It is just beyond my comprehension that a poor rural individual would vote for a Republican. I mean, I understand evangelicalism may be a factor and racism probably plays a role but as a whole it is just so against their interest to support these guys that I really just don’t get it.

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The genius of Goebbels was convincing poor farmers that their interests were the same as the Thyssen/Krupp families. They got Adolf, legally elected to boot.

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I agree. It is the us against them mentality. But if the them is any city slicker making money and the us is the poor hardworking farmer or coal miner then why would they identify with Trump. Again, what am I missing. I guess Mencken was right.

“ nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”

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They’ve sold them the BS that “you could be rich like us, it’s those people holding you back”. They’ve never had generational wealth, the concept that they’ll have something to pass down just doesn’t exist. And when you’re caught in the poverty trap, it’s easier to think that as opposed this is your lot in life and “those people” are the wealthy that want to keep it that way.

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I just spent time with family in a rural town. They said, “I just can’t see how anyone WOULDNT vote Republican.” And they wouldn’t listen to reasons I don’t vote their way after.

So, I think this incredulous opinion of “the other” is the same on both sides.

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Jess, it is a frightening proposal to disband public education by use of vouchers. My wife and I were both educators, as was my father. We fought public funding for buying books and providing bussing for the local parochial schools. The feeling was the students that attended those schools did so by choice, and that even though their parents paid taxes and paid tuition for those schools, if their children were not good athletes, or they were black, their chances of attending were far less. Vouchers are making it even more difficult for public schools.

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Alabama is repealing child labor laws too and our minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour. How can an adult survive on this or much less support a family? This is especially true for immigrants. I worked as a teenager, but it was my choice, and I stayed in school.

Legislators here are carrying on about massive labor shortages, because adults do not want the jobs. They know exactly what they’re doing. Ivey just signed the school voucher bill into law. Poor families will have no choice but to send their children to work with the public schools being defunded. Corporations and industries get cheap labor. Who cares how dangerous it is? I marvel at the ignorance of these people who continue to elect Republicans, and then wonder why all of these “bad things” keep happening to them.

How can they not see what is going on? I know from my own personal experiences, it is futile to convince them otherwise. I would love for someone to tell me how. I have tried all kinds of approaches, and I’ve finally given up.

I blame a lot of this on the churches here. They have been stumping for Trump since before the 2016 election. Rural citizens are especially susceptible to their lies and misinformation. My vote does not count in the state or national elections. I am vastly outnumbered. Alabama is red through and through. I might as well bring screaming into the abyss. I’m counting on the swing states to pull out a Biden win in November!

P.S. Now our lovely MAGA leaders are calling for all public libraries to be closed, because they are from the devil.

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If you know or hear one of the churches preaching politics from the pulpit, please report them to the IRS. If they get some kind of consequences, maybe they'll stop breaking the rules, I hope. Here's a handy link, share it with your friends. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf

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Thank you. My aunt’s minister asked his congregants if they were voting for Trump in the 2020 election. He had them raise their hands. Everyone did but my aunt. She was very upset. Apparently, she’s not a good Christian. She wrote him a letter that he has not acknowledged to this day and still goes to this church. I wanted to report him, but she asked me not to. Technically, I was not there either. I have no words.

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I am so sorry this happened to her!

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Thank you. I felt so sorry for her and angry.

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Are any of his sermons online? If so, and you found that kind of illegal political material, then please report and share the link. I keep it on hand!

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They are not. I have reported two other ministers from separate churches though. I am still confused about what exactly counts. Many never use Trump’s name, and they’re very careful with their words. I believe many have been educated about the loopholes.

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Really?! Ughhh!

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Alabama has vied and won Worst State in the Union. Congrats to us.

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Iowa was once a leader in education. How we have fallen. Kimberly is following her handlers orders. Hoping karma comes soon.

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Hoping people wake up or we all will perish as fools

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Kim Reynolds (Republican Gov) is running amok. If she can’t do something in full view of all Iowans, she somehow is signing bill after bill before allowing all Iowan’s to digest the bills. As to child labor, there are so many available to work at a legal age, but because a lot can’t pass a drug test, bring in a child. There, I said it. Use the money to get them the help they need and hire them at a wage that can support them. Then a kid can learn work ethic from their families.

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They are following orders by who funds them and turning us into fools

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You want kids to work to support their parents drug addiction treatment, really? That's a bad idea. Children should be in school. Public school. You're welcome to help their studies in your spare time.

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Hey outside of the cities we are trying mightily here in CA to catch up! Shasta County might as well be the set of 'Deliverance'. I swear I heard banjo music wafting between all the anti-Newsom billboards and Rump flags when I drove through there last month

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I've been watching that, as I was born there, well before all this insanity.

Hopefully a bunch of Republicans will go down in this next election and maybe they'll start thinking again? (I am a stupid optimist).

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So was Missouri. We moved there from Arizona in 1972. I was about a year behind on math just because their schools were better.

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Iowa used to be in the top five, or even higher when I taught, but today it is 16th by one rating.

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My grandfather had a 5th grade education. He was the youngest of 12 children. His father died and he had to help work the farm. Maybe that was just dandy in the 1900's but it doesn't work anymore. Education and child labor plus push back on vaccinations, health care and in particular, women's health care. I don't understand how anyone can be in favor of any of this.

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You mean the pro-life cult wants to push this hypocrite agenda on the people? They really think we are fools and want to ensure we die as fools. Not me they can kill me but I am not dying as one of their fools.

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Well they aren't wrong about 74 million voters. Racism and religious fanaticism are powerful drugs

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This is really unconscionable. People and lawmakers in the past worked hard to enable children to be educated at no cost, and to make sure children were not exploited by business owners. It’s like going back more than a century. Apparently they’ve not read Dickens, or if they have they don’t care.

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And of course Missouri’s Mike Moon wants to bring back child marriage.

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Oh, god. Sometimes I forget!

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The Republican party is FULL of perverts that think this.

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But if we fund schools properly how to get voters dumb enough to vote R?

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The real motivation behind school vouchers is not revealed. The ultimate goal is to dismantle public education and create private schools which serve the elite. The general public who, even with a voucher, still can’t afford private education! Those students are left in schools which have little funding and are overcrowded.The proponents disguise this with deceptive propaganda!

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Where I am, the vouchers schools are mostly religiously affiliated. They don’t just teach morality in the form of respect for others, kindness and responsibility. Our local public schools already teach those values everyday. No, these private vouchers are using public tax dollars to inculcate their version of Godly behavior and thinking on children. They almost all lean deeply toward “conservative” ideology and politics and don’t have to provide services to special needs students or English language learners. If I child is difficult the “suggest”?they transfer to the public schools. It’s the R’s way of separating out and training 4K through high school kids to be in their pocket as voters and workers. It’s frightening.

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Would you call it social engineering?

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GOP is the party of cheap labor.

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The dumbing down of children......that's their goal.

The dumbing down of the US.

So fuckin regressive.

And to get low income and black & brown out of school.

Creating more Americans that live in or just above poverty. Future generations at won't join a union or vote. These new laws dare poor kids to drop out.......again, all part of their plan. Im surprised though some democratic states like NJ did it too. And to pay teenagers less?? Morally wrong. Same job = same pay.

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Putting it all together, adding it up—thank you. I do think there has to be some accommodation for children who want to work to help support their families. It’s what immigrants have always done, and it’s what they understand. Forcing kids who want to work to sit in (failing) schools lacks understanding and compassion.

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I worked as a teen...I get it. It's the rolling back of labor laws and protections that are harmful. Children working in hazardous or unsafe industries is a result. Solidarity!

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I did too, by my choice, and after school. Part of the problem is haphazard enforcement by the government agencies that are supposed to be policing these industries. More aggressive enforcement would cost a lot of companies a lot of money in the short term, but would, in the long run, result in a better trained, more experienced work force and a safer and less expensive work environment. Unfortunately, efforts at funding improved enforcement typically meet with the same response as the $80 million that was supposed to go to the IRS for that purpose. The return on that investment was projected at something like 100-fold but the donor class saw the writing on the wall and got it cut.

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Wisconsin’s Republicans tried to reduce work ages and remove permits though. Shouldn’t the parents of a 14 or 15 year old have a say? Children are falling asleep in school because they were at work late. It’s penny wise and pound foolish. Failung to graduate sets a child up to struggle finding family supporting work as an adult. Keeps ‘em hungry and cheap for employers though. That’s what this is about.

Why, in a nation of such wealth, can’t we help families so their children can limit work hours and focus on education for their futures instead? I’ve worjed from 15 on but my family made sure I kept my grades up. No grades, no permit.

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This is a truly brilliant and valuable summary of these issues, their intersections, and roots.

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Very enlightening. I had linked the school voucher and lower standards protecting child labor, but not the abortion ban resulting in a permanent source of labor. It is really difficult to believe, but sadly seems to be on brand.

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So sorry. Although the wonderful Joyce Vance lives there!

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