If there is one thing you should know, pre-file day is a shit show in many states, but I’m not sure Missouri can be beat in the most insane, dangerous, offensive, and ridiculous bills that Reps put forth. And, while I speak on those bills first, I’ll also include my favorite and most democracy-minded bills in the next post.
Here is a complete list of the pre-filed bills…
From Republican Bill Hardy, HB 1405 relating to public schools:
*No public school or school board shall require an employee or independent contractor to address, identify, or refer to an individual by pronouns that are different from the pronouns that align with such individual's biological sex if such usage is contrary to such employee's or independent contractor's religious or moral convictions.
From Republican Bill Hardy, HB 1408 relating to firearms in the workplace:
*No employer in this state shall terminate the employment of any employee on the basis of such employee having a firearm in the employee's vehicle on the employer's property when the employee is arriving to or leaving from the employer's property for employment purposes or when the employee is conducting activities within the course and scope of his or her employment, provided that the employee's vehicle is locked, the firearm is not visible, and the employee is not prohibited from possessing a firearm by law. An employer shall not be civilly liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of firearms that are stored in compliance with this section.
From Republican Dan Stacy, HB 1414 relating to the national motto:
*Local school superintendents, local building administrators, and chief administrators of the public schools in this state or institutions of higher education, or their respective designees, and the administrative officials of state agencies shall prominently display in a conspicuous place a durable poster or framed copy containing "In God We Trust.”
From Republican Mike McGirl, HB 1424 relating to school vaccinations:
*No student shall be required, as a condition of school attendance or participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities, to be immunized against COVID-19. No school shall require students to undergo COVID-19 diagnostic testing as an alternative to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination.
From Republican Bob Titus, HB 1508, on fetal personhood and banning abortion:
*Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image God, to acknowledge on behalf of the unborn child at every stage of development, all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state…To abolish abortion in this state.
From Republican Mazzie Boyd, HB 1576, on sexual education in public schools:
*For the 2024-25 school year and all subsequent school years, include a human growth and development discussion, which shall include: (a) A high-definition ultrasound video at least three minutes in duration that shows the development of the brain, heart, sex organs, and other vital organs in early fetal development; and (b) The "Meet Baby Olivia" video developed by Live Action, or its successor video, that shows the process of fertilization and every stage of human development inside the uterus and notes significant markers in cell growth and organ development for every significant marker of pregnancy until birth.
Pictured: State Representative Mazzie Boyd’s office door in Jefferson City
Here are a few bills with no summary provided as of yet.
*HB 1651 Establishes the Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act, by Rep Mazzie Boyd.
*HB 1697 Prohibits the use of tax dollars for reparations, by Rep Justin Sparks.
And last, but not least…
*HB 1624 Designates cashew chicken as the official dish of the state of Missouri, By Rep Jamie Gragg.
Lord have mercy…I’ll have better news for you tomorrow and talk about the great bills proposed for the next session.