I would also say that many fail on their first run for office. Emerge and She Should Run are just some of the groups who provide support. There are many others like local women’s group such as National Organization for women or labor groups who might provide support and just as importantly volunteers. Making local labor councils and labor locals aware of your campaign is important too. They usually can provide volunteers if they are running campaigns in areas. Know any local democratic women’s clubs?
It’s not just money. A ground game is crucial. Other organizations are out there to get your message out. Start planning today for your run years out. I am willing to help you plan. You can do this!
It’s not just red states. There are areas like this in blue and purple states especially in the less populated areas. I have a Republican rep that gets by by supporting unions but votes against my interest on virtually every other issue. It’s how he stays in office. There have been union members running against him but he still stays in. Incumbent advantage helps. Lack of environmental awareness helps. In part I blame this on the newspapers as well who used to publish every vote in state legislatures. The demise of easy public information on the political process hurts. So does a lack of political knowledge and a feeling of hopelessness on the part of constituents. Those that are registered to vote don’t feel that voting changes their situation because they are not seeing change in their daily lives. Yes some are but many aren’t.
We can’t get the minimum wage increased from federal which hasn’t been raised in what 12 or more years. I see this as a concrete change that would help everyone and might have an effect on despair. We have to keep trying. It’s hard and it’s discouraging but we can’t stop our attempts to educate. We can’t stop asking for healthcare for all and asking constituents and candidates if they support it. I’m guilty as well because I didn’t run. Someone did but not as prepared as I would like. A group I am with is working on helping her. Someone else is running a write in against our state senator that I need to call folks about. We can but try. Turnout and voter knowledge and finding out about what people care about. Keep the faith. Hugs to all in this situation and keep talking to neighbors.
Did you see/hear the episode of Pod Save America with Ben Wikler (Wisconsin Dems), talking about the >decade-long process of un-gerrymandering Wisconsin? If not, it's incredible, and I've shared it a bunch of times. Truly uplifting, and a reminder that real change is slow AF, but absolutely worth it. Interview's ~20 minutes, and a great quick-ish motivator for disengaged folks. Solidarity, my friend! We WILL overcome.
Omg. Seriously. And no shame or misgivings about his admitted lack of qualifications to be representing the well-being and interests of his female constituents. The hubris is unbelievable. When will women stop voting these kind of men into office? I realize it was uncontested, and wish people could write in a vote against. This is why we need public funding for elections or caps on dark money, etc. Nobody talks about election reform anymore than gerrymandering is discussed seriously among rhe courts and legislatures. Uugh. Women need to start taking men with this kind of hubris to take publicly if they can't run themselves. The grandmother's in whatever state got the Nazi recalled this week because they thought they'd been shanghaied by his campaign not disclosing he was a Nazi....
Thank you for link! I should clarify, everyone I know talks about election reform but in the wider public square where average somewhat unengaged Americans are getting their 'news' I don't hear this mentioned as much as you'd hope. The drum beats about voting but election reform doesn't seem to have legs in DNC 'party platform ' as a legislative goal. I would LOVE to hear anyone talk about the fight to ratify the ERA, it's super close. If DNC would put this up as a dual prong around federal abortion rights I can't see how they would lose next election + majorities even with gerrymandering. Now is the time to reverse course on human rights here or the fight will be lost in the states maybe forever due to the lopsided electoral situation in so many states. Passing ERA would have transformative effects on all rights/healthcare for people regardless of gender status (think RBG using men to prove discrimination cases that would then benefit women). Ever hopeful.
Oh, yes, I remember this bill. DOA? If this kind of reform is going to be real Dems need to hold both majorities for minimum 3 terms. I love Noam, that's a great film, saw it when it came out in an art gallery of all places because it wasn't widely distributed. If everyone watched that film and The Corporation (also small release to art houses right before Bush election, they didn't want anyone to see it then) - I think views would change a lot about what's going on...
How much do you think is women voting with their husbands (and against their interests)? I saw a ton of that in Oklahoma. "He'll [husband, daddy, whoever] find out!" At some point, my sister in Christ, you have to be willing to stand up to him,. Which takes better networks, so running afoul of one man doesn't mean homelessness or other financial ruin. Which is why all women (except maybe the Trumpiest ones) have my support. The more we stick TOGETHER, the more change we'll make.
I have heard this too when phone calling or door knocking . My husband and I vote pretty much the same way but it’s because he’s a decent guy who cares about folks not because he tells me who to vote for.
I understand it’s gerrymandering but if no one steps up to run even though it is gerrymandered there is no choice. I honestly believe that the Supreme Court decision was a wake up call and we can only win if we start pointing to things like Project2025 and Trump’s comments that he won’t leave office. People who don’t follow politics are unaware and even a number who do.
I can't imagine there aren't 5 clips that could be run everywhere that would freak most people out if they saw them. One ea for women, elders on social security, immigrants, etc. everyone knows someone who's going to be a target if the GOP holds minority control. GOP voters are minority in the country and their aggrieved status comes from in fact not being in alignment with popular opinion or having a modern grasp on government and civics.
Reading this makes my stomach hurt. It is infuriating. The disrespect this man shows for women is abominable, and so is the fact that it is easily tolerated and clearly acceptable to the people of this district, as he is re-elected and re-elected again.
I will make this promise to you, Jess, if you run I will do everything in my power to support you.
But then again, if no one runs against him, he’ll win every time. So I wouldn’t say that means he’s necessarily tolerated and acceptable; I think it’s clearer that there is no choice for people in this district becuz he has no opponent. (I realize he ran against the writer here in a past cycle—but that doesn’t mean she or another democrat wouldn’t win against him now, if the people had a choice.)
No, of course, that is true, if we all think it is someone else’s job to give us a choice. I think we all need to consider running. Of course I am including myself in that.
I too have come to the conclusion that every race must be contested otherwise we will continue to get bad laws from the states. It’s not all reproductive rights either. Consumer rights, worker rights all will continue to erode while the rich and businesses enrich themselves at our expense.
I don’t know the situation in your state, but where I live (NC), the districts are gerrymandered so that the election results are pre-determined in the vast majority of districts. Since Republicans did the gerrymandering in NC, most districts are pre-determined for a Republican to win, a few for a Democrat to win, and very, very few are actually up for grabs. It is hard to convince someone to run in an election that they are-predetermined to lose no matter how well they campaign or how much money they can raise.
Gerrymandering is certainly a huge problem. We need fair maps everywhere. Both Common Cause and Fair Districts NC are working on this issue. Fair districts has speakers on the topic too. Do you know of any groups they can speak at? Education is key. We have a fair districts in my state that I have had speak at various groups.
These organizations are doing a great job fighting gerrymandering. But, in NC, the fight is extremely difficult because the NC Supreme Court is now controlled by Republicans (who overturned a decision by the previous NC Supreme Court that threw out extremely gerrymandered maps) who are just fine with gerrymandering, the US Supreme Court has said that they have no jurisdiction in gerrymandering unless racial, and NC does not allow ballot initiatives, which is the mechanism that has been used in some states to rein in gerrymandering.
Alright! How can we help? Can we pick the lowest-hanging district and flip it, then pick them off one by one? (Eating an elephant happens one bite at a time, as you know.) Go Stacey Abrams/AOC and work like hell on turnout of POC and young voters? To whom are we donating our time and money? I'm in Oregon, where we're pretty reliably blue, though my U.S. Rep is R and I'm working on flipping her seat back...but I can walk and chew gum at the same time! s o l i d a r i t y
Wow. That is some dark stuff. No ballots? I was trying to explain to my husband why the AZ court allowing 1864 law could stand, and that ballot reversals are not going to be available in many states. Can't count on the people to have a choice over the courts on healthcare rights.
Well, that's obviously being discussed on the GOP platform, which is how we ended up with capital riots, though when a bazillion women decended on DC and all over the world in pink hats before rvw overturn came to pass, it was a news cycle and rhen blip with not a ruffled feather, the message is loud and clear than women have ZERO rights unless conferred by their husbands and if we don't wake the F up and start demanding ERA passage now that it's a dream of the past. Voting and fingers crossed is clearly not enough. And when women in office vote against our rights they need to be challenged HARD...they know who they are in the Senate who were the last stopgap against our current reality. Votes have consequences even, or especially for women in any position.
Which is why we need public funding for elections...who wants to throw their millions to losing a race when it doesn't seem possible to win? It can't be that big a risk, leaving the opportunity only open to people with big scratch, when the great ideas and verve for goid governance can come from anyone...look at our presidents past, many would not be considered today as c-suite or aristocrats.
Thank you for these insights. When you run again, I will support you to the extent possible even though I am a Florida resident. Best of luck to you. We need to do everything possible to flip seats in these deeply red states.
I was thinking of moving to MO because my daughter and three grandchildren live there. I will support Jess financially too. Here in AZ, our local Dem districts and precincts have been able to educate voters...it's taken a while. Thank you Jess, keep up the good work. I will be in MO this summer, will encourage neighbors to get involved where I rent apartment.
I began an organization in AZ called Seven Letters because our local reps need to hear at least seven constituents before taking notice...gather your family and friends to do the same.
Thank you Jess for speaking up! …..yes it will be long slow road to deal with male privilege/arrogance/ignorance, but the first wave got the vote, the second wave brought our bodies/ourselves out of the closet & the current wave will have a brutal backlash to outmaneuver… each generation has more resources from their forebears… it will continue…. This multigenerational long long arc towards true equality
I want to thank you for running for office. Win or lose, you,showed up! The direct contempt for women and the privileged view that he’s a man and “knows” what women need. No you moron men don’t know what is best for girls and women. Nor are you in any position to be making medical/health decisions for others. And playing cornhole instead of doing your job is stealing from the people you have sworn to represent.
The biggest issue for misogynistic men and women is that just because you feel or believe a certain way (religious, bigoted, hateful, stupid) does not give you the right to dictate what is good or appropriate for another. Against abortion, IVF or birth control? Then don’t participate.
What got me was where he said he’d do everything possible to protect the unborn. He didn’t say anything about supporting/protecting girls/women. His comment about adoption options was a throwaway line. Almost like a shrug.
I can't square these stupid lines about protecting the unborn but not the woman's right to life, like we are disposable once we've used our baby bag. Is he also so caring about the welfare of those babies after they are born? Does he vote against public housing and food programs and public education and access to healthcare. It's the worst worst worst kind of misogyny dressed up as moral posturing. Historical Jesus was big on challenging the punitive laws that hurt women and children, there were two major schools of thought and he was of the way of mercy, and that women had their own souls and the need to contend with their own well-being. The first person he came to was Mary Magdalene, the church was a woman. How is that not a mic drop moment for these challenging times and absurd claims by the Christian right? Maybe someone needs to point out this moral gap of his position? These men should be running in fear, because when women do get the power, they are not going to be concerned about the needs of lazy white male usurpers.
Jess, we are facing all the same issues in Tennessee. Thank you for writing and getting the word out. I will support you if you run again. You ABSOLUTELY should.
I wish there was a national movement to make funds for all candidates taken from dedicate taxpayer funds with a much shorter campaign season and making independent funds illegal. We don’t have a democracy when only the rich are choosing which candidates we can vote for to begin with.
Jess, I don't have a lot of dough but would be happy to support you in any way I could. One cheap suggestion might be getting a list of votes taken in the last year or so and highlighting the ones your rep didn't vote on.
Jess, you should know that in Missouri typically over 50% of the MO House of Representative races are uncontested. The disproportionate number of uncontested races is a function in large part of gerrymandering. However, I also suspect that the Democratic Party hasn't done enough homework on issues that are important to rural citizens. There are appropriate voting reforms that would appeal to people concerned about transparent election results. There is "right to repair" farm equipment and the desperate need for rural healthcare. If you are going to run again, perhaps look outside of your core issue for community needs that you can support.
Based on everything she's written, Jess seems completely aware of the percentage of uncontested races. In addition, she has written extensively about other issues affecting people in Missouri, particularly in rural areas.
I have one in my district in Southern Illinois. Mike Bost. There is a Democrat running against him and we have had one so far, but they just can’t seem to win in this district. Mike Bost is a sprewer of MAGA rhetoric. Just another vote for right winged crazy in the House of Representatives.
I agree about Bost. Horrible guy. And his opponent in the primary was probably just as bad. I know a lot of folks think it was not PC for the Dems to help Darrens' campaign when he ran for Governor but it really showed what these guys stood for.
I don’t know if anyone could be worse than Bost, but Darren Bailey is a real nut. Suing the governor because he didn’t want to wear a mask during Covid. He won that but only he won. He didn’t have to wear one but it didn’t apply to anyone else. I think he thought he had a big winnable issue for all Pritzker haters.
You're right. I forgot about that. I do remember an ad he had shooting a long gun at a target and then one picture where he was sitting at his table with a couple of pistols. What a doofus.
The first time I read your substack I thought it was called, A View From Rural Mississippi. I thought it was about my state. Oops!
But wait, it is about my state, it’s about all red states.
Yup. We are all dealing with the same sh*t. Ugh. Solidarity.
I would also say that many fail on their first run for office. Emerge and She Should Run are just some of the groups who provide support. There are many others like local women’s group such as National Organization for women or labor groups who might provide support and just as importantly volunteers. Making local labor councils and labor locals aware of your campaign is important too. They usually can provide volunteers if they are running campaigns in areas. Know any local democratic women’s clubs?
It’s not just money. A ground game is crucial. Other organizations are out there to get your message out. Start planning today for your run years out. I am willing to help you plan. You can do this!
Yes we are! Fighting the same fight!
It’s not just red states. There are areas like this in blue and purple states especially in the less populated areas. I have a Republican rep that gets by by supporting unions but votes against my interest on virtually every other issue. It’s how he stays in office. There have been union members running against him but he still stays in. Incumbent advantage helps. Lack of environmental awareness helps. In part I blame this on the newspapers as well who used to publish every vote in state legislatures. The demise of easy public information on the political process hurts. So does a lack of political knowledge and a feeling of hopelessness on the part of constituents. Those that are registered to vote don’t feel that voting changes their situation because they are not seeing change in their daily lives. Yes some are but many aren’t.
We can’t get the minimum wage increased from federal which hasn’t been raised in what 12 or more years. I see this as a concrete change that would help everyone and might have an effect on despair. We have to keep trying. It’s hard and it’s discouraging but we can’t stop our attempts to educate. We can’t stop asking for healthcare for all and asking constituents and candidates if they support it. I’m guilty as well because I didn’t run. Someone did but not as prepared as I would like. A group I am with is working on helping her. Someone else is running a write in against our state senator that I need to call folks about. We can but try. Turnout and voter knowledge and finding out about what people care about. Keep the faith. Hugs to all in this situation and keep talking to neighbors.
Did you see/hear the episode of Pod Save America with Ben Wikler (Wisconsin Dems), talking about the >decade-long process of un-gerrymandering Wisconsin? If not, it's incredible, and I've shared it a bunch of times. Truly uplifting, and a reminder that real change is slow AF, but absolutely worth it. Interview's ~20 minutes, and a great quick-ish motivator for disengaged folks. Solidarity, my friend! We WILL overcome.
[edited to fix spelling of Ben's name]
Omg. Seriously. And no shame or misgivings about his admitted lack of qualifications to be representing the well-being and interests of his female constituents. The hubris is unbelievable. When will women stop voting these kind of men into office? I realize it was uncontested, and wish people could write in a vote against. This is why we need public funding for elections or caps on dark money, etc. Nobody talks about election reform anymore than gerrymandering is discussed seriously among rhe courts and legislatures. Uugh. Women need to start taking men with this kind of hubris to take publicly if they can't run themselves. The grandmother's in whatever state got the Nazi recalled this week because they thought they'd been shanghaied by his campaign not disclosing he was a Nazi....
Votes and dollars are the only things that move the needle, and we need to be using BOTH to send our messages. Even when it hurts.
Thank you for link! I should clarify, everyone I know talks about election reform but in the wider public square where average somewhat unengaged Americans are getting their 'news' I don't hear this mentioned as much as you'd hope. The drum beats about voting but election reform doesn't seem to have legs in DNC 'party platform ' as a legislative goal. I would LOVE to hear anyone talk about the fight to ratify the ERA, it's super close. If DNC would put this up as a dual prong around federal abortion rights I can't see how they would lose next election + majorities even with gerrymandering. Now is the time to reverse course on human rights here or the fight will be lost in the states maybe forever due to the lopsided electoral situation in so many states. Passing ERA would have transformative effects on all rights/healthcare for people regardless of gender status (think RBG using men to prove discrimination cases that would then benefit women). Ever hopeful.
Oh, yes, I remember this bill. DOA? If this kind of reform is going to be real Dems need to hold both majorities for minimum 3 terms. I love Noam, that's a great film, saw it when it came out in an art gallery of all places because it wasn't widely distributed. If everyone watched that film and The Corporation (also small release to art houses right before Bush election, they didn't want anyone to see it then) - I think views would change a lot about what's going on...
Same here in Alabama. The only effect we can have on local and state elections is to vote for the lesser of evils in the Republican primary.
It's not democracy.
How much do you think is women voting with their husbands (and against their interests)? I saw a ton of that in Oklahoma. "He'll [husband, daddy, whoever] find out!" At some point, my sister in Christ, you have to be willing to stand up to him,. Which takes better networks, so running afoul of one man doesn't mean homelessness or other financial ruin. Which is why all women (except maybe the Trumpiest ones) have my support. The more we stick TOGETHER, the more change we'll make.
I have heard this too when phone calling or door knocking . My husband and I vote pretty much the same way but it’s because he’s a decent guy who cares about folks not because he tells me who to vote for.
I understand it’s gerrymandering but if no one steps up to run even though it is gerrymandered there is no choice. I honestly believe that the Supreme Court decision was a wake up call and we can only win if we start pointing to things like Project2025 and Trump’s comments that he won’t leave office. People who don’t follow politics are unaware and even a number who do.
I can't imagine there aren't 5 clips that could be run everywhere that would freak most people out if they saw them. One ea for women, elders on social security, immigrants, etc. everyone knows someone who's going to be a target if the GOP holds minority control. GOP voters are minority in the country and their aggrieved status comes from in fact not being in alignment with popular opinion or having a modern grasp on government and civics.
As an Alabamian, I thought it was Mississippi initially too! Then I realized same difference.
Reading this makes my stomach hurt. It is infuriating. The disrespect this man shows for women is abominable, and so is the fact that it is easily tolerated and clearly acceptable to the people of this district, as he is re-elected and re-elected again.
I will make this promise to you, Jess, if you run I will do everything in my power to support you.
Thank you for your work, and for not giving up.
But then again, if no one runs against him, he’ll win every time. So I wouldn’t say that means he’s necessarily tolerated and acceptable; I think it’s clearer that there is no choice for people in this district becuz he has no opponent. (I realize he ran against the writer here in a past cycle—but that doesn’t mean she or another democrat wouldn’t win against him now, if the people had a choice.)
No, of course, that is true, if we all think it is someone else’s job to give us a choice. I think we all need to consider running. Of course I am including myself in that.
I too have come to the conclusion that every race must be contested otherwise we will continue to get bad laws from the states. It’s not all reproductive rights either. Consumer rights, worker rights all will continue to erode while the rich and businesses enrich themselves at our expense.
I don’t know the situation in your state, but where I live (NC), the districts are gerrymandered so that the election results are pre-determined in the vast majority of districts. Since Republicans did the gerrymandering in NC, most districts are pre-determined for a Republican to win, a few for a Democrat to win, and very, very few are actually up for grabs. It is hard to convince someone to run in an election that they are-predetermined to lose no matter how well they campaign or how much money they can raise.
Gerrymandering is certainly a huge problem. We need fair maps everywhere. Both Common Cause and Fair Districts NC are working on this issue. Fair districts has speakers on the topic too. Do you know of any groups they can speak at? Education is key. We have a fair districts in my state that I have had speak at various groups.
These organizations are doing a great job fighting gerrymandering. But, in NC, the fight is extremely difficult because the NC Supreme Court is now controlled by Republicans (who overturned a decision by the previous NC Supreme Court that threw out extremely gerrymandered maps) who are just fine with gerrymandering, the US Supreme Court has said that they have no jurisdiction in gerrymandering unless racial, and NC does not allow ballot initiatives, which is the mechanism that has been used in some states to rein in gerrymandering.
Alright! How can we help? Can we pick the lowest-hanging district and flip it, then pick them off one by one? (Eating an elephant happens one bite at a time, as you know.) Go Stacey Abrams/AOC and work like hell on turnout of POC and young voters? To whom are we donating our time and money? I'm in Oregon, where we're pretty reliably blue, though my U.S. Rep is R and I'm working on flipping her seat back...but I can walk and chew gum at the same time! s o l i d a r i t y
Wow. That is some dark stuff. No ballots? I was trying to explain to my husband why the AZ court allowing 1864 law could stand, and that ballot reversals are not going to be available in many states. Can't count on the people to have a choice over the courts on healthcare rights.
What if the gerrymandering ended up discriminating against women's rights? Obviously the era would have to be ratified first...
Can we just rise up and slay our oppressors? There's not room in the jails for all of us.
Well, that's obviously being discussed on the GOP platform, which is how we ended up with capital riots, though when a bazillion women decended on DC and all over the world in pink hats before rvw overturn came to pass, it was a news cycle and rhen blip with not a ruffled feather, the message is loud and clear than women have ZERO rights unless conferred by their husbands and if we don't wake the F up and start demanding ERA passage now that it's a dream of the past. Voting and fingers crossed is clearly not enough. And when women in office vote against our rights they need to be challenged HARD...they know who they are in the Senate who were the last stopgap against our current reality. Votes have consequences even, or especially for women in any position.
Which is why we need public funding for elections...who wants to throw their millions to losing a race when it doesn't seem possible to win? It can't be that big a risk, leaving the opportunity only open to people with big scratch, when the great ideas and verve for goid governance can come from anyone...look at our presidents past, many would not be considered today as c-suite or aristocrats.
Thank you for these insights. When you run again, I will support you to the extent possible even though I am a Florida resident. Best of luck to you. We need to do everything possible to flip seats in these deeply red states.
I was thinking of moving to MO because my daughter and three grandchildren live there. I will support Jess financially too. Here in AZ, our local Dem districts and precincts have been able to educate voters...it's taken a while. Thank you Jess, keep up the good work. I will be in MO this summer, will encourage neighbors to get involved where I rent apartment.
I see that my representative was also absent on this vote.He will be hearing from me. Thanks!
I began an organization in AZ called Seven Letters because our local reps need to hear at least seven constituents before taking notice...gather your family and friends to do the same.
Thank you Jess for speaking up! …..yes it will be long slow road to deal with male privilege/arrogance/ignorance, but the first wave got the vote, the second wave brought our bodies/ourselves out of the closet & the current wave will have a brutal backlash to outmaneuver… each generation has more resources from their forebears… it will continue…. This multigenerational long long arc towards true equality
Sadly, the GOP uses and abuses religion in MO a lot. They use it and abuse it to gain votes, just like the Nazi's.
I want to thank you for running for office. Win or lose, you,showed up! The direct contempt for women and the privileged view that he’s a man and “knows” what women need. No you moron men don’t know what is best for girls and women. Nor are you in any position to be making medical/health decisions for others. And playing cornhole instead of doing your job is stealing from the people you have sworn to represent.
The biggest issue for misogynistic men and women is that just because you feel or believe a certain way (religious, bigoted, hateful, stupid) does not give you the right to dictate what is good or appropriate for another. Against abortion, IVF or birth control? Then don’t participate.
What got me was where he said he’d do everything possible to protect the unborn. He didn’t say anything about supporting/protecting girls/women. His comment about adoption options was a throwaway line. Almost like a shrug.
I can't square these stupid lines about protecting the unborn but not the woman's right to life, like we are disposable once we've used our baby bag. Is he also so caring about the welfare of those babies after they are born? Does he vote against public housing and food programs and public education and access to healthcare. It's the worst worst worst kind of misogyny dressed up as moral posturing. Historical Jesus was big on challenging the punitive laws that hurt women and children, there were two major schools of thought and he was of the way of mercy, and that women had their own souls and the need to contend with their own well-being. The first person he came to was Mary Magdalene, the church was a woman. How is that not a mic drop moment for these challenging times and absurd claims by the Christian right? Maybe someone needs to point out this moral gap of his position? These men should be running in fear, because when women do get the power, they are not going to be concerned about the needs of lazy white male usurpers.
Jess, we are facing all the same issues in Tennessee. Thank you for writing and getting the word out. I will support you if you run again. You ABSOLUTELY should.
KK Sisco: Are you aware of https://bluetennessee.org/? Sister org to Blue Missouri.
I will support you if you run next time. That game playing in the hall makes me burn.
I wish there was a national movement to make funds for all candidates taken from dedicate taxpayer funds with a much shorter campaign season and making independent funds illegal. We don’t have a democracy when only the rich are choosing which candidates we can vote for to begin with.
I hope you submit this piece to the Kansas City Star as an opinion piece, it should get a wider readership in Missouri. From your neighbor in Kansas.
Jess, I don't have a lot of dough but would be happy to support you in any way I could. One cheap suggestion might be getting a list of votes taken in the last year or so and highlighting the ones your rep didn't vote on.
where l come from, cornhole means something entirely different to this game, although quite appropriate as a description of your representative.
Jess, you should know that in Missouri typically over 50% of the MO House of Representative races are uncontested. The disproportionate number of uncontested races is a function in large part of gerrymandering. However, I also suspect that the Democratic Party hasn't done enough homework on issues that are important to rural citizens. There are appropriate voting reforms that would appeal to people concerned about transparent election results. There is "right to repair" farm equipment and the desperate need for rural healthcare. If you are going to run again, perhaps look outside of your core issue for community needs that you can support.
Based on everything she's written, Jess seems completely aware of the percentage of uncontested races. In addition, she has written extensively about other issues affecting people in Missouri, particularly in rural areas.
Thank you, KO. I'm new to following her...
Great idea!!
I have one in my district in Southern Illinois. Mike Bost. There is a Democrat running against him and we have had one so far, but they just can’t seem to win in this district. Mike Bost is a sprewer of MAGA rhetoric. Just another vote for right winged crazy in the House of Representatives.
I agree about Bost. Horrible guy. And his opponent in the primary was probably just as bad. I know a lot of folks think it was not PC for the Dems to help Darrens' campaign when he ran for Governor but it really showed what these guys stood for.
I don’t know if anyone could be worse than Bost, but Darren Bailey is a real nut. Suing the governor because he didn’t want to wear a mask during Covid. He won that but only he won. He didn’t have to wear one but it didn’t apply to anyone else. I think he thought he had a big winnable issue for all Pritzker haters.
You're right. I forgot about that. I do remember an ad he had shooting a long gun at a target and then one picture where he was sitting at his table with a couple of pistols. What a doofus.