10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Love it Jess! My motto now is I’m 75, what the hell do I care what anyone thinks of me! I wish you could have made it here to my Event at John Knox this past Sunday. We had 75 people & Elad Gross & Keri Ingle & a fully engaged audience. For 2 hours a great discussion went on about Missouri politics & National politics!

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I am so happy to hear it. Solidarity.

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Yes, Susan is such a great constant irritation, we’re recruiting her to help with educating the public about our Lee’s Summit school board. They just voted to defund our district by asking for a lower levy than they are allowed. The call is coming from in the house!

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Once again I am in awe of your stamina and persistence in the face of such overwhelming adversaries. You are amazing.

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Excellent writing and excellent point as always Jess. I think we often underestimate the power we have as an individual to catalyze change. If we all are the spark, then we can become a roaring fire.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Can’t love this enough…. “If we all are the spark, then we can become the roaring fire.” Thank you!

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I thought the same thing and I think the fire is roaring right now.

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I love that. Our Lees summit school board member Bill Haley decided his table at an event supporting our school district with spend shotgun shells, a “redneck lives matter” banner, and a sign warning you may encounter the Lord’s Prayer, country music, etc.

No one spoke out against it that night. He claims he would have removed it if they did. It wasn’t until the next day he was called out. We all need to speak up and be willing to be say something. Otherwise, we are part of the problem.

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If we are the spark what is the kindling?

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Jim, there are enough lies out there for a bon fire 🔥

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Witnessing injustices like Jess said?

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Sorry, I guess I was a little arcane in my metaphor. I would consider witnessing injustices more like oxygen for the fire but not wood or something else that can burn.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

I really find it so interesting that big corporations don’t want to pay taxes, or support education, but they want to keep getting rich off of everyday people. If people don’t have money to spend, companies lose money, I literally can’t see their way of life or thought pattern.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

It reminds me of my divorce. My ex paid hundreds of thousands to a sleazy lawyer and saved less than that in child support. They hire lobbyists, open foundations....wouldn't it just be less expensive to pay the damn taxes?

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

The Kochs and their contemporaries have so much wealth and potential taxable income that the cost analysis normally cuts in favor of the spending to achieve tax avoidance. But also, some of the multi-millionaires/billionaires funding these anti-public education movements are themselves highly committed Christian Nationalists and very eager to do whatever they can to undermine public schools in favor of "Christian" schools and home schooling (where they can more broadly spread their indoctrinations in extremism). (See for examples the Uihleins, the Devoses, the Greens, Tim Dunn, Faris Wilks, and others.)

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As a Texan, Wilks and Dunn now own the Republican party and leadership in my state, and therefore the entire state government, lock stock and barrel. And they spout their “Christian” platitudes while doing everything in their power to crush any opposition and fight any compassionate or even common sense policies or programs, and all they want is to install their theocracy (which is really “Wilksocracy” and “Dunnocracy”), and has nothing to do with theology. As a Christian myself, but as one who actually believes in the separation of church and state, our public schools, and kindness and decency and compassion, this all makes my blood boil.

I am so SICK of the macho man, I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps, don’t make me pay taxes, don’t make me give a rip about anyone else, mentality. We are infected with this and it is killing our country. Of course the civilized society we live in and the stable government we have had (until now at least) is why they could make all this money! No man is an island. This total selfishness is going to kill us. It really is.

The cruelty and coldness and arrogance and utter depravity of the Koch brothers and all the rest is not what I learned as a child in my Sunday School classes in the 1950’s and the 1960’s. What I learned, what I believe, and what the Bible says is diametrically opposed to the “Christian” way of the Trump era. God help us. We need it.

Jess, keep on making good trouble….Thank you.

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In some respects, some of these people are intellectually brilliant. They are brilliant at making money. They are brilliant at availing themselves of government resources that help the bottom lines of their businesses. But the “good” they do, such as funding an art museum, is a spit in the bucket compared to have a more just system where everyone has opportunities. Some of the billionaires mentioned are the beneficiaries of family wealth. They have grown up thinking their were entitled to bigger slices of pie than anyone else. BTW, I can’t figure out how Amway (DeVos family) is anything but a Ponzi scheme.

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Don't confuse "brilliance" with "insidious corruption". Just because they manipulate our systems to separate us from our wealth (community or personal) doesn't equate with "brilliance".

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Yes! Agreed!!

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Jess, you asked why fund seminars when they hate public education, the answer is to take over the public school boards.

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That is even more scary…

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It’s probably not the taxes; it’s the idea that the peasants have the audacity to expect them to be accountable to anyone beneath them.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

you absolutely reinforce my faith in good people!! We need you in our lives and others like you!!! When i was a younger woman I can remember multiple times through elementary, high school and beyond being called the advocate of the playground as if that was a bad thing and having men tell me that I was "too much" when I spoke my opinion. The very things that I as made to feel less for I now am proud of! You keep going, keep speaking and advocating !!!!You represent the best of human beings!!!

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You are educating me in things that I should know. Substack may be the best instrument that has been available in recent times. At 77 I feel I’m finally getting an education. Thank you and I’m in awe of your dedication and spunk.

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Excellent strategy, Jess. I hope your testimonial helps inspire others to do the same. Yep, the funders and conspirators collaborating to disable, diminish, and destroy public education in favor of parochial / private/ "Christian" schools and home schooling (usually also in service of some extremist "Christian" doctrine) have been at this for years and will continue as long as they are making progress. Every small obstacle in the path slows them down just a tiny bit and offers the chance to educate the rest of the population about how they are being snookered.

And one more thought, regarding the sacredness of property that the Kochs want you to believe was of paramount importance to the Founding Fathers -- to the extent that has some truth in it, it is very much reflective of the fact that one of the biggest sources of wealth and capital in that era was the enslaved populations owned by the slaveholders. Yes, those slaveholders were highly committed to the importance of their continuing to own these other human beings (who could be bought, sold, used, and traded just like any other owned property). Was that aspect of colonial-era property rights expanded upon at all in the Koch-funded seminars? I bet not.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Ever since Proposition 2 ½ appeared on the ballot in Massachusetts, we've been witnessing the efforts of people who send their kids to private schools to defund public schools.

I understand that the situation may be better here than in other states, but it's still galling.

It's important that all of us continue to fight against the degradation of public education, even, or maybe especially, those of us whose children are long out of high school, and who may have more time to give.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Thanks so much for all your Good Trouble!

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You are a superb wrench in the flywheel of bull shit. I attended public schools my entire life and never once was aware of governmental oversight in my education, schools in mostly red states; KY, Iowa and Ind. This includes a degree from Purdue University. I was never aware of anything but mostly kind dedicated TEACHERS doing their best to keep order and giving the students an education in the history of our country, good English, science and math. Has education changed that much?? I don’t think so.

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Same here Anthony. Education under control by radical right wingers is a real danger. Denial of reality is dangerous.

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Jess you inspire me and give me hope! I look forward to your posts!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

I somehow was entered into the “Heritage Foundation” email chain. It is interesting to read the events and sources of information they offer. I believe there is a course that folks can register to learn how to be an effective sponsor. It reads just like propaganda if you aren’t on their wavelength. I am from St Joseph and I have watched St. Joseph Christian School expand tremendously in the past few years. Herzog Foundation is funding this massive growth. When Stan Herzog died, I had read that an amazing amount of money was going to be pumped into the education system, but I didn’t realize what was happening at the time. I am now becoming aware of the Herzog influence trying to defund our public schools. Crazy how they slowly infiltrate the community.

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They are absolutely trying to decimate the St. Joseph school district

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

I'm gonna start practicing being a burr in their sides instead of being a burr in my honey's side. I did register for the Sarah Huckleberry conference...I guess that's a start?

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

Good topic, Jess. Here in SC our Education leader, a Christian Nationalist whose children have never been in a public school has partnered with PragerU, a right wing propaganda outfit & introduced a teaching agenda that includes the following:

“ Other videos from PragerU argue that “income inequality is good,” that voter suppression is a “myth,” that the Democratic Party is responsible for racial inequality facing Black Americans and that that immigration from the Middle East and North Africa is part of the “suicide of Europe.”

One video from conservative political commentator Steven Crowder argues that efforts to rename Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day are about “teaching your children to despise Western Civilization.”

Videos about environmental issues argue that solar and wind energy are bad for the environment because of their building material needs, that a world without fossil fuels would cause “doomsday” and that conservatives’ approach to protecting the environment is better than a progressive one.”

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OMG. The Prager U videos are complete trash.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

She is a Bob Jones University grad who of course home-schools, during the election campaign it was pointed out that the SC Constitution requires a masters degree for Superintendent of Education, whoops! With 120. Days til election, BJU rushed thru her masters degree on-line while their website states it’s a 18 month curriculum.

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😩 These monsters need to be stopped by the Harris/Walz admin and thus is why voting down ballot is do important!

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It appears that they aren't only selective regarding elements of the Constitution, but also the Founders. I'd like to introduce them to my favorite founder, Thomas Paine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Paine

Thank you for the boost of inspiration, Jess.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jess Piper

William Buckley said that the Koch brothers were “anarchists” & he was not a liberal 🤢.

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