Bryan, do you realize what you have done? You've sold your soul, you've lost the soul of yourself. It's the soul who magnifies God, who presses on, who lives forever in heaven or hell. Meanwhile you have abandoned the creator. Look around and ask, "Who loves me?".
Bryan, do you realize what you have done? You've sold your soul, you've lost the soul of yourself. It's the soul who magnifies God, who presses on, who lives forever in heaven or hell. Meanwhile you have abandoned the creator. Look around and ask, "Who loves me?".
Wow - so quaint and original. I bet you think I’ve never been admonished that way before? Bet you think you’re the first? Get in line. It still baffles my mind how apparent rational adults can cling to fairytales of religious dogma made to keep the masses in line and obeying dutifully. I’m sure your “god” and your dogma are the one true ones, right. So says every other religious group on this space rock.
I will just keep living and loving to fullest in this one and only life that I know I have. You can continue to fear monger and peddle your own certainty of a life hereafter to adults. But please, don’t abuse kids with the fear of a nonexistent and nonsensical hELL that their iMmoRtAL sOUL will be bound to if not accepting your dogma.
I'm certain that, in the absence of religion, most people can still look around and find people who love them. In any case, do you think that an omniscient God is fooled by "belief" driven by fear or coersion? True belief cannot be influenced by either of those things. That is the is the failure of evangelists. They believe that a supposedly omnipotent and omniscient God somehow forgot to let his creation know about him. And because he loves them, he's going to let that mistake result in eternal torture. It's nonsense. As a Christian, I believe that my job is to follow in Christ's footsteps, but I also believe that lots of non-believers (maybe moreso than so-called Christians) are capable of being the people Christ wanted us to be. Because if I'm going to believe in a loving, omniscient, and omnipotent God, I believe he made all people capable of that because he doesn't make mistakes. And those who think it's up to them to make other people believe are rejecting both God and the teachings of Christ. Pray in secret, as Christ directs, and show your worth in good acts, not empty words.
Sounds like an abusive husband. You can choose to stay, but you can't fault anyone else for valuing their mental and spiritual health over the abuse you describe. I'll kindly suggest that you worry about whether you have the right to speak on behalf of God - doing so is literally taking his name in vain. Thank you in advance.
Bryan, do you realize what you have done? You've sold your soul, you've lost the soul of yourself. It's the soul who magnifies God, who presses on, who lives forever in heaven or hell. Meanwhile you have abandoned the creator. Look around and ask, "Who loves me?".
Wow - so quaint and original. I bet you think I’ve never been admonished that way before? Bet you think you’re the first? Get in line. It still baffles my mind how apparent rational adults can cling to fairytales of religious dogma made to keep the masses in line and obeying dutifully. I’m sure your “god” and your dogma are the one true ones, right. So says every other religious group on this space rock.
I will just keep living and loving to fullest in this one and only life that I know I have. You can continue to fear monger and peddle your own certainty of a life hereafter to adults. But please, don’t abuse kids with the fear of a nonexistent and nonsensical hELL that their iMmoRtAL sOUL will be bound to if not accepting your dogma.
I think I'm gonna block Nancy. I don't need that BS at all.
Believe in yourself or believe in perfect wisdom. That is your choice.
I'm certain that, in the absence of religion, most people can still look around and find people who love them. In any case, do you think that an omniscient God is fooled by "belief" driven by fear or coersion? True belief cannot be influenced by either of those things. That is the is the failure of evangelists. They believe that a supposedly omnipotent and omniscient God somehow forgot to let his creation know about him. And because he loves them, he's going to let that mistake result in eternal torture. It's nonsense. As a Christian, I believe that my job is to follow in Christ's footsteps, but I also believe that lots of non-believers (maybe moreso than so-called Christians) are capable of being the people Christ wanted us to be. Because if I'm going to believe in a loving, omniscient, and omnipotent God, I believe he made all people capable of that because he doesn't make mistakes. And those who think it's up to them to make other people believe are rejecting both God and the teachings of Christ. Pray in secret, as Christ directs, and show your worth in good acts, not empty words.
Love is healing and restoring; my God is a jealous God and a loving God.
Sounds like an abusive husband. You can choose to stay, but you can't fault anyone else for valuing their mental and spiritual health over the abuse you describe. I'll kindly suggest that you worry about whether you have the right to speak on behalf of God - doing so is literally taking his name in vain. Thank you in advance.