oh...I love this so very much. You are so right and this is so eloquent. My sister lives in rural Missouri and has started rallying her her neighbors to remake a funeral home into a community center and library. She doesn't ask them about their politics...she just gets it done. She's amazing!
She's setting a very high standard for UPPER CLASSYNESS behavior in crazy times of real anxiety. All good wishes to rural everywhere, but especially rural Missouri on this dark winter night!
The day before yesterday 2 League of Women Voter people I respect sent me something about a meeting at our Lee’s Summit library. I didn’t want to go because I planned to finally start working on an insurance audit that’s scheduled for Tuesday (!), but I went. I met 9 women that were disgusted by the election and didn’t know what to do about it. One brave woman had stepped up, called them together, and tried to lead from a print out. They were clueless what other organizations and resources were available. They were all of the emotions. I told them what I was doing. Then the president of LWV walked in and I knew we were meant to be there. I invited them to come to Red Wine and Blue on Wednesday. It’s exactly what they’re looking for. They are not alone, and they don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
As we were leaving, a member of the Mid-continent library board of trustees whom I greatly respect saw me and gave me a big hug. There are going to be 5 openings on the board and we have an opportunity to influence the selections. We understand the assignment, and we are here for it.
RW&B is a great org. founded in my home state of Ohio. It seriously has everything you need to rally your activists. They've grown by leaps and bounds beyond Ohio. Fantastic women leaders.
I would like to add most Southern states to your report from Missouri. The lack of political attention to the rural areas of states like Mississippi and those who have been living in generational poverty there for generations - Black and White and Hispanic - means Republicans win super majorities. Those governmental supermajorities' disdain for citizens who are rural, poor, and/ or of color shows through the public policy they enact. These states cannot even care enough to sign up for Medicaid expansion, even though it can only be a help to the citizens of these states.
We have to rethink what it means to make injustice visible to the public. Many of these injustices you speak of people in the community have no idea what happened. Imagine a giant bill board that says' You hungry? Because your senator sent back $40,000,000 to feed your kids over the summer! Vote em Out! I made that up but you get the point.
I’ve lived in four red counties in four blue states…. We need our rural votes to flip blue as well… our neighbors are so misinformed by FX news… ❤️🩹💙💙
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I was a Bernie delegate to the DNC in Philly in 2016 from TN-CD1, in deep red rural TN. We busted our asses canvassing and fund raising for Bernie in this area and as a result, Bernie won the Democrat primary in 3 of our area counties, Carter, Unicoi, and Washington. I am so very proud of that! Most people had never heard of him before that campaign, but once we talked to folks and told them about his policies and how they could change their lives, they came out for him. We’ve got to talk to our neighbors and our local leaders, and join local organizations, and let people know there’s a better way than what Republicans are offering!
Jess you hit the nail on the head. The democrats have spent decades ignoring rural voters, and look at where it’s got us. A huge and dangerous mess. The republicans figured out years ago that winning the rural vote wins the electoral college. Now, it has even garnered them the popular vote.
Democrats have deserted the very voters that need them the most. Red states lag so far behind in education, health care, the economy, ect. Alabama refuses to expand Medicaid so our rural hospitals are closing now. People are dying while Governor Ivey sits on her ivory throne in the capital. Our public education system is dying with the passing of school vouchers. Violence is through the roof in our cities with mass shootings and drive by shootings just down the street from me. Just recently a 16 yo girl and 21 yo man were killed in a drive by shooting. The police have no suspects and that’s par for the course here.
Yet, people continue to vote republican because that’s who they know. They think it’s the safe choice, because there’s definitely no democratic candidates spending time or money here in Alabama. Yes, there are a few exceptions, like Shomari Figures, but Alabama Republicans are now suing to overturn the newly drawn voting districts ordered by the Supreme Court that got him elected. They’re screaming discrimination against whites. They will probably prevail too.
You said it best. It starts at the local level. Democrats will lose in the beginning, but we will always lose if we never try. The defeatist attitude that Democrats have concerning rural voters and red states will insure we never win. It’s time to do the hard work. There will be lots of disappointment in the beginning. I know. I’m there right now. The journey is worth it. That’s what we have to keep in mind, to keep our heads up, and never give up.
Thank you Jess for all that you have done and continue to do. Unfortunately, my health prevents me from doing more at the moment. It is frustrating, but you help me hold onto hope when it’s almost impossible to find. You also motivate me because I see a kindred spirit in you.
I live in rural red California. I see exactly what you see. Locals had to find our Dem Congressional candidate, no money came from state or federal party. She list, but by only a few points. Imagine what an influx of bigger support would have done.
I'm in the California Delta. Rio Vista / Isleton. I'm a liberal transplant from Missouri. I feel fairly isolated here except for a cadre of what I call (as a 69 year old straight ally) "random lesbians". The random lesbians and I feel very frightened of what will come. We hope Gavin Newsom will protect California but one can never be sure.
He may know you soon. Maybe you should introduce yourself. Two people on his Substack comments today recommended people come read this Substack of yours today. ;)
I've known Simon since the Clinton, 92 campaign. He is a good guy who is much more inclusive than most to our brand of grassroots politics. He is part of the "consultant class" and we need friends and allies therein!
If you reach out to him, maybe you could be included in some of his fundraising. His supporters helped candidates in all parts of the country. Just a thought. I am enjoying your posts. I am a former English teacher as well. 😊💙
Isn’t he part of the consulting class? Building his paid subscriber list? I am one of them (for now) and have grown disenchanted. Help me understand, please.
All money all the time. And not much allowed that’s not on message.
Also former English teacher. But they called it language arts.
I think he cares and is very positive. I like that he gets supporters to donate time and money to different areas. And, there were some wins in his community. I live in CA and I would never know where to help without someone organizing. And, I think he is someone that energizes people to come together. Just my observations thus far. I could be wrong. Maybe in a place for Missouri you need a lot of grassroots, but also extra support from other parts of the country. 💙💙
I only give money directly to candidates, never the DNC. They abandoned my county for decades saying it couldn’t be flipped. I have always believed that if they had supported the candidates running against our very corrupt congressman, we could have chipped away at his support. We could have been in a very different place right now.
Keep going Jess!!! I love following you. You are an inspiration. Following from solidly blue Washington State and hoping your hard work will make a big difference in Missouri and beyond.
To put into a larger context, I think this is how we rebuild the national Democratic Party. If we build it from the ground up we will shake off all of that elitism Etc labeling that the right throws at us. A truly multifaceted party of the people's.
oh...I love this so very much. You are so right and this is so eloquent. My sister lives in rural Missouri and has started rallying her her neighbors to remake a funeral home into a community center and library. She doesn't ask them about their politics...she just gets it done. She's amazing!
Yessssss!!! I’m so happy to hear that!
She's setting a very high standard for UPPER CLASSYNESS behavior in crazy times of real anxiety. All good wishes to rural everywhere, but especially rural Missouri on this dark winter night!
That is so great!
What a wonderful story! And even more wonderful because it's true.
Right ON ground level work that will leave a permanent positive structure for the whole town & every visitor for YEARS to come .
Not to mention the hopefulness inspired in every citizen of the town!
Give your sister & her cohort of neighbor/workers a happy HUZZAH from a very small northern CA town!!
The day before yesterday 2 League of Women Voter people I respect sent me something about a meeting at our Lee’s Summit library. I didn’t want to go because I planned to finally start working on an insurance audit that’s scheduled for Tuesday (!), but I went. I met 9 women that were disgusted by the election and didn’t know what to do about it. One brave woman had stepped up, called them together, and tried to lead from a print out. They were clueless what other organizations and resources were available. They were all of the emotions. I told them what I was doing. Then the president of LWV walked in and I knew we were meant to be there. I invited them to come to Red Wine and Blue on Wednesday. It’s exactly what they’re looking for. They are not alone, and they don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
As we were leaving, a member of the Mid-continent library board of trustees whom I greatly respect saw me and gave me a big hug. There are going to be 5 openings on the board and we have an opportunity to influence the selections. We understand the assignment, and we are here for it.
Please tell us more about out the Red Wine and Blue! This seems like a fun gathering to replicate!
RW&B is a great org. founded in my home state of Ohio. It seriously has everything you need to rally your activists. They've grown by leaps and bounds beyond Ohio. Fantastic women leaders.
Haven't you heard of it?
No! Thanks for the link!
GREAT WORK, great community organizing and building real time safety nets together!
Congratulations you all 'found' each other! Some might say it's a god thing...I like to think and say it's a Woman Thing!
When people tell me, “God is good,” I respond, “yes, She is.”
I think this is true across the country, unfortunately. The Blue Dot movement deserves support… and local races should always be contested.
Local races should always be contested! Just work with those words and get folks thinking in this direction! Best wishes from another small town!
I would like to add most Southern states to your report from Missouri. The lack of political attention to the rural areas of states like Mississippi and those who have been living in generational poverty there for generations - Black and White and Hispanic - means Republicans win super majorities. Those governmental supermajorities' disdain for citizens who are rural, poor, and/ or of color shows through the public policy they enact. These states cannot even care enough to sign up for Medicaid expansion, even though it can only be a help to the citizens of these states.
We have to rethink what it means to make injustice visible to the public. Many of these injustices you speak of people in the community have no idea what happened. Imagine a giant bill board that says' You hungry? Because your senator sent back $40,000,000 to feed your kids over the summer! Vote em Out! I made that up but you get the point.
Excellent idea
I’ve lived in four red counties in four blue states…. We need our rural votes to flip blue as well… our neighbors are so misinformed by FX news… ❤️🩹💙💙
So well said💙
Love what you have to say. Keep going. America needs you. And all of us.
We have met the frenemy and they are way too often us. (Apologies to Walt Kelly.)
Apology accepted. It's apt.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I was a Bernie delegate to the DNC in Philly in 2016 from TN-CD1, in deep red rural TN. We busted our asses canvassing and fund raising for Bernie in this area and as a result, Bernie won the Democrat primary in 3 of our area counties, Carter, Unicoi, and Washington. I am so very proud of that! Most people had never heard of him before that campaign, but once we talked to folks and told them about his policies and how they could change their lives, they came out for him. We’ve got to talk to our neighbors and our local leaders, and join local organizations, and let people know there’s a better way than what Republicans are offering!
Keep this going...even now..as the closet door has closed on our most recent efforts...
There's folks still getting together to postcard...and others for local school issues...etc etc..
Keep the energy welcoming ...whenever possible...we can build together!
You are right. Jeff Smith is wrong. It's as simple as that.
May I please say, "F.. Jeff Smith"?
Jess you hit the nail on the head. The democrats have spent decades ignoring rural voters, and look at where it’s got us. A huge and dangerous mess. The republicans figured out years ago that winning the rural vote wins the electoral college. Now, it has even garnered them the popular vote.
Democrats have deserted the very voters that need them the most. Red states lag so far behind in education, health care, the economy, ect. Alabama refuses to expand Medicaid so our rural hospitals are closing now. People are dying while Governor Ivey sits on her ivory throne in the capital. Our public education system is dying with the passing of school vouchers. Violence is through the roof in our cities with mass shootings and drive by shootings just down the street from me. Just recently a 16 yo girl and 21 yo man were killed in a drive by shooting. The police have no suspects and that’s par for the course here.
Yet, people continue to vote republican because that’s who they know. They think it’s the safe choice, because there’s definitely no democratic candidates spending time or money here in Alabama. Yes, there are a few exceptions, like Shomari Figures, but Alabama Republicans are now suing to overturn the newly drawn voting districts ordered by the Supreme Court that got him elected. They’re screaming discrimination against whites. They will probably prevail too.
You said it best. It starts at the local level. Democrats will lose in the beginning, but we will always lose if we never try. The defeatist attitude that Democrats have concerning rural voters and red states will insure we never win. It’s time to do the hard work. There will be lots of disappointment in the beginning. I know. I’m there right now. The journey is worth it. That’s what we have to keep in mind, to keep our heads up, and never give up.
Thank you Jess for all that you have done and continue to do. Unfortunately, my health prevents me from doing more at the moment. It is frustrating, but you help me hold onto hope when it’s almost impossible to find. You also motivate me because I see a kindred spirit in you.
Very thoughtful piece of journalism.
The republicans have figured out that all the have to do is ignore their constituents and lie cheat and steal and they win.
I live in rural red California. I see exactly what you see. Locals had to find our Dem Congressional candidate, no money came from state or federal party. She list, but by only a few points. Imagine what an influx of bigger support would have done.
I'm in the California Delta. Rio Vista / Isleton. I'm a liberal transplant from Missouri. I feel fairly isolated here except for a cadre of what I call (as a 69 year old straight ally) "random lesbians". The random lesbians and I feel very frightened of what will come. We hope Gavin Newsom will protect California but one can never be sure.
I'm up the road from you, mid Mendo county, waffling around on various issues, trying to keep friendships aware and strong. Be well in the Delta.
Keep up the connections. Build in Off-Season cause another election is coming in two years!
Keep speaking truth to power, Jess.
And thanks for your work with Blue Missouri.
Love your plan. This makes so much sense. Do you know Simon Rosenberg? I think he could be helpful.
I read him often, but I don’t know him
He may know you soon. Maybe you should introduce yourself. Two people on his Substack comments today recommended people come read this Substack of yours today. ;)
Ha! I am one of those two.
Yup, it's happening! Connections are waiting to be made!
I've known Simon since the Clinton, 92 campaign. He is a good guy who is much more inclusive than most to our brand of grassroots politics. He is part of the "consultant class" and we need friends and allies therein!
Invite yourself into a one-on-one with Simon. He's very available in his Hopium work.
He'd have resources and ideas that might ignite your dark night with uplifting light!
If you reach out to him, maybe you could be included in some of his fundraising. His supporters helped candidates in all parts of the country. Just a thought. I am enjoying your posts. I am a former English teacher as well. 😊💙
Isn’t he part of the consulting class? Building his paid subscriber list? I am one of them (for now) and have grown disenchanted. Help me understand, please.
All money all the time. And not much allowed that’s not on message.
Also former English teacher. But they called it language arts.
Simon is NOT one of those. At all.
No. Simon has been trying to sound the alarm… he’s a good guy.
No. Not at all. Simon is not one of those.
I am about to write to Simon.
I think he cares and is very positive. I like that he gets supporters to donate time and money to different areas. And, there were some wins in his community. I live in CA and I would never know where to help without someone organizing. And, I think he is someone that energizes people to come together. Just my observations thus far. I could be wrong. Maybe in a place for Missouri you need a lot of grassroots, but also extra support from other parts of the country. 💙💙
Leonard Lubinsky is a similar resource and has supported a couple of Missouri Democrats in his column of advice on where to direct donations.
I read him everyday. He will adopt a new strategy; he seems open.
When Jess was talking about consultants who play politics like a game, I thought of Simon Rosenberg first. Just my 2 cents.
One size does not fit all. Yes, Simon is a political strategist but he has been an amazing source of information, and inspiration to many of us.
I only give money directly to candidates, never the DNC. They abandoned my county for decades saying it couldn’t be flipped. I have always believed that if they had supported the candidates running against our very corrupt congressman, we could have chipped away at his support. We could have been in a very different place right now.
Keep going Jess!!! I love following you. You are an inspiration. Following from solidly blue Washington State and hoping your hard work will make a big difference in Missouri and beyond.
I also believe not campaigning in some states was a mistake. Maybe a short stop could have helped? Maybe a waste of money. Who knows.
And now the entire billion plus dollar seems to be a total waste. But it was not and yes we need to go everywhere. Howard Dean was right.
Loved his 50-state plan
He was totally right
I guess it wouldn’t have solved anything if you had gone to Jeff Smith’s office and kicked his ass. But, it would have been justified.
Not to mention, fun. I would have paid to watch her tell him 'what's what'!
To put into a larger context, I think this is how we rebuild the national Democratic Party. If we build it from the ground up we will shake off all of that elitism Etc labeling that the right throws at us. A truly multifaceted party of the people's.