I wish everybody that lives in a blue state could come to a red state like Missouri and see what it’s like to live with these crazy people in charge. They just do not understand. I don’t want the whole United States to be like we are. It’s hard enough to fight here to have to fight all over the United States would be heartbreaking.
It’s exhausting!!! I fail to see how having a gun or a flamethrower on your TV ad makes you worthy of anything other then exposing how crazy this whole thing has become. Also I wonder what the Missouri Secretary of State can do about sanctuary cities and the border issue. Maybe they don’t know they are in Missouri. It makes my brain hurt.
Apparently MO Treasurer Vivek Malek doesn't seem to know his job also doesn't have anything to do with the border issue. I got a flyer in the mail about re-electing him that talked about everything BUT his job, including working on the border issue. Srsly dude? SMH
I got the same one. I thought it was crazy because, besides the obvious craziness behind it, he actually has done a decent job. Why can’t he just run on that?
Thank you! I get very, very tired of either apathy (it doesn’t matter if I vote, my state is so blue) or extremism (if a candidate isn’t perfect, I’m not voting) from residents of blue states. Missouri was a purple state. Now, thanks to the right wing media juggernaut and copious amounts of dark money we are cherry red. Missouri is now the working lab for MAGA and many people don’t know- which is part of what makes it so insidious.
So yes, I’d love my Blue state brethren to move here and to realize how very frustrating it is to live in a state where the loss of Federal protections means the loss of rights.
I am so sorry ohiolibrarian. I was one of the students who volunteered in the library as soon as I could while in school. I love libraries and librarians. I can’t imagine how stressful it is to be where you are during these times in this red state of Ohio. I am a retired RN and associate professor of nursing and would be so stressed to have to deal with what you do.
I wish all democrats and people that don’t vote republican would realize that Project2025 has already been enacted in all red states. My state of Oklahoma has had a red supermajority for 14 years now. Our govt has passed a dizzying amount of bills that take away rights from trans people, women, protesters-it’s lawful to run over a protestor in this state- banned books, brought in p2025 authors to rewrite social studies books and curriculum and on and on.
Apparently, we’re slightly more “polite” than our MO friends because we don’t see all the political ads with guns, but it’s all right under the surface.
Voting usually goes 80/20 R/D so they really don’t need to even do advertising here anymore. Republicans are in charge and don’t need to worry about us pesky Democrats at all. Once they take over, it’s done folks. Please wake up and do all you can to stop this insanity where it’s still possible.
I listen to “Ive had podcast” ….after a long day listening to stay informed , they always get me belly laughing! Watch pumps with the hand maids outfit on from 2 days ago, both lawyers with a abrasive don’t hold back humor
We can’t imagine Susan. Surrounded by insanity and hate is horrendous. We will try to do anything to help. Send suggestions out, please! I just posted info for people to support a business building owner in Lenoir City, TN. He/she draped a giant sign on a building supporting Biden/Harris, Truth Over Lies. The business in that building is unhappy. It’s not clear whether they’re unhappy because many people won’t like it or if it’s because they are TRUMPERS. YOU KNOW…the people who ALWAYS scream about FREE SPEECH!
Let’s help EVERYONE fighting to keep our country a democracy. A caring democracy for all!
I live in Missouri and my husband and I have stopped watching local TV because it’s full of ridiculous, hate-filled political ads from MAGA-loving candidates. It’s extremely troubling to see how proud they are to tote their guns and espouse their “conservative values”, which is just another way of saying White Christian Nationalist. It makes my heart hurt, but something that has given me hope is hearing stories from blue states and realizing that it’s not like this everywhere. . . It just feels that way when you’re surrounded by it.
Dang, Jess, seems like progressives can’t even go to the mailbox without being assaulted, at least emotionally. The people in these hyper aggressive ads are obviously compensating for some physical or mental shortcoming. Too bad the rest of us get stuck dealing with the consequences.
I looked at these ads and thought these people looked absolutely pathetic. Have either of these men ever been in military combat? There is NO purpose for these types of weapons other than combat. The young woman just looks completely divorced from reality. These people look like pitiful wannabes, who were bullied in school and want to take their anger and frustration out on someone else, anyone else.
I hope someone can help me. I posted the link to Heather Cox Richardson's zoom call about PJ 2025 today and then sent it on messenger to a few friends. While I was doing that suddenly Facebook shut down my profile completely. No reason, no amount of time given. It just said that they have taken down my profile. I had 3400 followers, I'm a civil rights activist from Mississippi. I have worked hard for years to gain the trust of many communities and I'm able to be useful to them because of all my contacts. I also have a disability and live alone and my business Relies on all those contacts as well.
I can't be sure that is what caused it, but it was right when I was sharing the link. I did request a review from Facebook, but nothing yet. I even uploaded my license to prove who I was. They have given me no reason, and I have had no warnings or any issues. I'm afraid they are doing this to people that are speaking out about project 2025. I don't know what else to do but to try to find some people that have a wider audience and speak up.
I am devastated by the loss of all the years of work that I've put in to build my following. There seems to be no way to reach Facebook or get any answers from anyone. I'm hoping that perhaps some public pressure would cause them to change their decision, and also bring out others that are going through something similar. I have had friends in the last week or two say they are having trouble linking to the 2025 documents etc. I didn't have a problem until today. If anyone has ideas about how we can warn people, as well as finding a way to have Facebook put me back on I would so appreciate it. I literally feel like the ground is falling out from underneath me Losing all my contacts. Thanks for all the work you do.
I’m so sorry, friend. I am having things removed left and right and I’m just waiting for something similar to happen. I hope someone in the comments can help you.
I have heard this from many people on this site. Have you contacted you AG, the ACLU,Al Sharpton, notified the President. This sounds like it needs a class action suit?
I googled freedom of speech on facebook and found
“ Is there freedom of speech on FB?
But what about free speech on social media? Social media platforms are private companies and are not bound by the First Amendment. In fact, they have their own First Amendment rights. This means they can moderate the content people post on their websites without violating those users' First Amendment rights.”
If this can’t be challenged then there needs to be a broad notification to the public that facebook is not allowing any discussion of project 2025, seemingly to side with the christofascist oligarchs with a call for anyone who does not want this form of governmental to stop using facebook, the same with x.
Would you be willing to elevate my situation by posting about it? I'm thinking maybe I could pick up some people on Twitter, at least that might help me rebuild some of what I've lost. It's so frustrating because there is no way to contact anyone. I know for many people Facebook is just something they check from time to time. For me it encompasses all of my community organizing, my travel business, my friends and family, and my future. I am heartbroken, but still angry at the same time.
I think sharing this with Substackers here like Judd Legum is a good idea- name; Popular information. He is an investigative journalist and exposes a lot! He also has a big following. I know it costs money got subscriptions, but seriously, this one might be worth it.
Jess, my brother just sent me a picture from Lenoir City, TN. The owner of a business building draped a giant Biden/Harris sign on the building saying Truth Over Lies. I think we should write in to city council or send open letter Thank you to the building owner. Free Speech, Sanity! I just wanted to put this out knowing Blue dots in red states need support from us all.
I put a picture of this in my Substack notes today if anyone would like to see it.
Also after the shooting, Elon Musk came out and is supporting DT for president, just like Meta. And the entire office space of X in San Francisco has been turned over to a rental agent to obtain new tenants. Don't know where they're moving to, but I'm sure a red state. So if you all have accounts on X be prepared. This is the real beginning of censorship. These rich guys are so above the law that they will spit in your face.
Meta came out in support of the orangeman for president. So whatever you may have said if anything negative about DT, they are probably not allowing it. So much for all of MZ and his refusals to take down violent and misleading content and blame algorithms. Always knew he was a snake in the grass. Get a lawyer maybe. I have never joined FB. Don't trust it EVER!! Good luck to you
I don't know what my options are, but I'm going to keep trying. I can't be the only person that this has happened to. I've been a civil right Activist for years so I'm very careful how I post. All I was doing is providing a link to Heather's Zoom call today about project 2025. There wasn't anything in that it should've allowed them to suspend my entire account. I am 60 years old with a disability and live alone. That page is my lifeline to not only my business but to my activism and who I am as a person.there's no way for me to get back thousands of followers. I'm hoping Heather will see this and speak up. I am not going to let Facebook bury me.
I am sorry this is happening to you and many others, I googled and found
Is there freedom of speech on FB?
But what about free speech on social media? Social media platforms are private companies and are not bound by the First Amendment. In fact, they have their own First Amendment rights. This means they can moderate the content people post on their websites without violating those users' First Amendment rights.
If they can do this, and evidently they can, can you contact your AG, the ACLU for more information, and i’m the meantime we know that Musk and Zuckerberg are backing Trump. They have these social media sites, but more people need to know that they will not allow opposing views and encourage people to stop using their sites. Can you let all your followers know that you have moved to substack?
Laurianne, I wonder if they merely picked up the key words Project 2025. Computers search for key words that are threatening. You may have to refer to it as the plan or something different on certain websites..Remember, they are using algorithms to find violators. They can’t read everything.
I can't imagine it was something that simple since they disabled my entire profile. It says something about account authenticity and integrity. That category is so broad that it's hard to read anything into it. A friend sent me the screenshot of what I sent her and it was just the link to Heather's zoom call. Four minutes later I was gone. Once they reviewed it they said it is still closed. I'm currently using a back up profile but that makes me nervous. I just wish somebody with a bigger voice than mine would help platform this. losing 3400 followers as a civil rights organizer from Mississippi is tough. I had people all over the world.
I have heard this from many folks on this substack. Have you contacted your attorney General, Your state representatives, any lawyer, your Governor, The president of the US. This is starting to sound like a class action suit is needed,
Believe me I get it. I live in Mississippi and I'm a civil rights activist, no one is going to help me there. I mean I don't even know why they pulled my profile down. In the guidelines it says that they only do that in cases of terrorist threats, or repeated violations. I've not done anything like that. I'm just sick from it, and I never thought I would be silenced like that. I am a small activist in a big pond, and I don't have a huge voice but the things I've been able to do for people over the years have been pretty impressive, mostly due to those contacts.
Jess. I cannot ever understand the whole sick obsession with guns. And for a SOS to be against confiscating the weapons from people who are a danger, especially in domestic situations. What is their rationale for that? None of course because the part of the brain that makes logical decisions seems to be missing. And the woman with the assault weapon - she just looks oblivious to the reality of the ability to handle such a dangerous piece of artillery. Is she related to MTG and/or LB? Unhinged is a great description.
Keep up the work. Keep staying safe. There must be good people in your State who are completely appalled by all of this behavior.
There are also good people running for office, even SOS! Barb Phifer is the OPPOSITE of these people! She is a Methodist minister that was part of the lawsuit by clergy to sue MO for the abortion ban because it violates the separation of church and state. She is a current Democratic lawmaker, and she loves libraries. She needs our support. I’m a monthly donor and volunteered to help her campaign. Yes, tell people about the crazies, but please be louder when you tell people about the good candidates. We have good choices, and that’s what keeps me sane.
It's like that in NC as well. We have crazy Mark Robinson running for governor. He was in a church, saying, "Some folks just need killing!" Who does that???!!!!!!
Yep, in a church. And I'm pretty sure he got an "Amen" or two.
And how about our Supt. of Public Ed. candidate from MAGA land? The bad thing about her is that she seems to be intelligent enough to shut up about all her Q-anon craziness and try to play like she's concerned about our children ..... with cameras in school bathrooms and all classrooms.
These people are just nuts. But they're everywhere. It looks like Missouri has greater numbers of them running for office, but I'd bet ours are just as C-R-A-Z-Y as any of theirs.
I’m sure JD Vance would love them. He hates women so much he thinks they should stay in abusive marriages. He would never go for red flag laws. The male is superior, you know.
I have a theory. These MAGA radical hate mongers are raising a militia in case their dear leader isn't elected. They almost hope their guy doesn't win, because they are salivating over a chance to hurt their fellow Americans. These people are nuts, their dangerous, cult- like fanatasism has no place in leadership. Yet here we are. Thank you, Right wing media, Russia, and Adderall.
You should see if you can get a group of 20 people together to write to the candidate that they are offended by guns in their ads. Use religion as your reason or anything else that would speak to them.
The photo of Ms. Gomez torching a book titled "Queer" is bone-chillingly terrifying. There must be a lot of closeted tortured souls out there, and I feel for them. At the other end of the spectrum, the red-state drumbeat against blue-state pedophilia seems like pure projection. I fear for the children. These SOS candidates exhibit way too much fear and loathing.
It's every red state politician too. I live in Indiana, and they all have gun shooting MAGA type aggressive ads where they attack liberals, want book bans, and all the horrible things that cover their ideology. The flame thrower is a new instrument in the ads, but the hate it represents behind it is not.
It's sounds like a real competition between the extreme of the extremes going on with your SOS position. I do wish there were canidates in your state that took such an important position seriously. All I can think of if these canidates got the "can you find 11,780 votes" call they're answer would be " absolutely sir can we get you more".Thank you Jess for highlighting them their position could have nation wide consequences. Keep up the great work
There is a serious candidate! Barb Phifer! She is a current Democratic lawmaker . She is the OPPOSITE of these people. Please spread the word. Let’s stop moaning about these people and start supporting her.
Intimidation plays a huge role in the MAGA plan to control elections! Pictorial propaganda is designed to make those candidates look strong and capable of defending the Second Amendment! Unfortunately, people fall for it too many times!
And so it goes... Another "Thank You" for spreading the gospel of sanity. It's exhausting. It's infuriating. It's soul crushing. And it's absolutely imperative to fight the bat shit crazies who are trying to run/ruin our democracy. I urge everyone to join in the fight. Check out info@indivisible.org to see how you can get involved.
Well as my Facebook shut down and suspended for no reason yesterday, I'm feeling pretty intimidated right now. I have almost 3500 friends, and I'm a civil rights organizer in MS, I also run my business through my contacts I haven't received any information from Facebook, I've never seen anything like it. I haven't received any warning or anything. I don't know who to turn to because no one seems to be able to have an answer about how to get in touch with Facebook. I wish I could find an ally in the press who would elevate the story. I was sharing the link to Heather Cox Richardson Zoom call yesterday about P25 when it happened. I feel like someone cut off my arms. I am not the same person, or as useful to any groups, without my contacts.
I guess this is payback/karma for the years in the past when I used to make fun of the southern states. Now, Missouri doesn’t just look like them, we surpass them in displays of appalling ignorance. So shameful.Terribly sad.
Gomez might have enough brain cells to market herself with yoga pants and a ridiculously large rifle, but like many MAGA-types she knows nothing about the law or government. The SOS can’t activate the National Guard. Only a Governor has that authority. But of course, I’m sure she knows this….
I do too, this is crazy. I completely lost 3400 contacts. My activism depends on those and I can assure you and Mississippi it's a lot of work to become trusted by those communities. Hopefully someone will have a contact. I would so appreciate it if you could speak about this at some point and let people know what is going on. Thanks so much
Thanks for sharing that. I wonder if there's a way to reach him? My profile was suddenly taken down and banned a few days ago when I was sharing info on Heather Cox Richardson's zoom call about PR2025. They reviewed it and still will not Put it back up. They haven't given me a reason, but I sent the link to four friends and three minutes later I was gone. I can't imagine such extreme measures for something so simple, and certainly not against rules. However, I'm coming to believe that we don't really know anymore.
Laurianne, I used to get Jim Hightower’s newsletter in the mail years ago. He is here on Substack..you might have to subscribe to leave a comment though.
I wish everybody that lives in a blue state could come to a red state like Missouri and see what it’s like to live with these crazy people in charge. They just do not understand. I don’t want the whole United States to be like we are. It’s hard enough to fight here to have to fight all over the United States would be heartbreaking.
It’s exhausting!!! I fail to see how having a gun or a flamethrower on your TV ad makes you worthy of anything other then exposing how crazy this whole thing has become. Also I wonder what the Missouri Secretary of State can do about sanctuary cities and the border issue. Maybe they don’t know they are in Missouri. It makes my brain hurt.
Apparently MO Treasurer Vivek Malek doesn't seem to know his job also doesn't have anything to do with the border issue. I got a flyer in the mail about re-electing him that talked about everything BUT his job, including working on the border issue. Srsly dude? SMH
I got the same one. I thought it was crazy because, besides the obvious craziness behind it, he actually has done a decent job. Why can’t he just run on that?
Exactly. Why buy into all the crazy? Still not gonna vote for any GOP candidates tho'
Thank you! I get very, very tired of either apathy (it doesn’t matter if I vote, my state is so blue) or extremism (if a candidate isn’t perfect, I’m not voting) from residents of blue states. Missouri was a purple state. Now, thanks to the right wing media juggernaut and copious amounts of dark money we are cherry red. Missouri is now the working lab for MAGA and many people don’t know- which is part of what makes it so insidious.
So yes, I’d love my Blue state brethren to move here and to realize how very frustrating it is to live in a state where the loss of Federal protections means the loss of rights.
See also Ohio.
I am so sorry ohiolibrarian. I was one of the students who volunteered in the library as soon as I could while in school. I love libraries and librarians. I can’t imagine how stressful it is to be where you are during these times in this red state of Ohio. I am a retired RN and associate professor of nursing and would be so stressed to have to deal with what you do.
I wish all democrats and people that don’t vote republican would realize that Project2025 has already been enacted in all red states. My state of Oklahoma has had a red supermajority for 14 years now. Our govt has passed a dizzying amount of bills that take away rights from trans people, women, protesters-it’s lawful to run over a protestor in this state- banned books, brought in p2025 authors to rewrite social studies books and curriculum and on and on.
Apparently, we’re slightly more “polite” than our MO friends because we don’t see all the political ads with guns, but it’s all right under the surface.
Voting usually goes 80/20 R/D so they really don’t need to even do advertising here anymore. Republicans are in charge and don’t need to worry about us pesky Democrats at all. Once they take over, it’s done folks. Please wake up and do all you can to stop this insanity where it’s still possible.
I listen to “Ive had podcast” ….after a long day listening to stay informed , they always get me belly laughing! Watch pumps with the hand maids outfit on from 2 days ago, both lawyers with a abrasive don’t hold back humor
We can’t imagine Susan. Surrounded by insanity and hate is horrendous. We will try to do anything to help. Send suggestions out, please! I just posted info for people to support a business building owner in Lenoir City, TN. He/she draped a giant sign on a building supporting Biden/Harris, Truth Over Lies. The business in that building is unhappy. It’s not clear whether they’re unhappy because many people won’t like it or if it’s because they are TRUMPERS. YOU KNOW…the people who ALWAYS scream about FREE SPEECH!
Let’s help EVERYONE fighting to keep our country a democracy. A caring democracy for all!
Oh! So true!!
I live in Missouri and my husband and I have stopped watching local TV because it’s full of ridiculous, hate-filled political ads from MAGA-loving candidates. It’s extremely troubling to see how proud they are to tote their guns and espouse their “conservative values”, which is just another way of saying White Christian Nationalist. It makes my heart hurt, but something that has given me hope is hearing stories from blue states and realizing that it’s not like this everywhere. . . It just feels that way when you’re surrounded by it.
Dang, Jess, seems like progressives can’t even go to the mailbox without being assaulted, at least emotionally. The people in these hyper aggressive ads are obviously compensating for some physical or mental shortcoming. Too bad the rest of us get stuck dealing with the consequences.
I looked at these ads and thought these people looked absolutely pathetic. Have either of these men ever been in military combat? There is NO purpose for these types of weapons other than combat. The young woman just looks completely divorced from reality. These people look like pitiful wannabes, who were bullied in school and want to take their anger and frustration out on someone else, anyone else.
It’s exhausting. And the TV ads!
I hope someone can help me. I posted the link to Heather Cox Richardson's zoom call about PJ 2025 today and then sent it on messenger to a few friends. While I was doing that suddenly Facebook shut down my profile completely. No reason, no amount of time given. It just said that they have taken down my profile. I had 3400 followers, I'm a civil rights activist from Mississippi. I have worked hard for years to gain the trust of many communities and I'm able to be useful to them because of all my contacts. I also have a disability and live alone and my business Relies on all those contacts as well.
I can't be sure that is what caused it, but it was right when I was sharing the link. I did request a review from Facebook, but nothing yet. I even uploaded my license to prove who I was. They have given me no reason, and I have had no warnings or any issues. I'm afraid they are doing this to people that are speaking out about project 2025. I don't know what else to do but to try to find some people that have a wider audience and speak up.
I am devastated by the loss of all the years of work that I've put in to build my following. There seems to be no way to reach Facebook or get any answers from anyone. I'm hoping that perhaps some public pressure would cause them to change their decision, and also bring out others that are going through something similar. I have had friends in the last week or two say they are having trouble linking to the 2025 documents etc. I didn't have a problem until today. If anyone has ideas about how we can warn people, as well as finding a way to have Facebook put me back on I would so appreciate it. I literally feel like the ground is falling out from underneath me Losing all my contacts. Thanks for all the work you do.
I’m so sorry, friend. I am having things removed left and right and I’m just waiting for something similar to happen. I hope someone in the comments can help you.
I have heard this from many people on this site. Have you contacted you AG, the ACLU,Al Sharpton, notified the President. This sounds like it needs a class action suit?
I googled freedom of speech on facebook and found
“ Is there freedom of speech on FB?
But what about free speech on social media? Social media platforms are private companies and are not bound by the First Amendment. In fact, they have their own First Amendment rights. This means they can moderate the content people post on their websites without violating those users' First Amendment rights.”
If this can’t be challenged then there needs to be a broad notification to the public that facebook is not allowing any discussion of project 2025, seemingly to side with the christofascist oligarchs with a call for anyone who does not want this form of governmental to stop using facebook, the same with x.
Would you be willing to elevate my situation by posting about it? I'm thinking maybe I could pick up some people on Twitter, at least that might help me rebuild some of what I've lost. It's so frustrating because there is no way to contact anyone. I know for many people Facebook is just something they check from time to time. For me it encompasses all of my community organizing, my travel business, my friends and family, and my future. I am heartbroken, but still angry at the same time.
Here’s a link Jess (Lenoir City, TN)
Laurianne & Jess,
I think sharing this with Substackers here like Judd Legum is a good idea- name; Popular information. He is an investigative journalist and exposes a lot! He also has a big following. I know it costs money got subscriptions, but seriously, this one might be worth it.
Jess, my brother just sent me a picture from Lenoir City, TN. The owner of a business building draped a giant Biden/Harris sign on the building saying Truth Over Lies. I think we should write in to city council or send open letter Thank you to the building owner. Free Speech, Sanity! I just wanted to put this out knowing Blue dots in red states need support from us all.
I put a picture of this in my Substack notes today if anyone would like to see it.
Also after the shooting, Elon Musk came out and is supporting DT for president, just like Meta. And the entire office space of X in San Francisco has been turned over to a rental agent to obtain new tenants. Don't know where they're moving to, but I'm sure a red state. So if you all have accounts on X be prepared. This is the real beginning of censorship. These rich guys are so above the law that they will spit in your face.
People get ready. There's a storm a-comin'.
Meta came out in support of the orangeman for president. So whatever you may have said if anything negative about DT, they are probably not allowing it. So much for all of MZ and his refusals to take down violent and misleading content and blame algorithms. Always knew he was a snake in the grass. Get a lawyer maybe. I have never joined FB. Don't trust it EVER!! Good luck to you
I don't know what my options are, but I'm going to keep trying. I can't be the only person that this has happened to. I've been a civil right Activist for years so I'm very careful how I post. All I was doing is providing a link to Heather's Zoom call today about project 2025. There wasn't anything in that it should've allowed them to suspend my entire account. I am 60 years old with a disability and live alone. That page is my lifeline to not only my business but to my activism and who I am as a person.there's no way for me to get back thousands of followers. I'm hoping Heather will see this and speak up. I am not going to let Facebook bury me.
Keep fighting. FB is censoring anyone who mentions project 25.
Blue Sky is a friendly alternative to X/Twitter. Could be some of your old followers are on there.
I am sorry this is happening to you and many others, I googled and found
Is there freedom of speech on FB?
But what about free speech on social media? Social media platforms are private companies and are not bound by the First Amendment. In fact, they have their own First Amendment rights. This means they can moderate the content people post on their websites without violating those users' First Amendment rights.
If they can do this, and evidently they can, can you contact your AG, the ACLU for more information, and i’m the meantime we know that Musk and Zuckerberg are backing Trump. They have these social media sites, but more people need to know that they will not allow opposing views and encourage people to stop using their sites. Can you let all your followers know that you have moved to substack?
Keep going
Don’t stop
This will be happening more & more.
Please diversify your platforms. Start writing or sharing on Substack
and other threads.
Keep hard copies of contacts.
Laurianne , reach out to a few your people & tell them where you’re now posting. Hopefully they will find you. Fight FB.
Keep up the good work, we need each other!
Thanks Jess, you are a true inspiration. So courageous talking back to gun toting fools. 🙏🏽
Laurianne, I wonder if they merely picked up the key words Project 2025. Computers search for key words that are threatening. You may have to refer to it as the plan or something different on certain websites..Remember, they are using algorithms to find violators. They can’t read everything.
I can't imagine it was something that simple since they disabled my entire profile. It says something about account authenticity and integrity. That category is so broad that it's hard to read anything into it. A friend sent me the screenshot of what I sent her and it was just the link to Heather's zoom call. Four minutes later I was gone. Once they reviewed it they said it is still closed. I'm currently using a back up profile but that makes me nervous. I just wish somebody with a bigger voice than mine would help platform this. losing 3400 followers as a civil rights organizer from Mississippi is tough. I had people all over the world.
I have heard this from many folks on this substack. Have you contacted your attorney General, Your state representatives, any lawyer, your Governor, The president of the US. This is starting to sound like a class action suit is needed,
Believe me I get it. I live in Mississippi and I'm a civil rights activist, no one is going to help me there. I mean I don't even know why they pulled my profile down. In the guidelines it says that they only do that in cases of terrorist threats, or repeated violations. I've not done anything like that. I'm just sick from it, and I never thought I would be silenced like that. I am a small activist in a big pond, and I don't have a huge voice but the things I've been able to do for people over the years have been pretty impressive, mostly due to those contacts.
Thank you for being so helpful and supportive. We all have to work together.
This is so helpful, thank you!
Jess. I cannot ever understand the whole sick obsession with guns. And for a SOS to be against confiscating the weapons from people who are a danger, especially in domestic situations. What is their rationale for that? None of course because the part of the brain that makes logical decisions seems to be missing. And the woman with the assault weapon - she just looks oblivious to the reality of the ability to handle such a dangerous piece of artillery. Is she related to MTG and/or LB? Unhinged is a great description.
Keep up the work. Keep staying safe. There must be good people in your State who are completely appalled by all of this behavior.
Yes there are good people it’s sometimes like trying to find a needle in a haystack. We are truly appalled at the behavior and rhetoric.
There are also good people running for office, even SOS! Barb Phifer is the OPPOSITE of these people! She is a Methodist minister that was part of the lawsuit by clergy to sue MO for the abortion ban because it violates the separation of church and state. She is a current Democratic lawmaker, and she loves libraries. She needs our support. I’m a monthly donor and volunteered to help her campaign. Yes, tell people about the crazies, but please be louder when you tell people about the good candidates. We have good choices, and that’s what keeps me sane.
It's like that in NC as well. We have crazy Mark Robinson running for governor. He was in a church, saying, "Some folks just need killing!" Who does that???!!!!!!
And what kind of minister allows it?
Yep, in a church. And I'm pretty sure he got an "Amen" or two.
And how about our Supt. of Public Ed. candidate from MAGA land? The bad thing about her is that she seems to be intelligent enough to shut up about all her Q-anon craziness and try to play like she's concerned about our children ..... with cameras in school bathrooms and all classrooms.
These people are just nuts. But they're everywhere. It looks like Missouri has greater numbers of them running for office, but I'd bet ours are just as C-R-A-Z-Y as any of theirs.
Yes likely so. What a pathetic contest though. Right?
A maniac
I’m sure JD Vance would love them. He hates women so much he thinks they should stay in abusive marriages. He would never go for red flag laws. The male is superior, you know.
I think MAGA like him, Hawley and Cruz are probably the most dangerous. Articulate and well educated. Notice I didn’t say smart.
I have a theory. These MAGA radical hate mongers are raising a militia in case their dear leader isn't elected. They almost hope their guy doesn't win, because they are salivating over a chance to hurt their fellow Americans. These people are nuts, their dangerous, cult- like fanatasism has no place in leadership. Yet here we are. Thank you, Right wing media, Russia, and Adderall.
I receive these type of mailers daily. They are monstrous, especially given what occurred on Sat.
And if they also show how weak these candidates are, in the grand scheme of things. They hide behind guns and intimidation.
Well, I am not afraid or intimidated. I am just sad for them. And I know who to never vote for.
You should see if you can get a group of 20 people together to write to the candidate that they are offended by guns in their ads. Use religion as your reason or anything else that would speak to them.
The photo of Ms. Gomez torching a book titled "Queer" is bone-chillingly terrifying. There must be a lot of closeted tortured souls out there, and I feel for them. At the other end of the spectrum, the red-state drumbeat against blue-state pedophilia seems like pure projection. I fear for the children. These SOS candidates exhibit way too much fear and loathing.
It's every red state politician too. I live in Indiana, and they all have gun shooting MAGA type aggressive ads where they attack liberals, want book bans, and all the horrible things that cover their ideology. The flame thrower is a new instrument in the ads, but the hate it represents behind it is not.
It's sounds like a real competition between the extreme of the extremes going on with your SOS position. I do wish there were canidates in your state that took such an important position seriously. All I can think of if these canidates got the "can you find 11,780 votes" call they're answer would be " absolutely sir can we get you more".Thank you Jess for highlighting them their position could have nation wide consequences. Keep up the great work
There is a serious candidate! Barb Phifer! She is a current Democratic lawmaker . She is the OPPOSITE of these people. Please spread the word. Let’s stop moaning about these people and start supporting her.
Thank goodness!
Intimidation plays a huge role in the MAGA plan to control elections! Pictorial propaganda is designed to make those candidates look strong and capable of defending the Second Amendment! Unfortunately, people fall for it too many times!
And so it goes... Another "Thank You" for spreading the gospel of sanity. It's exhausting. It's infuriating. It's soul crushing. And it's absolutely imperative to fight the bat shit crazies who are trying to run/ruin our democracy. I urge everyone to join in the fight. Check out info@indivisible.org to see how you can get involved.
Folks like this want us to be intimidated and afraid to oppose them. Don't acquiesce in advance.
Well as my Facebook shut down and suspended for no reason yesterday, I'm feeling pretty intimidated right now. I have almost 3500 friends, and I'm a civil rights organizer in MS, I also run my business through my contacts I haven't received any information from Facebook, I've never seen anything like it. I haven't received any warning or anything. I don't know who to turn to because no one seems to be able to have an answer about how to get in touch with Facebook. I wish I could find an ally in the press who would elevate the story. I was sharing the link to Heather Cox Richardson Zoom call yesterday about P25 when it happened. I feel like someone cut off my arms. I am not the same person, or as useful to any groups, without my contacts.
They act like cowards
I guess this is payback/karma for the years in the past when I used to make fun of the southern states. Now, Missouri doesn’t just look like them, we surpass them in displays of appalling ignorance. So shameful.Terribly sad.
I am sickened to read the state’s trajectory.
Gomez might have enough brain cells to market herself with yoga pants and a ridiculously large rifle, but like many MAGA-types she knows nothing about the law or government. The SOS can’t activate the National Guard. Only a Governor has that authority. But of course, I’m sure she knows this….
She may not. These people are so bloated in their fat ignorant heads. She sounds like a psychopath!
I do too, this is crazy. I completely lost 3400 contacts. My activism depends on those and I can assure you and Mississippi it's a lot of work to become trusted by those communities. Hopefully someone will have a contact. I would so appreciate it if you could speak about this at some point and let people know what is going on. Thanks so much
Jess, Jim Hightower got censored from FB for mentioning project 2025. But he clicked the button to appeal and they put the story back.
Thanks for sharing that. I wonder if there's a way to reach him? My profile was suddenly taken down and banned a few days ago when I was sharing info on Heather Cox Richardson's zoom call about PR2025. They reviewed it and still will not Put it back up. They haven't given me a reason, but I sent the link to four friends and three minutes later I was gone. I can't imagine such extreme measures for something so simple, and certainly not against rules. However, I'm coming to believe that we don't really know anymore.
Laurianne, I used to get Jim Hightower’s newsletter in the mail years ago. He is here on Substack..you might have to subscribe to leave a comment though.