that so many lost their livelihood and sense of community! But it won't be the same after rump gets into power. I also deleted the Meta suite of products, and now it seems I need to review Google as well. Oh well, it's probably better to live IRL. I'm glad I found you here Jess!
Timing is indeed everything. It is BS. The felon and the fellow oligarchs are not our friend and have no interest other than self interest.
Never was on the platform, but to your point, many small businesses are and it is an affordable marketing platform. And yes, our data is collected, but as you point out it is just as much homeland originated as it is foreign.
Keep sharing wherever you can!